

Late-night television's award-winning news program featuring anchors Juju Chang and Byron Pitts. For in-depth reporting on today's major news stories, to features, profiles, Nightline has the last word in live network news.

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Recent Reviews
  • USA Mknitter
    Matthew Perry and depression
    Chris Connolly’s report on Matthew Perry (Monday, October 30, 2023 episode) was excellent. It showed that prominent, and even the everyday, common American, deals with depression/sadness, or failure, and should be willing to address it and NOT sweep it under the carpet. We are ALL human and thus, subject to failure daily. Why, then, are we so afraid to talk about our failures and be real? What has our society and culture come to? My spouse had major depression 10 years ago (I did not even see it happening) and will only discuss when feeling safe or in a safe situation, even with me. A lot of the depression/failure feelings come from my spouse’s childhood of which there is nothing I can do about it—except to listen/be available when needed.
  • Loganfool
    What are you doing?
    Is the world really that quiet?
  • Souljoi
    I love the full stories that they tell; HONEST REPORTING.
  • Slowdive23
    Towers over 20/20 with the Audio Format
    I enjoy listening to Nightline here in podcast form everyday. The sound is well modulated, and the background music audio is much lower than 20/20, and far less dramatic / discordant. Small nitpick: Ginger See’s voice. She tries very hard to sound like a teenager.
  • Nicehickey
    Too much name calling and awful hateful language.
  • dudeperfect (tyler)
  • WA Mom of 2
    No translations
    I enjoy the stories, but when there are people speaking Spanish or anything other than English, it would be great if they could provide translation. It’s pretty frustrating to listen to most of a story only to get to the end, and have no idea what is being said. I’m giving 3 stars because it happens often. Please fix this and I will gladly give 5.
  • MHinich
    I subscribed to this news podcast so that I could stay up-to-date on what is going on in the world. I have listened to it for three weeks now and will be unsubscribing today. It’s not that I don’t agree with all of the views that are expressed here. But, no matter what your views are, I don’t think it is right for a news broadcast to be so biased in the way they present the news to everyone. I found this podcast to be just that 😐
  • Lvreader
    Okay for additional information
    This isn’t the news show that Ted Koppel or Cynthia McFadden hosted. It’s okay entertainment and once in a while they dig deep into a topic. I listen once or twice a week.
  • MissyHarvey
    Agree, this show is incredibly biased.
  • gaubro
    Goodness gracious you are biased
  • mr. happy pt. 2
    I agree with the last review. Only problem is episodes are formatted for television. But I’m happy, I let my imagination fill in the gaps.
  • Tyfgnm
    Nightline was once a serious news source. It has devolved to being infotainment and a publicity outlet for Disney projects. No Thanks. There are still real news shows being produced.
  • Panana66
    No ABC
    Don’t watch anything on ABC. Not worth my time!
  • Mishegas
    Have the hosts introduce themselves
    I listen all the time, but the problem with listening is that you can't see captions or info on the screen. It would be nice if the hosts would introduce themselves...good evening I'm Dan Harris for example. I can recognize his voice, but a few others hosts I cannot. Otherwise I do enjoy listening each week
  • WinAZ
    Great variety
    This podcast has the variety that I like. It's the only news podcast I subscribe to; the others had far too much political stuff for my taste. The only thing I could live without is all the movie/TV advertisements (disguised as news).
  • Park fan 1
    Where is the video??
    Every episode is directing my attention to watch a video. THERE IS NO VIDEO!! Add video already!!!
  • out for a walk
    Why is the podcast not available the following morning like it was in the past?
  • artie1manpartie
    Good News Augment - Not Primary Source
    Since the departure of Ted Koppel (and maybe before), Nightline seems to have shifted it's focus. This is not the program for getting all the significant stories of the day, and they rarely touch on the most relevant topics of the past 24 hours. What they do is a detailed, in-depth story that is relevant to a large segment of the population, and the result is a more complete picture than what is often delivered on nightly news broadcasts. For this reason, I like Nightline as an additional source to my daily dose of information. I listen to it every day and enjoy the program. It's never "edgy" or provacative, but it's always a solid broadcast.
  • AAChicago
    Fix it
    It will not download on a subscription- you have to manually fetch it. What is up with that? Please please fix!
  • Gordon1717
    Never updated.
    Terrible! Never updated. Newest podcast is from Feb 25th! I've switched to NBC, at least it's updated daily.
  • Garyw12000
    Good news clip of the night before. Will be there in the morning to catch up.
  • Dreamshake
    Great podcast! I really enjoy listening to it
  • Nay-Nay4567
    ABC New
    Thanks for the great coverage you give on the latest news. I love this Podcast!!!!
  • Male USA
    What a waste
    Very bad sound quality. Background music plays continuously. No picture. WHAT A WASTE.
  • Boston Donald
    This shows podcast is lame!!!
    The show is lame with out the video,and they don't always post the show. Those are 2 major faults with this shows podcast. ABC has it's problems,the lights are on,but nobody is home.
  • Ripstitch
    If they read these
    Night line used to be way cool as a video podcast. Wish they would bring it back. PLEASE!!!!
  • Apwillia16
    Apparently no one cares.
    Pageant Dads? Really
    That's all I had to hear before I cut it off. Miss Kopell. This thing is a piece of crap now.
  • Jordanlinsey
    Is anyone from ABC in charge of this?
    I agree with the last few reviewers. Why is it so hard for them to update this podcast consistently and correctly. Some days the previous night's podcast is not posted and sometimes it is not complete. I love nightline and would really like it if they could fix this podcast!!
  • J.Walters
    I love this, but...
    2 or 3 episodes a week are incomplete! Whoever transfers it does not even realize this! If the episode is only 9 minutes long...then it is incomplete! It's supposed to be a half hour show!
  • kamm19
    great content, shoddy uploading
    I would love this podcast if they could manange to upload it correctly and consistently, but whatever the problem is they don't seem to feel it's a priority to fix it. Sometimes the podcast downloads five days a week, sometimes one or two. One out of three podcasts cuts off without warning in the middle of the broadcast, cutting someone off mid-sentence, which is unbelievably frustrating. If they would assign an intern with a minimum of tech-savvy to be in charge of the upload, I would gladly give this podcast 5 stars.
  • _bret_
    Listen if you can.
    News with no Quality Control. Watch it on TV, because you'll be lucky to get a whole episode. (Episodes are frequently truncated)
  • sarahal
    i would really love to listen, but....
    the show always cuts off before it's over, and it isn't updated correctly... the stories are never labeled correctly, either.
  • EBM critic
    Great when all of it is there …
    This is a great podcast. The problem is that someone is sleeping at the wheel when they convert it to a podcast. About 2 out of every 3 episodes cuts off less than halfway through. Come on, ABC! With your reputation and resources, you could at least exercise some quality control and ensure that all 22 (+ or -) minutes are there!
  • HeatherONB
    Cuts off midpodcast
    I would rate this much higher if it didn't cut off midway thru the broadcast at least once a week. It will end in the middle of a story which is very annoying.
  • VinnyBove
    Consistently frustrating
    Whoever produces their podcast is not paying attention, because the episodes are frequently less than ten minutes or less in length, cutting off the show halfway through. It's been like this for months, and I'm on the verge of cancelling my podcast subscription. Then again, their news topics are usually pretty lame, so I'm not sure why I even listen in the first place. Best for you to look elsewhere.
  • ChrisMonti
    who produces the audio?
    it is a 50/50 chance on getting a full braodcast! show is more on the line of entertainment tonight.
  • Kissander
    editing issue?
    Content is hit or miss about 70/30 to me. They do seem to spend a lot of time on pop culture for a news broadcast. But the issue that drives me insane is how the audio cast is often only 10 min long and cut off in the middle of the show. What hapened to the other 17 min?
  • redcamp
    Cut off
    The news s good, but comes truncated all the time - at least here.
  • Chaim Schmuck
    Pure Fluff
    The world's economic system is collapsing and these people spend half the show talking about Barbie's 50th birthday. This podcast is more of an infomercial than a legitimate news source.
  • U.S. Expat
    Get rid of Martin Bashir
    I enjoyed listening to Ted Koppell on Nightline. I enjoyed listening to Lawrence Olivier narrating Victory At Sea. They both spoke good English. Martin Bashir is not pleasant to listen to; I find his accent grating. I can't imagine what qualifies him to be on television.
  • ncc1701s
    No Integrity
    After Charles Gibson's and George Stephonapolis' horrible excuse for journalism at the Democratic debate, I am boycotting all ABC news podcasts and TV news broadcasts. ABC News is more like Reality Entertainment.
  • Ratskiller
    Just sad!!
    When Ted Koppell hosted Nightline, I really liked the format, since his departure the show has slipped to a nighttime version of GMA. There is no really good information to be had from "Listening" to this show. Also where is the video version. Even though this broadcast is bad, I would have given another star if it was in video format. Please ABC get with the times and give us VIDEO!!
  • thebookpusher
    Nightline tomorrow
    While the content of this show is excellent, the download time is incredibly slow. In fact, this commercial channel, ABC, has extreme server issues. Download of one show typically takes 6 - 9 minutes. While it is kind of ABC to share an overtly commercial show, it would be lovely if delivery of the show were a bit more enthusiastic.
  • bluelike
    A sign of the times...
    What was once a reliably smart and informative show is now as dumbed-down as the rest of mainstream news. Some of the episodes are great, but then McFadden comes on and gives you an entire show about Beyonce Knowles or rich people that are sending their dogs to acting school. I DON'T CARE!
  • ritsn
    re: segment "My Fairly Unknown Lady"
    I was just 12 at the time, but even I knew that Audrey Hepburn was snubbed for an Oscar nod in large part because the public knew she didn't sing the songs that made Julie Andrews a star on Broadway as "My Fair Lady." Yet that fact was totally reversed and made a main point in this Nightline segment. It makes me wonder how much else of real importance ABC news gets wrong in its "reporting."
  • eisdriver_xian
    Saving Our Children
    In this show Ms. Mcfadden said "the day has finally come...December 21st 2006...Jessie's 18th birthday...."...I am both thrilled and proud that Nightline has gained the ability to report on events that HAVE NOT HAPPENED YET!...I think 2005 is the year you're after Ms. McFadden...while you gaze into that crystal ball of yours, would you mind sharing who wins the next presidential election? Inquring minds want to know...
  • Chrissy_blue_eyes
    A Broadcasting Students Best Friend
    I'm a broadcasting student and news podcasts are a life saver! Anyone who says they have time to sit and watch the evening news as a college student is seriously disturbed. Thanks Nightline for making an intelligent person's life just that much more interesting.
  • ben012886
    Great Stuff
    You do not need visuals to follow the Nightline podcast. Great, up-to-date, hard-hitting news that anyone can and should listen.
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