Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul


Renewing Your Mind is the daily podcast of Ligonier Ministries. R.C. Sproul launched this outreach to help Christians gain a deeper understanding of who God is as their minds are renewed according to His Word. Listen to today’s message to dig deeper into Scripture and apply its timeless truth to your life.

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Recent Reviews
  • Corey Lambrecht
    Derek Thomas
    Podcast producers: please listen to today’s podcast with Derek Thomas (3-23-23). I could not finish it due to his heavy breathing and wet, smacking noises he makes with his mouth. I am not exaggerating or being a troll. I love Renewing Your Mind and will continue to listen. However, please try to find a way to gently notify Derek that the mouth noises, deep breaths, smacking, and swallowing hinder his message. PS: people subscribe to this podcast to hear the late great RC Sproul. Why not just continue to air his old messages only? The current crop of speakers are simply not as good as he was.
  • chubby baker
    Robert Godfrey is boring
    He takes too long, to say too little He contributes nothing to spiritual knowledge or practice.
  • PeteB.
    Deep Sermons
    When I became a Christian, I had somewhat of a hard time following Dr. Sproul. As time went on I learned enough to appreciate his knowledge of theology. His style is more of a lecture than a sermon, if you could call it that, which makes sense, as he was an academic for most of his life.
  • kylejmeyer
    God bless.
    This is the best podcast for Christian thinkers today! Thank you R.C. Sproul and team for putting it together. PAX VOBISCUM
  • Psycho Dru
    God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit
    God bless you all in Jesus Christ name amen
  • Tednjane
    God bless!
    Thank you for the work you do for the kingdom. Great bible teaching!
  • Tiffi222
    Great teaching
    The doctor has everything I need to defend my faith with biblical text and real life examples. Every time I listen I am encouraged and uplifted in my personal life as well as my Christian faith. He hits topics relevant to me, such as creation, apologetics, marriage, family and mental health. I highly recommend daily listening!
  • Cgb270
    Extraordinary wisdom.
    Unfortunately, Dr. Sprole has passed on but the man was a Titan in every sense of the word. I know not of a man with a more precise command of the English language. A brilliant Theologian as well as a magnificent preacher. What a life! There are a number of splendid apologist as well as a lot of superb preachers but being the pinnacle in both realms is an astonishing accomplishment & he maintained said status for decades. These types don't come along often. All of his work is worth consideration & contemplation. His book, "Are we together?" is one of the most informative and educational reads I know of. There is not a better source of reformed Theology than this guy. Straight shooter and I'd guesstimate that he was most likely a mensa member or certainly should have been.
  • Number Two.
    In the blurb for the recent episode you have “the Bible contains God’s message of salvation….” As a former student (RTS, ‘89) of Dr Sproul’s I believe he would say “the Bible is God’s message” to distinguish between our reformed conservative view of Christianity and Carl Barth type neo-orthodoxy. Just an observation. Thank you for your outstanding ministry.
  • Spurgenist
    A true Scholar.
    I love Dr R.C. Sproul i miss him Dearly. But I’m positive I’ll see him again in God’s Kingdom. Thank You for all the wisdom that came from all your Brainiac’s.. 😘❤️✝️ Anthony Contino.
  • bechet12
  • Temi!!!!!
    Renewed Mind
    Stumbled on RC’s teaching on Family Radio in 2020 and since then it’s been an everyday program for me
    I thank God for this ministry.
  • uyim56
    Rightly dividing the word
    I began listening to RYM two years each morning as I drive to work. By the grace of God I have been a follower of Christ for a long time but there is so much I didn’t know but by listening to this broadcast I have been greatly blessed.
  • The Worshipping Honey Badger
    Flat-out edifying
    Instructive. Erudite. Sound doctrine. Training us to renounce ungodliness and to treasure the holiness of God as we grow in grace. Thank you.
  • Finkboys
    God’s word is comfort in a world, deceived
    So grateful for the life and ministry of RC Sproul. The way he explains things and the way my heart and mind recognize his teaching as Truth according to the word of God, is just such good food for the soul. Whenever you are lonely or hurting or need encouragement, or even companionship, God and His word are there, and to have such good preachers and teachers available to us through this technology? What a blessing!!
  • AncientDoors
    Bible based teachings
    I truly appreciate this podcast. It’s helping me grow in understating Biblical facts, not regurgitated traditional or domination rhetoric.
  • D Brightwell
    So grateful for I learn from this content.
    Concepts that are mind changing which change my heart.
  • MKD 82
    So grateful for all RC’s teaching has meant to my growth in the Lord. Sorry he isn’t still with us, but rejoicing that he is with the Father in glory! He had a way of making the profound simple and understandable.
  • James_Roberts
    Work your mind and body
    I commend this podcast in the highest terms. I listen to RYM in the early morning while doing my workout routine. Two episodes is a good fit. I have learned so much theology from Dr. Sproul and other teachers. This is a high-value listen for sure.
  • Berdmama
    Biblical truths
    This podcast is so helpful as R.C Sproul teaches truths from Scripture. He is an amazing speaker and always explains things in ways you can understand and keeps your attention.
  • picknrollal
    Wonderful teacher
    I never tire of listening to Dr. Sproul. Even several years after he has gone on to glory, Dr. Sproul’s messages are still so impactful.
  • qwerty123456789098765434567662773456789654323484236
    Biblical wisdom
    I miss Dr. Sproul, but I am so thankful that his biblical wisdom and clear teachings outlive him through these recordings.
  • Because of his great grace
    Renewing your mind
    Remarkable insight to live the Christian faith Thank you for edifying the saints!
  • good church!
    Amazing 🤩
    Really good lessons for church best podcast
  • Pantrymoth
    Great Podcast
    I love to learn new things—or get a refresh—from the Ligonier podcasts. This one is a gem. I’m grateful to have so many of Dr. Sproul’s teachings available.
  • uberstank57
    The Best of the Best
    No one brought me from milk to solid food better than R.C. Sproul and the Ligonier team.
  • Nerdhoff
    Reformation series
    This series is captivating. Excellent! Thank you.
  • Jesusfollower9
    Great theology
    I a really look forward each morning to hearing the podcast the theology is very Biblically based. The truth preached when there are too many preachers preaching an empty gospel. I learn so much and it brings more light and truth in a dark world.
  • 999999gd
    Great theology!
    Amazing stuff from RC
  • Still So Much to Learn
    Thank you!
    Intellectually invigorating … and renewing of faith. Love hearing RC, but greatly appreciate those who continue to row the ship.
  • Ccatd
    Bible truths from a genius
  • AfRaven1237
    Excellent Show!
    This show is incredible! I’m so thankful I found it. It really allows me to understand my Heavenly Father and his word so much more. It honestly feels like I’m in the class learning with these incredible teachers! Sinclair Ferguson and R. C. Sproul do an amazing job. Everyone truly does! Thank you so much for putting our daily podcasts! This is a true blessing!
  • jlm521
    Renewing your mind
    RC Sproul is the greatest theologian of our time. I love this podcast.
  • jakespex
    God’s Grace
    In these teaching of God’s Word is life transforming Hope through Word and Spirit. AMEN
  • Paulseywall-z
    Deep Truths
    I’ve learned much from R.C. Sproul and his colleagues. I don’t miss a discussion (episode) and usually connect to the podcast right after alone time with God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
  • RMK of Bayer
    Reliable Theology
    Renewing your mind has been an influence for good in my continuing effort to better understand the God of the Bible.
  • ara8675309
    Wonderful for Newly Reformed Christians
    I have grown up in a Lutheran Church, and never felt that the messages I was hearing were accurate and consistent with scripture. This series has done an incredible job clarifying the “big questions” in regards to theology and has enriched my understanding of scripture. I find that these small excerpts are informative, clarifying, and perfect in length that I can fit theology into my everyday routine. Thank you Ligonier Ministries!
  • gdm907
    Student of the word
    Simply the best of the best.
  • Texas Gabe Z
    Scholarly and Practical Biblical exposition
    Ligonier Ministries has advanced Bible passages and Christian topics explained in detail from a Biblical, Theological, Historical, Traditional and Practical aspect. We learn what it meant, what it means and what to do about it so that our Christian lifestyle is enhanced and we can contribute to God’s Kingdom every day. Humble people with over qualified backgrounds and experiences share the Gospel and Christian topics in a thorough manner.
  • 1790-95
    Excellent answers to difficult questions
    Top-notch speakers deliver well thought-out remarks.
  • JoshuaK222
    Reformed Theology 🙌🏼
    Absolutely necessary program especially in our day… it helps us get back to God-centeredness and the freedom that God’s Sovereign Grace brings. Thank God for programs like this that proclaim biblical Truth and stay true to the Word and the historical Christian faith! 🙏🏼
  • Josh DeVaughn
    Solid teaching
    So glad there is still solid biblical teaching in this world today. Thankful for R.C Sproul and his willingness to serve God
  • Lovemy fam
    Gifted and Blessed
    Heavyweight champion of this era for Christ! I love Sproul! Enjoy those rewards in Heaven dear brother !
  • ahavah33
    Great content and format
    Spiritual soul food
  • Rebmiami
    This podcast is inspiring and a great blessing
    The solid and scripturally sound teaching of R. C. Sproul and the other ministers of Ligonier Ministries are a great blessing and provide the Christian believer with illumination and guidance on the path of life.
  • Berfday
    RC Sproul was and is a blessing
    I’ve learned so much from RC’s teachings and sermons. He’s been a blessing in many ways to myself and others and a huge help in my walk.
  • Philip Heard
    Accessible Christian Theology
    Ligonier publishes tons of helpful resources for the Christain faith, and they excel at making theology accessible and helpful regardless of where you are coming from.
  • a plains
    Thank you
    You gotta love to find someone who God uses to speak to you the exact words you need at just the right moment you need or call out to him…RC has been that voice for me and God bless his soul and you folks for sending them into the airwaves… Thank you
  • el.monstro
    R. C. Sproul is a Godsend!!!
    R. C. Sproul expresses/interprets the Word of God so eloquently, it penetrates a desire for more of his teachings. He explains the Word in such detail/depth, and clarity for everyone to understand. His teachings have hit to the core of my heart in such a way, it has even brought me to tears from time to time.
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