Ultimately with R.C. Sproul


How do you focus on what really matters? Where do you go to regain perspective? Drawn from a lifetime of Bible study and reflections on the nature of truth, Ultimately with R.C. Sproul features unique moments of insight to help you understand what you believe and why you believe it. Renew your mind and grow in your knowledge of God when you listen to biblical teaching every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Set your mind on what matters most—what matters ultimately. A podcast from Ligonier Ministries.

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Recent Reviews
  • Over the garden gate
    More please
    I love these short messages of wisdom, but they always leave me wanting more! I now must go searching for the full lesson.
  • jakespex
    Love these messages
    Such a blessing to hear such intimate and eternal Truths shared with Dr. Sproul.
  • karataxis
    What a treasure!
    Pure delight listening to RC expound his understanding on that most important issue ...
  • Philip Heard
    Another Great Ligonier Podcast
    Helpful bite sized episodes of R.C. Sproul messages, love it.
  • voxoverguy
    Essential Listening
    Dr. Sproul can say more in 5 minutes than many preachers can say in 45 minutes! This is essential listening for me daily.
  • James_Roberts
    Meditation on the Lord Jesus Christ
    Christians are called to seek and to set their minds upon the things above (Col. 3:2). This little podcast frequently prompts me to do just that. Thank you, RC and Ligonier. Kyrios Christos.
  • BigDiez
    “Short but sweet”
    These episodes are packed with rich, spiritual truth and insight. I love that they are only a few minutes because it means I can still get edified if I’m lacking in time. Great podcast!
    Love this!
    I thank God for His blessings!
  • Adam Redwine
    Typical charlatan snake oil salesman who appeals to the masochist crowd
    Title says it all
  • SeQuema1
    My Mind Was Stretched
    Doctor Sproul has been a masterful surgeon of weighty subjects for implanting into the minds of many Christian people. Read his books listen to his RYM broadcasts. And get great snippets of his lectures from this thoughtful Podcast. R. C. Sproul changed my life to think Christianly. ttt.
  • Big Big Jay
    Pithy; pointes
    Really enjoy the format. I generally do not like short podcasts; this is the exception.
  • Active Listener 2022
    Active Listener 2022
    Totally love this man . His teaching changed my life ✨
  • Bob2321EWR
    My testimony is not the gospel
    There is no one like RC Sproul to zero in on what is spiritually important and explain it plainly.
  • Rensoom
    Short timeless samples of RC’s gift of teaching.
    So grateful to be able to hear him still. To God be the glory!
  • maggie111222443
    God is Good
    Such an awesome ministry and podcast! Praise the Lord
  • conutomagooto
    So grateful
    I have learned the truth of Scripture through the clear teachings of R.C. and Ligonier. Everything they produce is top notch, from Tabletalk magazine to Refnet.org
  • jojo klien
    Absolutely Amazing
    Each episode is so touching. R.C. Sproul’s teachings are timeless.
  • Shabdai
    Gratefully Listener
    I just want to take advantage of this media to tell my always #1 teacher Dr. RC Sproul, after the Teacher. I just want to declare that through my faith; if little it doesn’t matter, but I one day I know that I will bless my soul giving back to Him and His kingdom, what I’ve received from, in this instance THE LIGONIER MINISTRY. Please don’t ever leave us, because at least In my casa; I need from Ligonier Ministry in my living hood. At least for the last 33 years of my life. Help us all God Lord, Thank you RC for your loyalty to the verb of God.
  • Jorge From MASS
    Those little reminders
    It does not take much to be reminded of who our Lord is. I enjoy having Dr. Sproul remind me every day.
  • CharliePeck
    Little bits of Wisdom
    Awesome snip bits of wisdom from a wonderful Reformed teacher!
  • NexusXX
    R.C. Sproul
    Do you want an education in theology? Better yet a true relationship with Jesus Christ. You get the Gospel here folks! Enjoy!
  • Big Mike from O-town
    Foremost theologian of our age
    Arguably the greatest Reformed theologian of the late 20th and early 21st century. R.C. is a treasured voice of reason and truth in a truly confused age.
  • Paul in Indiana
    Thoughtful and insightful. It is a great way to start the day with right thinking about the character of God and insight into Christian living.
  • Ms Pup
    Rich blessings!
    ULTIMATELY podcasts enliven my day; I look forward to these nuggets of teaching from Dr Sproul, as I also anticipate RENEWING YOUR MIND. Ligonier is spot on for providing excellent doctrinal standards through every resource. Your offerings are like a rich vein in a mine we visit several times daily. I just want to say THANK YOU. I am blessed beyond measure.
  • Ozidu
    The is only one RC
    You never go wrong with RC. The clarity of his teaching, the certainty of his convictions, the reasonability of his arguments - all of these ensconced in the word of God; make RC a joy to listen to.
    This is my favorite podcast!
    If you want to love God more, listen to these podcasts. If you know Him more, you will love Him more, and then make Him known more!
  • tripleeight888
    You didn’t finish RC’s quote
    I was wondering why you didn’t finish RC’s quote. You only said the beginning but you left off the end. His quote was “ God loves the world enough to send the only one, He doesn’t love the world enough to say u can ignore the only one. Why did you leave off the part that says “ He doesn’t love the world enough to say you can ignore the only one” ? The whole quote needs to be quoted.If RC was here what do you think he would’ve said. Dave Reisinger - Milford DE
  • Pedsdo
    Very potent life-changing messages, just long enough to start my day off focused on the Lord. Perfect music accompaniment!
  • LetNegra7
    To God be the glory!!
    Sound Biblical teaching- God using RC and Ligonier to feed His people with His Word. The Lord used Ligonier during dark and difficult times in my life I now know happened according to His will for his glory and my blessing!!!! May God continue to use your ministry. Thank you!!
  • KLM20202
    What a treasure!
    I know that we must guard our hearts from idols, but man I sure love Dr. Sproul and his decades of faithful ministry. I had occasion to meet him several years ago in, of all places, Wichita, Kansas. I remember it fondly to this day. Thank you Ligonier and thank you Father for giving us this wonderful gift of ministry.
  • ReneeJK70
    Salt and Meat
    Just a pinch of salt and a bit of meat to start my day! So much to dissect and ponder upon in just a few minutes of listening. So satisfying!!!
  • His Sister in Christ
    Ultimately with RC Sproul podcast
    Excellent short and very insightful nuggets of wisdom based on the Word of God!! When listening, felt like RC was speaking directly to me... like he was still alive...these short messages reminded me of his passion and delight he had when preaching or teaching!! Love it!
  • emttim
    A great way to salt the oats on a verity of topics.
    I’ve been appreciating getting little snips of thoughts and truths that Sproul was able to mine out of scripture. A great way to set the appetite, or salt the oats for more. To that a suggestion: There have been some that I’d love to go back and hear the whole episode when a topic particularly interests me. I’d like to see a link in the description to where I could buy the whole episode.
  • Kardith
    The start of a journey
    I met RC in 1977 at Ligonier valley study center in PA. We drove there every Monday to hear him speak for 2 years. He ignited my desire to know more about God. RC helped lay a foundation of faith for me that I will be grateful for forever. Thank you Ligonier for this podcast! A treasure.
  • vgkiyfsz
    Appreciate RC
    I have never met him but I have heard his voice almost daily for so many years he seems like an old friend to me. These short messages are packed and powerful.
  • Nixie1120
    Thank you.
    So thankful for these.
  • GEM <><
    Nuggets of Wisdom
    So beautiful, so enlightening, right to the point, biblical, stern and compassionate, fill of truth and light. A total blessing to the soul. 💎<><
  • AngelMendezJr
    A Hero in the Faith
    Few theologians have taken the truths of God and made them both very interesting and truly edifying. Take a listen.
  • Palooka61
    God’s Word.
    Sound Biblical teaching and theology done the way it should be ! Thank y’all.
  • DeltaRazorback
    Solid theological teaching. Short and succinct. It’s definitely worth subscribing and downloading.
  • Mrtarheel
    Time well spent
    These few minutes are such a blessing from someone with so much wisdom & truth.
  • Bearbabe25
    More Than Encouraging!!
    The messages shared here are nougats of truth. R.C. was a master teacher and God has graciously granted that we can continue to benefit from R.C.’s wealth of knowledge. Thank you, Ligonier for sharing these encouraging thoughts!
  • Jeffshortstop11
    Miss Him
    Another way for me to hear the word of God from the one who brought me to Him in his teachings. RC is a great connector between your heart and mind to Christ.
  • Magistramom
    Inspiring and Insightful
    I am thoroughly enjoying these inspiring little lessons from one of modern time’s greatest thinkers. It is time well spent.
  • HenryKeith
    Timeless, succinct Truth
    As always, Dr. Sprout helps us to see clearly what ultimately matters on this journey home.
  • Jodyc60
    Nuggets of Spiritual Truth
    Though I love listening to full lessons from R.C. Sproul and the other Bible teachers from Ligonier, these pithy podcasts have their place, too, as they’re like a spiritual shot in the arm that focus my heart, soul, and (especially) mind on Jesus during busy times of the day when I can’t listen to a full lesson. Please keep them coming!
  • DAPJR2
    Wonderful to not only hear RC sharing his knowledge and understanding of biblical truth but the passion bursting from his heart and mind. Thanks for developing this podcast. Anticipating episodes to come.
  • Shlinq
    RC is the man!
    Great podcast. Looking forward to his ideas.
  • gracebible36
    Man of God
    I am grateful that we can still be encouraged by RC. He was truly a man of God and served Him faithfully. Please continue these messages.
  • Phroneoman
    R.C. pointing us back to Truth
    If you don’t know who R.C. Sproul is, this podcast gives you 5 minute sound bites of some of his profound and educational audio. Hopefully this little taste will lead you to listen to more of him. He is a master at taking big theological concepts and distilling them down to make them easy to understand.
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