
by NPR
News #103News Commentary #25

Embedded, NPR's original documentary podcast, unearths the stories behind the headlines. Police shootings. Towns ravaged by opioids. The roots of our modern immigration crisis. We explore what's been sealed off, undisclosed, or never brought to light. We return with a deeply-reported portrait of why these stories, and the people behind them, matter.Supermajority is a new 4-part series from NPR's Embedded, in partnership with Nashville Public Radio.Reeling from a mass shooting at their kids' school, three Tennessee moms become advocates for gun control. But this isn't a story about gun control. It's about what they find when they step inside their state capitol for the first time. The women, all lifelong conservatives, are met by a Republican majority in the legislature that looms large and appears unwilling to consider their plea.Host and reporter Meribah Knight has been following the mothers as they confront powerful lawmakers, a dizzying legislative process and most importantly - their own long-held beliefs. What can these women accomplish? How will the work change them? And what might it all reveal about democracy?Support in-depth storytelling that matters by subscribing to Embedded+ and unlock early access to new episodes and sponsor-free listening. Learn more at plus.npr.org/embedded

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  • laurenruthmartin
    What Tennesseans Need to Hear
    I’m a lifelong Tennessean who has grieved what has been happening in our state. This podcast is what every Tennessean on both sides of the aisle (and those in between) need to hear. This election in the fall is important and my hope is that this podcast will create the change we need in the state. Thank you for featuring us.
  • jon-bics
    This is why we need this
    Amazing production, reporting…and possibly the best/worst snapshot of our culture.
  • HurricaneBrax
    Unsurprisingly bias
    Was hoping that a major editor calling out the organization would result in maybe a shift toward actual journalism but sadly nope. Unashamedly bias muckraking - zero nuance and pure rhetoric. It may not surprise you that no discussion is given to the background of the hapless attention seeker who murdered children because that cretin did not fit the narrative mold - instead discussion is strictly about how hard it was for the white woman and the POC legislatures who lusted for the revocation of human rights. Move some immutable characteristics around in the cast of characters and this piece would be about how awful it was that a racist white man shot some folks and how disgusting it is that people are trying to disarm the victims. Sad state of affairs that so many would rate this highly given it’s vicious disregard for integrity and unsettling praise of authoritarianism. But what would you expect from legacy media.
    Not the podcast to feel good!!
  • Cmf02860
    Great show
    This show is phenomenal. The ability to dig deeper on stories that are of interest to people helps us learn about people, countries, cultures, events, etc. I enjoy it!
  • Gerard1118
    Thank you. Truly a wonderful example of what great journalism looks like.
  • Reviewer Nickname
    This is an amazing podcast. I can’t believe I didn’t know about it long before now, because I’ve enjoyed Kelly McEvers’ reporting on NPR for so long. I’ve started at the beginning, with S1 E1, and I’m really excited that there are so many seasons I’ll get to enjoy. The research and reporting are approached with intelligence, humility, and sensitivity. The pace and editing are right on, and the subject matter is evocative and riveting. I highly recommend it.
  • prinetucey
    Coal country Buchanan county
    My boyfriend is from Buchanan country Virginia. His whole family and many friends were coal miners and worked in the industry. He clearly remembers the day he was cutting the grass around a coal area and he said he would never work in the coal mines and became an engineer and was very successful. His heart is still in the country, his sister lives there. He has a wonderful Appalachian accent and told me his senior high teacher told his class that they would be made fun of and seen as not as smart as other people. He took that to heart and used it to work for him. He is currently writing a book about his life there. It is a very powerful story.
  • pattongl
    Friendly Fire Fatalities
    A deep dive into not only an all too common tragedy but into the subsequent cover up. This represents the highest tradition of investigative journalism. A sad but necessary job well done.
  • gd7947
    Too long
    Why does every topic have to be a series. I’m currently listening to The Kill List. The title drew me in but dang I don’t need such a drawn out story. One episode would be enough. This story could be told in a half hour. All that background story is just time filling. I don’t need a book for every podcast I listen to.
  • Jmc7536362
    Standard Gender Ideology
    Lots of contradictions throughout. Kids cannot reasonably consent to this. Especially without pre-intervention psychological evaluation and the support of unbiased medical professionals and parents. Worth listening to just to hear how misguided and ideologically motivated people are on this.
  • S.A.O.G.
    The stories that have been missing
    With all the (infuriating) public debate about trans kids, the historical context and youth voices have been missing. This podcast helps right that wrong. The stories are told with humanity, respect and journalistic rigor.
  • Barely awake
    Thank you.
    As a mother of a transgender young adult and an American raising her kids overseas, I am thrilled to hear the history and voice of young trans people presented to hopefully curious Americans and people worldwide. Thank you for helping to educate the world around us. It means a lot. I feel supported as an ally and mother through these dark days of the American trans community (& again, worldwide). Step by step.
  • ChiefDlock
    Well done
    Informative, entertaining, thoughtful!
  • Yellowstar!!100
    Thank you for finding the truth
    You all do such an impressive Job at finding the real story. Thank you
  • At an me
    Amazing Stories
    Each episode takes you into a story wanting to know more. And just when you think that story is the story you want more of they take you into another story you want more of. Sometimes the stories are interesting and sometimes my heart hurts. But to feel the story is the mark of a good story teller, investigator, journalist. Without people telling us these stories, we would never know them, stuck in our own small boxes thinking our problems or are experiences are the only ones that matter.
  • Gosaterfftg
    Tried listening to episode 1 of Love Commandos. Too much foreign language. I’ll pass.
  • Laurda Brady
    Brilliant & captivating
    I’m not one to normally write reviews but I simply cannot not rate this. This podcast is my favorite thing to listen to as I drive—each episode is enthralling and gives a great insight into the very real people behind each story. I sometimes listen to as many as 6 a day! I never want to run out. Super compelling journalism that is truly a gift.
  • cantwell123456789
    Terrific! Smart, insightful, and a pleasure to listen to
    I love Embedded. I got drawn in by The Last Cup which was amazing. What a story arc. What a great method of tying two stories together. I have since started at the beginning of Embedded. The episodes make my day. I really enjoy Kelly McEvers. I hope I never run out of episodes.
  • John Rooke
    Well done
    Great season! A sad and brutal reminder though of how the military exists to sustain itself first and protect us 2nd. History will judge us by how well we treat our veterans and those foreign nationals who risk (and give) their lives alongside them. And right now, in my opinion, is a huge stain on our national pride. Great reporting.
  • RoMakes
    Great podcast!
    Love the journalism that goes into these shows!! These storytellers are masterful, ensuring you are hooked within the first few min of episode 1.
  • LisaMarieSchultz11
    Taking Cover
    As a former Army service member, this reporting really hit me hard. I too was in Iraq and Kuwait in 2004 and could not make it through many of these episodes in 1 sitting. To all my fellow brothers and sisters, I see you. Thank you NPR team for putting into words and into one story what the government and top brass didn’t want us to know. We risk our lives and I appreciate you getting to the bottom of what for. War is terrible. I hope we never enter another country like we did Iraq.
  • SPT thoughts
    Thank you to OUR troops and the journalists!
    Listening to this on Memorial Day ‘23 brings many thoughts and feelings to mind. Just a ome of which are: Sorrow for so much loss, both to our troops and their families and also to the average citizens of Iraq. Gratitude for the service of these men and all of our troops. Admiration for these journalists who fought so long and worked tirelessly to get this WHOLE story and factual account out to us all. (Special kudos for pressing on and not wrapping the incomplete story until the interpreter’s story was uncovered!!) And pride to be a sustaining public radio member who supports this work. I am changed forever because of the determination shown by ALL of those involved.👏 And as a result, I hope I can help to do better for those who cross my path❣️
  • jfs_apps
    The legacy of our fallen, question everything.
    This podcast shares the trauma experienced by the Marines, Corpsmen and their families who were in Fallujah during the early days of the Iraqi conflict. Their voices, as well as the Iraqi family who lost their loved one, demonstrate the loss that remains years later. Their sacrifices are real and raw even after 20 years. The lies of their superior officers are political, self serving, and an antithesis of all the USMC prides itself on. Thank you for shedding the light on the vain and fruitless Iraqi war Bush started without stated objectives, except to remove Saddam Hussein. The chaos that vacuum created should have been anticipated and avoided. “Friendly Fire” incidents are documented for the past 100 years. That officers don’t use this incident in their training exercises is also inexcusable. As a daughter and sister of career Marines, I can only say that after Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, we must demand that politicians who make decisions about going to war should be held accountable for their actions. Finishing this just before Memorial Day poignantly reminds me of the many lives lost in service to our country. Semper Fi Donna Seelyo
  • BojanglesThePug
    Excellent Reporting
    Drove to NAS North Island listening to this in the mornings every time an episode released. I’m glad to hear of some accountability being held for people who’s decisions affect lives.
  • JoSperry
    This story needed to be told. Well done. It is hard to call out the very people we all trust to make dangerous decisions.
  • spelkeybrown
    Bravo for Buffalo Embedded
    I Came of age in the ‘60’s and always considered myself as solidly pro-civil rights — and not particularly needing any more education on the topic. Having listened to just the beginning of this brilliant dive into a sector of life that I now realize I do not really know anything about, I feel like my eyes are opening for the first time to what is really going on in the country I have always lived in. I am really impressed, Embedded Team. I will tell my friends. And I can’t wait to hear more.
  • emmylou1212
    Dare I say this podcast is TOO good? My only complaint is that it’s screwing up my sleep because I stay up so late listening to it. Brilliant storytelling, incredibly talented journalist who ask amazing, thoughtful questions with so much respect for the subjects. The trust they build with these folks shines through in the amazing access they’re able to get. But please let me sleeeeeep!!
  • No Surrender!
    Buffalo Extreme
    Phenomenal job on the 5/14 episode. Great work.
  • chowdershouter
    Breath of fresh air!
    Thank you so much for the courage, passion and professionalism it took to tell this heartbreaking story. I was always agains’t this war and protested against it for all the difference that made:)) But, now, so long or short afterward, it is incredibly refreshing to hear someone in the American military say, at the very end of this masterful podcast, that American soldiers in Iraq were an occupiers and many of the Iraqis killed were members of their resistance, defending their country agains’t us. Some truth. At last.
  • Paige in Florida
    So humbled by their service
    What an incredible podcast and investigative journalism. Thank you God and Thank you to the men and women both American military and foreign interpreters and translators who have served for our and other countries’ freedom. To those who died, may you Rest In Peace in the arms of God, I am humbled by your sacrifice and service. To their families, may you find the truth always, and find peace amidst your grief.
  • Mrstinkachu
    Many feeling…
    This is the kind of research and reporting that makes me proud of our freedom of press. This story is heartbreaking at its core. Not only because it is about the accidental death of three men by an accident by our own men, but because of the coverup by the Marine Corps who should and do know better. It makes me angry, sad, and disgusted. I will be recommending this podcast to anyone who is interested
  • MacBlackSeattle
    Investigative journalism at its best
    A remarkably effective accountability exercise for the US government and the US people 20 years after the invasion of Iraq, which was based on false information and propaganda. Please keep it up NPR; fabulous journalism!
  • adddytya
    Fantastic reporting on a riveting story
    Is there a go fund me for the Iraqi family of the interpreter that was killed?
  • spiritual reminders
    Profoundly moved
    I was profoundly moved by Embedded's coverage of the friendly fire episode. I served, but I did not serve in Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan. To have served, to have been injured, to have died in conflicts where those who sent us knew the people they sent were pawns..what can one say? And then on top of it to lie to those who serve, we're injured, we're killed...
  • jbliii
    Truly astounding reporting
  • Gav127715
    Thought provoking and heartfelt
    I lived through the years of the Iraq War as a young adult, so this podcast opened my eyes and showed me a very different perspective. Thank you for your dedicated and heartfelt efforts to tell theses stories.
  • lrryal
    Great investigative reporting.
  • guswrinkledog
    Gotcha Journalism masquerading as a investigation into the trith
    Be better NPR.
  • aardpark
    Possibly the best podcast series I’ve ever listened to
    Great journalism on the part of Tom and Graham. And the marines who lived through this experience - you guys are amazing. Thank you.
  • Goldenhar
    Kelly- You and your team are the best! Thank you. One of the best podcasts.
  • Revenchism
    Excellent journalism; excellent editing
    The series expertly digs into a friendly fire incident that was kept from the American public. The hosts expertly construct their story and lead the listener through their investigation. Never once was I lost or confused as to who did what.
  • Andrew of the Keeper's Union
    Taking Cover
    I’ve always been a fan of Embedded. You have raised the bar again with Taking Cover. Thank you to Graham and Tom for their doggedness on this story and for making sure it is told. It is sad to learn of the steps the military took to cover up the truth about these heroes.
  • kaevance
    Journalism at its best
    Taking Cover is a great example of why NPR is so important in our media landscape. Not sensationalist, but not afraid to look at an issue square on. Such an important part of democracy. Thank you all.
  • MNfirefighter37
    Top notch documentary podcast
    The way this podcast tells a story and the content provided is top notch.
  • crt2102
    Great and informative reporting, listen to every season
  • ReneeRaleighNC
    Honest Reporting
    I love hearing the details that aren’t shared in the local media reports. I appreciate the honest, deep dive with the investigative reporting.
  • mshibley924
    Just excellent and in-depth reporting
  • Sammer99
    Top Notch.
    Appreciate your reporting, honest and unbiased! Topics are engaging, job well done!
  • Esmegrl
    Excellent reporting and insightful
    My father was a medic in WW2. Your detailed reporting brought back many memories of our talks and gave me a renewed appreciation for what our soldiers sacrifice when they serve. It angers me to hear how our government has treated the families of these fallen men. Thank you for all your journalistic work and perseverance in getting these stories into the public light where they belong.
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