The Run-Up

News #227Politics #81

“The Run-Up” is your guide to understanding the 2024 election. Host Astead W. Herndon talks to the people whose decisions will make the difference.

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  • Janjanjanjanjanjanjanjan
    Outstanding Election Coverage
    Honestly, this is probably the best NYT podcast in my opinion. It’s that good. It has been my favorite election coverage since the Circus in 2016.
  • TJ '90
    Really impressive
    Week after week I really look forward to listening to whatever it is that Astead has to report on. I initially began listening with the intention of hearing from “the other side” as I lean a little conservative. I now listen because I feel he covers topical politics in the best and most informed way even if I don’t feel like he speaks from my perspective. Thank you for being bold in your choices to report in the most unbiased and filtered manner in my opinion!
  • workoutmom21
    Latest episode
    I really appreciate how you pushed Ron Klain. You articulated the concerns that many, many, many of us have. If it’s the most consequential election of our lives then why isn’t the Biden campaign fighting harder? It’s clearly because they can’t. Thank you for shining a light and voicing the concerns that so many of us have to political operatives, who are clearly incredibly out of touch. Astead Herndon is a gift!
  • Krisa A
    Focusing on Biden’s Age is not helping
    Overall, I love the show and reporting! However, I think the media’s overwhelming coverage of Biden’s age has been very unhelpful. Repeating information at some point gets ingrained in how people think and what their reality is. The way far-right media keeps spewing Trump’s lies, his followers say verbatim when asked why they support him. If all media keeps focusing on Biden’s age, they are doing the same thing - making moderate and independent voters keep using his age as a reason not to vote for him. The office of the Presidency is not as all powerful as people think. Instead of the President’s debate performance, more people should have been concerned about the Supreme Court’s barrage of decisions. Talk about power! I trust Biden to run this country given his experience, compassion and wisdom to surround himself with advisors who can actually get things done with the whole country in mind. And as long as he is the Democratic nominee, I think it’s pointless to keep focusing on his age.
  • AmTx2
    Love this pod. Feels extremely topical. Excellent reporting.
  • *nmr
    Correct the lies
    Hi, I enjoy the show most of the time. However, you really need to educate the people when they say things that are absolutely false. I understand your are trying not to be combative and get the other side of the story. Thank you for all you do!
  • AKA Queen Mab
    An unfiltered glimpse into American politics
    I love this podcast. But to be honest, it's not always an easy listen. Listeners have to be patient and resist the need to judge —:no matter how outrageous and baffling some people's views are!, Instead you have to embrace the unfiltered truth about what many voters are actually thinking. The podcast isn't just what you want to hear, and that's one of the things that makes it incredibly valuable in the current media landscape.
  • deborahtn
    Happy to have found this podcast
    Mr. Herndon is filling my need to hear the voices of real voters. I have been looking for a news cast that doesn’t lean towards one political view. As an independent I really appreciate the hard work you and your staff do. Thank you.
  • Tpoach
    Lies unopposed
    Whenever the interviewed makes a false or misleading statement, even if just mistaken, Astead rarely corrects the statement with facts, even if only for the listeners. What’s statements are true? Which are misleading or false? Who knows, because statements are never challenged.
  • Hjugfjiknjjhjih
    Used to be interesting
    I’ve listened to this show for quite some time knowing there was a super lib bias. I previously was impressed with how neutral the reporting was but recently it’s like they’ve given up. The hatred and lack of respect for anyone who expresses a different option is on full display. Interviews have become rude and dismissive. A shame.
  • Ricky Tenderkiss
    Do we no longer fact-check conservatives?
    On the whole I enjoy this offering. But do we no longer fact-check conservative guests? Do we allow guests of that ideology to say whatever they want, unchallenged? Do NYT journalists become mere stenographers from time to time if that ensures conservative guests will appear on your podcasts? I understand it may be difficult to get a good cross-section of guests: ours is now a fragmented news ecosystem, and a few conservative billionaires have spent a fortune manufacturing a p.r. behemoth within it which only superficially resembles journalism, but within which borderline fascist guests are instead lobbed softballs and treated — literally — like royalty. So when Kellyanne Conway has a choice of shows on which to appear, and a conservative ecosystem will echo her nonsense uncritically, you must be tempted to go equally easy on her to get her on your show. And this, in fact, is what it sounds like you did for your episode uploaded around 2024.05.30: allow Kellyanne Conway to ramble unchallenged, particularly on the topic of Donald Trump’s criminality and his conviction in civil court on charges surrounding his sex crimes. But why?? If allowing her to prevaricate, dissemble, and outright lie is the cost of having her on as a guest … is booking her as a guest really so important? If you are choosing ratings and sensationalism over hard-hitting facticity, then you are veering quite far from journalism’s core value. The better world we were on course to build may feel more distant then ever right now, but please don’t be among those who abandon that vision and grab for the easy money instead.
  • sunshinemantra
    So Good
    Thank you, Mr. Herndon. I’m so impressed. For example, I have recommended interview with Vice President Harris to more than one person. So good.
  • stinky lefty
    RFK Jr is right about one thing…
    Attacking Celinda Lake for the unforgivable crime of being friends with a republican was just gross. While he’s made a number claims best described as dubious in the past, RFK Jr. hit the nail on the head during his truncated appearance; this host is a shill for the DNC, not a journalist. “Orange Man Bad” media sources are a dime a dozen, the Newspaper of Record should do better.
  • pumpkinmsm74
    Love the pod but…
    Why don’t the women get to have last names???
  • RoninLu
    Love hearing perspectives of everyday Americans
    It’s so insightful to hear from real voters. We are not a monolithic society and sometimes I think that everyone should fit into a certain box but when I hear people’s thoughts in a way I would not otherwise be able to, it makes me realize that we all want the same things by and large. I feel like Astead does a really nice job with the interviews and being impartial so we can really get the honest opinions people have. I hope this continues after the election.
  • Learner A.
    Micro vs Macro Economics
    The people interviewed in Dayton clearly expressed their understanding of how challenging it is to survive as a low wage worker. Does the Biden campaign hear those eloquent voices, or is Joe Biden so convinced by his macro economic message that he cannot take in a different reality?
  • Prashantg80
    Maga mouthpiece
    This show started out great. But the journo here like most nytimes journos got little too much into access journalism of the right. Full epidodes with trump election officials with little to push back on lies and propaganda and then tying it back to the nytimes agenda of making it all about Biden’s age all the time. Total nonsense
  • TH3 G3RMAN
    Great show
  • news_reader77
    This should be labeled an NYT opinion podcast
    Mr Herndon would be better suited as an opinion columnist not a reporter. He never hides his opinions and whether he’s sympathetic to the person he’s interviewing. He’s also just not a great interviewer, his question formulation could use a lot of work.
  • Sarlbro
    I have loved this podcast up to 5/9/24. I think he did a good job overall being non biased and still pushed for the truth. This most recent podcast seemed way too one sided and I’m disappointed.
  • Kikimontmartre
    Good podcast but…
    Lots of perspective here and I never miss an episode. BUT Not sure Astead even realizes that he spends a lot of effort trying to get people to say why Biden can’t win. You were wrong for the midterms Astead!
  • mo[re]vie[w]
    So Old !!
    The age obsession is getting old.
  • Jennerkearns
    Keeping a Narrative
    Never seen someone voice-over and active interview drowning out someone’s answer to a questions asked by a host. Not okay.
  • LaTonya W
    Amazing host and podcast
    I love this podcast!!
  • jack.grim
    Best Political Podcast
    This podcast is excellent. It consistently delivers high quality reporting and engaging interviews. The host, Astead, is also very thoughtful and always has the best the questions. Honestly, the only politics podcast I need in my life.
  • CinciJJ
    Awesome on the ground politics reporting
    Love Astead’s interviews!
  • Maekar_I
    Very left-leaning AND DISSAPOINTING
    UPDATE: I just listened to “Don’t ask RFK Jr about being a spoiler” and it made me lose so much more respect for the host, Astead Herndon. The whole episode was Astead attacking RFK Jr and trying to find a “gotcha moment”. You can almost feel the anger coming off of him. I don’t know how this is journalism. It is more of an opinion show and it made me agree with what RFK Jr said, that Astead Herndon, and his show, is only there to promote and further the Democratic Party. I don’t mind a little bias in a show like this, everyone has their views and it’s very hard to keep unbiased when doing anything, but this show is EXTREMELY left-wing. Annoyingly left-wing. I consider myself a democrat, would describe myself as “a little left of center”, so I don’t write this as an angry Trumper who doesn’t like truth being spoken about my supreme leader. I write this as a normal (somewhat normal…) American who is sick of extremes on both ends. This is supposed to be “journalism” but, like a lot of other shows, starts taking a left turn that doesn’t end. It would be nice to hear some reporting where the author/creator isn’t trying to shove their views down my throat while masquerading as neutral reporting of facts. This could’ve been a good and very interesting show, but it’s not.
  • ronnivl
    ♥️ astead
    love this podcast
  • AndrewH1962
    Thanks, Astead!
    I appreciate your work. Your interviews are skillfully conducted.. It helps me see how the individual details of folks’ experiences shape how they come to their voting decisions. Whether they be committed party voters, undecided voters, independents or complete non-voters. It shows that the the sweeping demographic, cultural and philosophical identities that are so casually tossed around in much of the media are, at best inadequate and sometimes do more to obscure than illuminate.
  • collywolly711
    Excellence in Journalism
    This is some of the best reporting and journalism that’s crucial to understanding the facts on all sides.
  • Haverstrap
    Needs a different host
    I’ve been a long-time listener of the daily, and when the Run Up began I was optimistic. There have been some good episodes, but the host seems to have a hard time articulating his questions and continues to repeat what he asked. The biggest disappointment was the RFK, Jr episode, where the was a blatantly obvious agenda to drag the presidential candidate because he dares run agains the two-party system. After the previous episodes, of the hosts hearing Americans’ frustrations about the current main party cacndiates, it would have been nice to interview a third option in a honest way, with journalistic integrity. I am no longer listening to this podcast.
  • racyjefe
    1:1 Interviews are The Let-Down
    The good: helpful
  • Jupe2
    Wow. Speechless. How rude and unprofessional…
    @Listener53 Great interview skills, eh? You appreciate how Astead asked about vaccines, and then when RFK Jr finished his background context and began to respond to Astead’s question he was cut off and you didn’t even allow him to answer. How incredibly rude and unprofessional. Instead you did some strange voice-over disclaimer and unilaterally ended that part of the interview. Normally, I appreciate the conversational nature of this podcast, and being willing to discuss different political viewpoints. That ended today…and it reminds me why I stopped subscribing to NYT years ago. So much for professional and unbiased journalism.
  • RSS1234567890
    5 simple questions for Trump supporters
    If someone, not Trump, a person of color, a woman, someone in the LGBTQ community who’s for birth and gun control was accused of only 1/2 of the charges, would you want them in the White House? If Trump is innocent, why delay the trials where he could immediately to clear his name? Do you honestly believe that a multimillionaire has anything in common with you or understands your daily challenges? (You’re mad about the price of eggs while his family is buying islands from foreign governments) Why is he the only one saying he’s innocent while the rest are calling this a political attack? (Kinda like a murder who says “You just don’t like me!”) If he did nothing wrong, why does he need immunity?
  • 04Heaven Slake
    Why platform conspiracy theorists???
    I have loved this podcast up until Vivek and RFK. Both of these guys are complete buffoons. Trump is bad enough but at least there is an analysis there and he is the front runner for the Republicans. Vivek is a clown. RFK’s own family has disowned him. Neither of them needs the press. I’d rather have a pundit analyze them and their attraction rather than give them free publicity.
  • Thomcraw
    RFK Jr. was unfair to you
    Although I somewhat agree with RFK Jr. that The NY Times leans democrat he was completely unfair to accuse Astead of that. I’ve been impressed with the even handedness of The Run Up and the tough questions and reporting on both R and D sides. The Run Up is my go to podcast for information on the election and a great education beyond the sound bites you get everywhere else. Keep doing what you’re doing and know that this conservative believes you to be fair and honest in your reporting!
  • Megan639
    Really appreciate Astead
    Absolutely love this podcast. I’m a political moderate who has major issues with both parties and both candidates but I really appreciate all the hard work Astead puts in to traveling the country and speaking to voters as well as politicians from every side and every party. Even though it’s a NYT’s podcast and it’s obvious that Astead himself leans left, I find that he’s able to get along with everyone and show everyone respect, even when they sometimes say offensive (or racist) things to him that make me cringe. To be able to treat everyone with equal respect and kindness is a rare quality. Astead is a true journalist! Keep up the great work!
  • EVM 888
    Let Voters Decide For Thenselves
    Any intelligent listener will see that you would not allow us to hear RFK Jr’s views on health and vaccines. Instead, you talked over it and told us how to think. You’re scared to let voters decide for themselves. The good news is that most podcasts allow RFK, Jr to speak and air the whole podcast. It’s very transparent what the NYT is attempting to do. They fear that he will be a spoiler for Biden.
  • New York Democrat
    Ridiculous censorship
    Talking over and censoring RFK JR was so egregious. Just let the man talk! We can determine what’s real and not. You’re coming across as a corporate pharma shill. His overall point is that there is not enough separation between pharmaceutical companies and the govt.
  • Listener53
    Great interview skills!
    I just listened to the RFK podcast, but should have or could have written the same review many times when you are doing interviews. I really like how comfortable you seem to be while pushing back or pressing when they try to blow off your question with a lot of other talk like many seasoned interviewers do. And I particular is like tell you interjected within the podcast to provide factual content, following RFK’s stated beliefs, on some particular subjects like vaccines. Great job!
  • JSAC1689
    Great podcast! Astead does an amazing job at looking into at both parties evenly. He also did an amazing job during the RFK Jr. interview. I look forward every Thursday for a new episode.
  • HomemakerNJ
    Bias is starting to show?
    I’ve enjoyed this podcast for a while now. The host has mostly remained neutral and interviewed people on both sides of the aisle. Todays episode was nothing like that. He kept asking RFK, Jr. how he felt about being a spoiler candidate and how he felt about pulling votes from either establishment candidate. And he would not let it go! RFK finally was like I don’t even understand your question because why should he care? He’s running his own race. I’m not even a supporter of RFK but the host kept hammering away at him and I’m not entirely sure why. It was weird and got tiresome.
  • Nicolewaves
    Good Show Concept. Terrible Host.
    Does the host of this show ever take a breath? He is a terrible interviewer — constantly rambling, being catty, etc. Ugh. This show is hard to listen to. The interview with Ron Klain was painful. Thankfully, Ron is mature and knows how to handle immaturity.
  • YinzDave
    Mixed reviews
    The podcast does a great job of covering both sides of the aisle, as well as diving into detailed topics not typically covered in political podcasts. Unfortunately, the host weaves his opinions through every episode. And that’s hard to look past.
  • chocolatecityusa
    Astead. Where was the rigorous fact-checking after Viveck Ramaswamy’s egregious lies? Why didn’t you push back, even remotely? This week feels like you’re pandering, and I don’t understand it.
  • rootsinireland2
    Such a pro
    I love listening to Astread on this podcast and the Daily. He is so respectful to everyone he interviews and reports the the facts, not his opinion. Very smart reporting.
  • Done listening to you
    Repeat again
    I agree with the repeat comment. The same question asked many times does create clarity. Perhaps it’s Astead’s age that is the issue-is he just too young to understand? Perhaps both he and Biden should quit their jobs and work out their “age” problems.
  • And then, and then
    Throughout the show it is apparent that there are items that are wanted to pushed. The same questions will be asked over and over again until the issue feels stale or the interviews fit this lead question structure to the frustration of guests. (ie Why do like Trump? What’s so great about trump to you? Did you know trump is criminal, but what do you find so great about him?) or (ie Did you know Biden is old? How old do you think Biden is and why does that make you angry? If Biden does cause he’s old, would it be because he’s so old?) The show is fine in snippets, but frustrating to listen to regularly.
  • Johnisrad
    Astead is an absolute legend
    We’re all running along with you. Thanks for leading the way.
  • Xio Martinez
    Thank you.
    Today’s episode was so helpful for me, as I feel like I am being gaslit into thinking Biden was never going to be a one term president. I truly appreciate how Ron Klain was pushed over and over again on this point. Biden might not have literally said he wasn’t going to be a one term president but that was implied when he ran. Bridge implied one term.
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