Focus on Africa


Three essential stories to round off your working day. Explaining the big topics and news from Africa, the people behind them, plus an African perspective on global stories. Hosted by Audrey Brown. Five days a week, ready by late afternoon, Monday to Friday.

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Recent Reviews
  • CFWyatt
    Great story on swimming
    Compliments of the season from Houston, Texas! Thank you for the story on swimming and for your transparency about your own experience with drowning. I learned to swim at the age of 40 and it was life changing. I pray that you will meet your goal to learn to swim this year. You can do it! And we’re cheering you on.
  • lekkersoosafirecracker
    Bring back Africa Today
    I used to listen daily to Africa Today….it was so informative and I learnt so much about the whole continent. This current format is a real disappointment. It’s a longer version of Africa Daily with Alan Kasujja, and really, he can’t be beat. Go back to Africa Today, and I will listen daily, instead of once in a long while.
  • sciencepyar
    Please go back to previous Africa today 😭
    I’ve listened since 2016, I loved learning about elections and other issues effecting Africans inside Africa. Now the quality and format has completely changed. I stopped subscribing
  • Poem44
    Needs revamping, a lot
    I loved listening daily to get news, this isn’t really a news show anymore. Also the interviewers cut off people mid sentence, wrap up segments before a salutation, and raise their voices at times with some people that they interview. As a Black American who is interested in what is going on across the globe, this doesn’t provide much substance.
  • Tamronovich
    You report about baguette shortage, care home abuse and ignore a civil war / unrest in Ethiopia’s Amhara, in which hundreds - thousands die, and a population bigger than most African country’s is affected directly. No doubt you have a disgraceful motive in ignoring and playing down.
  • AfricaLoving
    We don’t like this format
    The BBC has succeeded in stripping down the significance of the African continent by reducing the rich and entirely satisfactory Africa Today podcast to this anemic and most unsatisfying version. What was wrong with the previous format— a comprehensive and extremely reliable news roundup on the politics, economy and social life of the entire continent, delivered every day by beloved presenters who always took a critical African perspective we enjoyed? Africans across boundaries and continents bonded and connected by their love for that podcast. We don’t like this format. With due respect to the hardworking producers and presenters still working on it, we appreciate you, but this format doesn’t work for your decades-long loyal listeners.
  • elginman
    I really don’t like the new podcast. It should be called focus on a few topics in Africa. As Black American, I looked forward to the daily news from the motherland, now I feel like I’m getting a magazine version of news, a lazy version of information from Africa..... NOT GOOD!!
  • Batonica
    It’s not Focus on Africa
    I have been listening to this podcast for more than three years now. I’m very disappointed with the reports on this podcast. Most of the news are about same countries in Africa. About three years ago my country Guinea-Bissau had election. It was a mess of an election. It was reported here. That was the first report I heard about my county. This month June 4th we had an election and the winner was announced on June 8th. It was a peaceful election. I’m happy about it! No report about it in this podcast. Nada. It seems as if they favored countries the speak English. For the countries that don’t speak English, they only report about them when the news are bad there.
  • Chris_McLean
    Miss this dearly
    I have always loved and listened to the Africa Today podcast, ever since I took my first African Politics class at university. I will miss it dearly but am looking forward to following the news and updates from the BBC’s Focus on Africa in the BBC Sounds app.
  • 😉💙🙃
    23 August 2022
    Thank you, I enjoy your podcast immensely. However, I do think China is taking advantage of many countries and projects in Africa at large. Clear projection of your stories on a regular basis.
  • park nomad
    DRC reporting shoutout
    My friend, Muhindo runs a community based park ranger association in Goma city, DRC. They do wonderful things to educate youth about conserving and protecting wildlife near their villages near protected areas. Africa Reports helps me understand the political and environmental issues of the area so we can support him more effectively. Rick Parmer, California State Park Ranger Association
  • T Drinker
    Impacts felt from War in Ukraine
    Thank you for featuring the impacts felt by the agricultural sector from the war in the Ukraine. I am curious to know if the environment will benefit from less application of industrial fertilizer, less nitrogen runoff and such. Regenerative agricultural practices may be part of a solution.
  • ephil867
    Great source of Africa news
    I like the style and small updates beforehand on other stories before jumping into the main events and stories. I think more positive news could be included, but I appreciate the interviews and the input from people in the countries. Love the podcast, one of my favorites for Africa news!
  • nndeen
    Bad News
    Is only bad news allowed here? Do better
  • Geumpyhistory
    Hard hitting analysis
    Great interviews and explainers on issues affecting the African content between African countries and their place globally.
  • Eme@Kenya
    Balance please. Can we hear stories of hopeful interest?
    First I am glad that you are publishing daily news. But you really must balance the news of rape, devastation, intimidation, hunger with positive stories. We are more than just stories of criminal behavior. Only then will I rate it a 5. I am not looking for fluffy stories - we have many positive stories of substance across the continent. If you give your reporters that directive, they will come back with great content. Please seek balance.
  • izark28
    Round up of the most reliable source of ℹ️
    I wish I’d give more than 5 stars. Listening to Africa today is always a treat for me. So far, this has been my most reliable source of African news. If you want a summary of events from every corner of the world’s most gorgeous continent - look no further than the podcasts here. Thank you, BBC, for allowing this to happen. I must state that the journalism is of the highest caliber. The manner in which the presenters ask questions is outstanding. This demonstrates not only the highest level of readiness, but also a high level of quality research.Whenever I am unable to receive an update for some reason, I have time blocked off over the weekend to catch up on what's been making headlines and what's still making news. I'd point out that my knowledge of African politics, economy and health issues has grown tremendously. The production staff does a fantastic job of soliciting expert perspectives on the most important problems, which I think is quite gratifying for the listeners. Thanks for letting the rest of the world know more about Africa. 💯 recommend!!
  • ehfidrj
    Very informative but the tone of the interviewer sometimes is condescending. Is it just me?
  • daomalic
    Great podcast
    African news
  • c. i. v.
    High-Quality Podcast
    Great podcast for keeping up with the news across the continent! Well researched and up-to-date on the current events
  • samshshs
    High quality and concise
    Great daily news roundup and informative in depth stories. Sometimes there are editing errors but overall it’s a good show.
  • Cristóbal xx
    Great Podcast
    I’m a black man in Chicago, and I wanted to get a pulse on the African landscape, beyond the quick news headlines. This podcast serves well. A daily listen. Gives you the news, whether the continuing struggles of adapting to democracy in some nations, the conflicts in the less modernized nations, but also the young generation with ideas, ideals and ambitions no different than those around the world. Love the Resident President on Fridays, a satirical sketch of a kleptocratic leader expounding on the latest world news as it unfolds.
  • raulrey0
    Best African news available
    Constantly making it better! Excellent reporters, good balance in the stories, responsive to feedback. I wish our governments were this professional.
  • samirathefirst
    Hi 👋🏾
    My name is Samira I would like to call in and speak to my African people about the hope and unity I am a listener from United States and this podcast is the only way I am connected to my continent I thank you for your existence Please find me on Instagram as Samira-the1st
  • DN4486
    Informative and necessary
    This podcast is informative and necessary for on the ground, up to date reporting on a continent that’s much more important than what’s implied by mainstream media coverage.
  • Cenzano
    Great podcast
    I’ve had documentaries to see inside of Africa, but there are so few that show how Africa is modernizing with the rest of the world. I can’t get news that paints an accurate picture of this continent in America, so it’s a relief that I found BBC Africa. Thank you.
  • Mobawaja
    Bedtime habit
    I listen nightly to the podcast. It part of my bedtime regimen. Keep it up BBC
  • T-Lur
    Excellent podcast
    as an African who lives in the US...listening to your podcast takes me home everyday...keep up the great work folks.
  • hya cinth
    Love BBC News Africa
    I’ve been listening for I don’t even know how many years. So good to hear news about the continent from a different perspective. Love Resident President, love the hard hitting interviews, love everything about it!
  • Karen II
    Not just for “us”!
    A lot of people listen to the news of the world irrespective of where on Earth it is. Thus, using the word “us” is uncalled for.
  • Comedyhipster
    My #1 News Podcast
    I've been listening for 5 years, it's my favorite source of news about the continent. Charasmatic corespondents and a range of pieces. They really capture the scope of Africa.
  • SoCal Train Nerd
    good to hear news from Africa
    Africa almost never makes the news in the US except in the case of famine, genocide, governmental corruption, and terrorism. There's plenty of that here too (not so much famine, though) and listening can be sort of grim sometimes, but there's a balance of positive news and culture that I don't hear anyting about from American news sources.
  • Soccabeya
    Fantastic roundup
    Daily must listen for me. Thank you BBC!
  • MHipple
    Niche and Needed
    Hard to find good, in-depth coverage of African issues. BBC Africa stands alone as an excellent source in a niche, but very necessary, area. Thanks!
  • Philadelphiaperson
    Podcast not updating!
    Last update in the U.S. was on May 28th! Please fix!
  • Maurice in LA
    I so much look forward to the podcast and really miss it when I have listened to them all in commuter-time. But I then get to listen to what is happening in the rest of the world. It so surpasses anything we have here in the US. Thank you...
  • ados
    Very good
    Enough time and great content. Well done!
  • Ajagow
    some issues with subscriptions
    This is a wonderful, informative news program. However, I am encountering issues with the subscription program. It does not seem to want to load the new program, even if I have listened to a podcast the day before. It is a bit tedious to have to come to this page in the I-Tunes store to load the latest podcast after I've subscribed. I would appreciate you looking into this. Thanks!
  • Albert from Brooklyn
    Little short, but long on information
    The show is a part of my daily intake. I wish it could be a little longer however and at least have a regularly scheduled guests to be interviewed periodically to give us listeners some of their opinions. Other than that, this is my favorite podcast.
  • Montana mom on the West Fork
    Longer podcast ??
    My only complaint is that the podcast is too short!! Africa has SO MUCH going on politically right now, it's frustrating to not be able to hear more details... ( and of course Africa is generally not even mentioned on the evening news beyond the pirates ). The pod is a great starting point if one had time to do more in depth research but that's not usually possible.
  • GAJohnson
    Excellent depth and breadth
    This is an excellent podcast that covers both the main news stories out of Africa and some that don't make many other mainstream news media outlets. Knowledgable reporters, good interviews with politicians and spokespeople, and interesting interviews with a variety of African citizens regarding local and national politics.
  • laepelba
    Real News!
    Thank you for bringing the real news from Africa ... I would never hear it otherwise!
  • Mvulana Mkenya
    Africa Today
    Great podcast! Clear, concise and comprehensive.
  • World Listener
    Good for Africa News, Sad for BBC Editing
    I have just started listening to this podcast.. it was sad that the news reader said sorry...sorry...sorry... over and over again and started over the news reading several times... it was funny to hear him sigh after the fourth or fifth time. Hey, he's human too but I thought BBC would have editors to clean up the mistakes. I will keep listening but a good edit might add a minute or two of extra news.
  • fiofi
    Finally......for us Africans away from home!!
    Wonderful...thank you BBC for listening to my pleas. This is great!!
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