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mcmurrayjliveNopeCan down load them won’t let me.
pinkmuskratAmazing guide to foreign policySo sad the show ended. Past episodes are still a treasure trove of timeless great explanations. Don’t assume you have special prerequisite knowledge but treat you as being smart. Hosts are good at staying objective and have a witty dynamic between them.
Msquared19Nice and thoroughGood show. Good analysis. Just an FYI, the quick Arabic lesson from the July 29 episode regarding how to pronounce the Islamist party Ennadha was incorrect. It is not an aspirated “h” sound (ح), but rather an aspirated “h” sound (ه). Just FYI. Other than that…good show and good content.
Mi-marieA Forever FanSeeing this show go is a sting to my heart. I loved the topics & discussions. I truly appreciate all the hosts’ insight & wish them well in their other endeavors.
Lovetoshop28Great female leadsWonderful female leads. The dead weight of uselessness is Zack. When will Vox learn to elevate the ideas and opinions of the most capable and limit the mediocre to the corner
Maude The ThirdHard to Listen to the Selfish MansplainingThe female contributors to the reporting and discussion are outstanding and make for compelling listening. So it’s still worth it in spite of the battering headwind that is Zack. If you’re activated by college-kid-level intellectual narcissism, maybe give it a pass and follow the journalism of the Jens. I feel like this problem is a long-standing pattern at Vox. Don’t rely on excellent female journalists to counterbalance annoying male ones. In the end, the whole is weaker.
midwestBluejune 17 showur comnent about that g7 photo with trump. trump was pouting like the child that he is because he couldn't get his way. the rest of them were like his parents and uncles/aunts saying no donnie not this time. hahaha
TheLollipopGuildGreat podcastthey don’t talk about soccer enough, honestly
DafuuniHuh?Why do the hosts keep chuckling during the Israel-Gaza loop episode? Also please rehearse your material before even recording. It’s kind of painful to listen to a million pauses.
SmicheleclarkSilly tone is odd for facts being presentedI was interested in getting an in depth and critique of events happening around the world from the perspective of Vox employees. But it’s hard to listen to after a while when they can’t stop giggling or laughing at themselves, maybe because they’re not confident in how they present the info, but it’s definitely not landing as humorous. It comes off as this nerdy club that’s full of them selves and maybe isn’t as knowledgeable as they want to be or think they are. Their guests are more informative and serious in their presentation, and it’s sad to hear the hosts cut them off with “USA, USA.” In a way they’re turning the show into a joke in itself.
InliwaI love this podcast!!!Another great Vox podcast.
BaseballGAnother misleading mediaIf you want people to understand world power, please explain it from all perspectives. repeating authoritarianism is the only thing you can say about China. As an example, I want to hear people who have been to China and know China to talk about China, at least do some research unless all you try to do is further brainwashing Americans with terms like democracy and freedom.
Marc RobillardIt’s okThe topics are interesting and the hosts are thoughtful. However, the conversation often seems to ramble. I often get to the end of the 40-50 min long show and am unsure of what the “point” was - or what about the analysis I need to walk away with.
king boofusAnnoying hostsI love the Weeds but these hosts are just kinda annoying and think they are more clever than they are. (Please stop saying “sort of” before every clause. Hard to listen to for more than a few minutes. Unsubscribed
ROHAN. 321Great stuff but other vox better than thisAmazing content great but a lot of other vox shows are better than this
SastephanieGenerally good contentThe hosts are very knowledgeable and engaging to listen to. Their voices all drive me crazy and they seem a bit pedantic and too critical.
Seagon_Not what it used to beI’ve been having a really hard time with this show lately. I come to Vox for complete journalism that tells the whole story about an issue and pushes us to question assumptions, but this show lately has been full of lazy neoliberal takes for “complex reasons.” I don’t think I’ll be coming back for more.
Jorge92745More conceptual?I enjoy stepping away from the politics of the moment and hearing about things that are more conceptual. That being said, one of the big challenges in news these days is hearing about what’s going on around the globe. So probably a mix of both current news and conceptual framework‘s is helpful.
HotsexypantsGood subjects, annoying hostsVery good podcast for in-depth learning about current world events, but the hosts are just too annoying. They try to have inside jokes and live in an imaginary world where their proposed actions would have few negative consequences. I just wanna be informed about current events without the self righteousness and bad humor.
XanekkaIf you don’t know, just say you don’t know. It’s okay.The world is a big place. No one can truly understand the nuances of every part of the world. To pretend as such is a Trumpian approach to the world. Yet, at the very least, you could conduct proper basic research for basic facts before you start your show. But you don’t. And you should be ashamed. Your episode on Burma is littered with so many basic factual errors and assumptions that I thought I was listening to a Qanon podcast. Also please do not make generalized statements with conviction and confidence about people, countries and situations that you skimmed on the Internet. Thanks for highlight the events in Burma but coverage was counterproductive.
lrhhrlWorldly or American Ignorance?“Bombarded every day with news from around the world” is in the show description yet it seems the only news that matters is coming from the US...
PBB420Worldly is not so worldlyStop covering the US as much. Please! There are enough Vox podcasts that do that. Another one is just unnecessary
SunnycreekAnother great podcast from VoxLove it! As with Vox's other podcasts, this one is interesting and informative👍🏻
CH1378Motel 6 keeps the light on for youLiberals think if they take a vacation in another nation that means they are worldly and all knowing.
Farhad RezaeiConflict between Azerbaijan and ArmeniaHi guys, really enjoy your podcast. Can you do an episode on the conflict of Azerbaijan and Armenia.
Sadie FooteGreat Topics - needs more equal inputI really enjoy the topics that Vox puts out on worldly. Any discussion on US foreign policy is very biased, but this is more of just a discussion among colleagues of their opinions, so I find it interesting. My only complaint is that I wish Alex piped up more. Most of the show is a dialogue between Zack and Jen. I enjoy Alex’s perspective because he tends to be more neutral and just analyze an issue based on all factors. I will say - Jen knows the Middle East very well. I do enjoy listening to her on this topic.
Rmm mmReally want to like this show moreI love Ezra and Matt but I’m not a domestic policy guy. I do foreign policy, especially from a non-US-centric perspective, so I was really happy to see a Vox podcast take this on. Worldly is a good move in that direction but really needs to up its game. If the hosts can’t speak knowledgeably about a country, region or issue, then don’t talk about it or bring someone on who can. But don’t do half-news/half-policy because then you just get the worst of both. Vox: Give me a podcast that gets Weeds-y (or Ezra-y) about different corners of the globe. Go deep on national context and comparative structures. Make it mini-series if you need to. So always good to see more foreign policy podcasts out there. Keep it up.
Hope V HHow Joe Biden Sees The WorldThis by far is one of your best episodes. Compare and contrast between Biden & Trump, Biden & Obama and Biden & HRC are so informative. My takeaways are: You are industrious students of our world. Each leader has strengths and weaknesses. The key is to surround oneself with competent individuals. We can all learn and practice this key to success. Many thanks.
beccajbirdThoughtful. Provocative.This podcast is really helpful to dive deeper into difficult topics. I appreciate the varying viewpoints with civic discussions that help to provoke my thinking. Highly recommended.
bpfrank8Palestinians in West Bank have stopped using violence?You’re kidding, right?
redwag0nMy only complaintI only have 1 issue with this podcast. It’s not daily. This and the Weeds go together so well. Editing to wish Jenn a birthday happy
JabittanThis is Jen’s birthday presentAnd the podcast is excellent as well.
jigsmorfHappy birthday Jen!This is her birthday present, but Worldly is a really great podcast too!
Speichers in ChinaHappy Birthday JenLove the podcast!
DoctorWhat7uInformative and excellent rapport among hostsI love these nerds. Also it’s jen’s birthday, allegedly. So happy birthday Jen. You are my favorite one!
megie8911Happy birthday Jen!!
The Birthday GifterJen’s birthday presentThis 5-star review is Jen’s birthday present 😀
HokieHi2016Happy birthday Jen!Love this podcast
razz67890The happiest birthday to Jen! 🎂Love this crew, love this podcast. Always informative.
Bebop userInformative and Fun Birthday PresentGreat episode in honor of Jen’s birthday.
childQuackHappy Birthday 🥳-
happi happyHappy birthdayGreat show, longer podcasts please.
gambigambigirlHAPPY BIRTHDAY JENLove love love
FynbiosHappy Birthday Jen!Love the show, and look forward to when it releases every week. I wish there were more foreign policy podcasts like this one
@iamchrisbarlowHappy Birthday Jenn!But seriously: This team delivers world news with a relaxed tone that make bad news feel like smooth jazz. 🎷
JabeorwhatJenn’s Birthday PresentHappy birthday Jenn. But seriously, great show. Can tell the hosts values are in the right place even through sharp, nonpartisan explanation and analysis. I always learn something. Thanks guys.
CzarPeter727Great ShowGreatly informative, covers international issues in easily understandable ways and are fair to the different sides of a given issue.
sarah e ughHappy birthday!Great podcast, keep it up!
ProgullHappy Birthday Jen!exploding from the womb of ignorance into a world of knowledge!
KuhrisyHappy Birthday Jenn Williams!!Zack & other guy(sorry) told me to.
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