FT News Briefing

News #192Daily News #26

A rundown of the most important global business stories you need to know for the coming day, from the newsroom of the Financial Times. Available every weekday morning.

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Recent Reviews
  • CaityC
    Horrible inaccurate coverage of DOGE
    Completely unworthy of you. Spouting the lies & completely inaccurate descriptions of the situation. Better no coverage than this. You are usually good.
  • Kobi s1
    Propaganda machine
  • another RJF
    FT News Opinion
    This wasn’t a news briefing, it was an opposition party critique/opinion piece. Opinion columns are not news.
  • Conan6319
    Hard left political views drown out good reporting
    I used to like this podcast a lot for decent news coverage and its relatively global (not just US) focus. But the hard left politics of the reporters is getting too much to bear and drowning out the real news. Some recent examples: 1) Explaining the 2024 election Trump rally in the equity market, the reporter dismissed it, saying that markets always tend to go up after the election! (patently false) 2) Explaining the 2024 election rally in the US dollar, the reporter said it’s because Trump will create inflation and that’s somehow good for the currency! (Makes zero economic sense -- also ever looked at the currencies of Argentina and Turkey?) 3) “Republicans do politics, Democrats do policy.” Really, FT? 4) Whenever Trump was doing well in the polls, FT started lamenting how that is somehow a crisis of democracy. (imagine that — voters might actually choose wrong and not vote for FT’s preferred woke & socialist politicians) Also the reporters’ blind climate religion is everywhere: constant reminders how no one is making enough sacrifices today toward (ineffective) climate goals etc. (if you want to be smart about climate change, read e.g. Bjorn Lomborg’s books) I know FT has some good basic reporting skills, or at least used to have. Can we please just get the news without your political opinions?
  • sciencepyar
    Content is great
    Really enjoy FT Briefing. Listening to Sonja Hutsons voice is painful. I can’t say subscribe any longer unless host changes
  • Boebizrul
    Bad idea to switch hosts
    Nothing against the actual coverage but I can’t listen to this show anymore because the host has such an annoying voice. I have tried a few times and just can’t do it. Bring Mark back please! I’ll be checking in occasionally to see if there is a change.
  • No name has been entered
    Prefer Mark’s voice
    New host’s voice is just not suitable for podcast. Sounds annoying…
  • capn ch
    Split Swamp Notes into its own
    Swamp Notes would be better off as its own podcast, essentially a US Political Fix, rather than be nested in News Briefing. News Briefing is ephemeral and daily. If you miss a day you likely won’t go back and will just pick up tomorrow. Swamp Notes, being weekly, one might not listen to on the exact day it came out. The way one can organize podcasts to auto-delete to reduce clutter makes this somewhat incompatible and it would be solved by simply not being a podcast-within-a-podcast.
  • hhfshndd224
    Host is THE WORST, Content is Solid
    Is this host an ai? An atrocious reader? A horrific interviewer? Or an awkward speaker? EVERY query is so stilted and robotic, it’s as though an old time computer’s asking questions.
  • Cleanfreak88
    Craving Consistency
    I believe this podcast has the potential to live up the FT’s reputation for excellence but the lack of consistency in audio quality drags it down. Guest speakers often come across as muffled or unintelligible, which largely erases their contribution to the show. Additionally, in my personal opinion, I believe the staff need more voice training if they are going to represent the FT in an audio program. Mark Filipino does a good job but his cohosts are lackluster at best. Lastly, I think that the FT should offer an ad-free version of its programs for subscribers. I find it a bit irksome that I pay a premium subscription to the paper and am still subjected to ads on their audio content. I think the programs would benefit if the FT adopted a model similar to The Economist for its podcasts.
  • charles 2222
    Agree with Evil Dr Jim
    Get rid of the "Sexy Baby" voice!
  • Evil Dr Jim
    Good content but trolling voices
    FT podcasts are editorially strong but need to be mindful of how their hosts turn up. Mark Fillipino has gone on vacation again and the FT has entered a period of straight-out trolling listeners with a substitute host who sounds like they are just a few short years out of high school. We desperately need presenters with trained voices who can convey a sense of gravitas and worldly experience.
  • moving on-missu
    Mark is solid
    Hard to believe anyone anymore. So many will tell you things which just don’t pass the smell test and pretend it’s ok. Mark seems to say it like it is. Seems he is one that can be trusted.
  • UtahBoy70
    The Martin Short Series is Doomporn
    The fact that Trump is a much diminished figure from 2016 is never really considered (at least not in the first 2 episodes). Short spends his time prodding interviewees for worse case scenarios to bear out his thesis and biases.
  • Lee Shmoa
    What you need to start your day
    A digestible and informative podcast on the British and European perspectives on business and political news that you can’t easily find from my American home. Thank you Marc and the fine staff of contributors and keep up the good work.
  • UofC Optimistic Sceptic
    Mendacious Hyperbole
    Recent episode with Wolf and Kagan, where we heard a consensus that Trump was a threat to Democracy, was mendacious hyperbole. Yes. Trump is inarticulate and lacks gravitas. But, it is mendacious hyperbole to claim Trump is a threat to Democracy. They claimed he colluded with Russia. Despite the best efforts of hyper-partisan Democrat Weissmann, there was no evidence found. But Clinton did pay for and use Russian disinformation with the Steele Dossier. They claimed he would lock up his political opponents. He didn’t. Joe Biden is trying to. They claimed he would start WW3. He didn’t. Two major geopolitically threatening wars have started under Biden’s watch. They claimed he would ignore the Constitution. He didn’t. He complained and used fringe legal theories to challenge election results but he didn’t stay 1 second more than the Constitution specified. Biden brags about using extra-Constitutional executive orders to flout SCOTUS rulings. So sad that we can hear intellectually honest analysis
  • Eric 36
    Great Takes
    Interesting stories and views and keeps it brief which is great.
  • Rocky0730
    Finance not politics
    Stick to financial news. Not political news.
  • Mjoh246
    Has really gone downhill
    Used to be a fantastic show I couldn’t miss having most mornings. Lately, it’s less about FINANCIAL news (hence name Financial Times) and all about war and global conflict. Not even about how war impacts business or finance but just generally about war. The FT has longer form weekend shows that are better suited for that kind of information. I come here for information about the markers and how they impact my job as an M&A lawyer and potential investments in my personal life. The FT doesn’t seem to be doing that anymore. They used to be the first to report a lot of financial news, and I gained a lot of insights from them. Now they seem to be behind the curve and report about things after everyone else already has or at the earliest at the same time as everyone else. The old hosts don’t ever seem to be on here, and they really made the show. I don’t enjoy the new hosts as much. I’m not some older stuck in my ways person either. I’m in my late 20’s and welcome change when the change is positive. These changes are not positive in my experience. It’s a shame. I used to recommend this show to so many people and listen almost every morning but now I can go a week or more without listening and not miss it. Then when I do listen I’m disappointed. They need to go back to how things were and get either the old hosts back or good, consistent hosts and focus more on financial news rather than other types of news which we could hear anywhere else. I miss the old show.
  • Mrs LMG Simmons
    You guys are so off on the boarder issue. It’s not about how do we go back and forth on the boarder. It’s how do we pay for this. How do we give food, shelter and education to people who are not taxed? That’s where our budget comes from. And the violence. Where are these people from? Who are they? Do you just let people walk in your house and eat your food and sleep in your bed? Please open your eyes and be journalists instead of spouting whatever your current belief is. You’re turning people off to you. Sorry deleting your podcast from feed. Listening for four years but you can’t be biased. I’m done.
  • lrhhrl
    Swamp notes is awful
    Don’t let your Biden-loving journalists use Swamp Notes to kill this feed. I enjoy the daily morning show but Swamp Notes is a waste. No need for a Democrat love fest.
  • Kékcsillag
    Annoying American voices
    I like about 50% of the show in terms of content. However, at the same time , I find having to listen to incredibly annoying hosts with their millennial American voices, their tone and delivery the most irritating. I can tolerate Mark Filipino but there’s a girl, Sonia Hudson, whose voice just makes the hair stand up on my back. It seems that the Financial Times just pulls people off the street to do podcasts. There is no training or quality standards to meet when it comes to voice, tone and delivery. Not only that, the audio production is absolutely substandard. They will have guests who are on really bad microphones sitting in what sounds like a toilet, which makes them really hard to understand. So what is the point of even doing the interview when I can’t decipher what is being said? furthermore, it seems like the Financial Times thinks that they are a news source, and they deliver yesterday‘s news the next day, which is completely pointless and useless.
  • sidneyhart
    Keep Martin Wolf off this podcast
    The Briefing’s appeal to many of us is the quick roundup of the major business stories of the day, with an occasional foray into an FT exclusive. But that should not include giving Martin Wolf yet another platform to plug his book and then making him a podcast host for a limited series that revolves around the themes from his book, especially his obsession with democracy in the US, a country that already gets way too much coverage in the FT. This is after he told us that he doesn’t like podcasts, doesn’t listen to them, does not like appearing in them and yet he will be hosting one, albeit for a short time. His fans are legion so I am no doubt in a minority here. Keep the morning briefing true to its original mission.
  • VTrumper
    All feathers and no meat
    Too short to be insightful and too long to be worth listenting to
    Good content. Bad recording quality
    Not sure what’s up with the mix/recording of the host but he sounds like he’s on the phone and a good 10dB lower than the guests who sound fine.
  • RespectDifferentViews
    Annoying voice
    Everyone loves the UK accent. Why use this woman with such a horrible nasal voice? The majority the USA will have a hard time listening to your podcast just because of her voice.
  • Calc2
    Gin and Tonic commercial is awful
    This commercial that kicks off the show now makes me stop the podcast in repulsion every time. That man’s voice, the terrible sounds, they all give me a violent reaction. It draws forth an immense disgust and hatred that I can not articulate. I have no conscious reason for this. I don’t know why their is such a complete revulsion to this short bit of sound, but I simply can not listen to this show if it must start this way. Goodbye. Your show makes me want to vomit now.
  • ghffghjn
    Great podcast
    Listen to it every morning on the treadmill, great to catch up on the news. Bur please make the weekly bit a separate podcst
  • friendly woods
    great morning podcast
    It's only a few minutes long but it packs a punch. The weekend show is great too.
  • Softbuns
    Voices from the free world
    As a Chinese national living in China, I can’t express enough how grateful I am to access the top journalism the world offers. I have one minor problem I hope the FT team can help fix. Sometimes the podcasts will include speeches or announcements in foreign languages untranslated, and I find that significantly affect my understanding of the piece. Other than that, it’s Awesome; keep up the great work. You guys are changing people’s lives, especially in not-so-free countries.
  • Rjoe at Iinnovate
    Natalia was Amazing
    The episode about the disinformation campaign by Russia in Ukraine and elsewhere was some of the best journalism I have ever heard. Both the host and Natalia are Rockstars!
  • Egone
    Best Daily News Podcast
    There are a lot of great daily news podcasts, but FT is the best of them all. Excellent explanation of the issues and events of the days, outstanding reporters, interviews and discussions. I highly recommend it.
  • Bob a man
    Love the week, hate the weekend
    I listen every weekday for my international business update. The weekend podcast is not my cup of tea. It is a different format, has completely different topics and a different narrator. The weekend episode should be a separate podcast so that listeners can vote with their feet and not have to delete it from their apps every week.
  • von hayek
    Good content but some political views
    Overall a great business news podcast: covers important global topics in a brief format I actually have time to consume every day. However, I had to deduct one star for occasional political views embedded in the podcast. For example, some months ago, a US markets commentator talked about Biden’s then $4 trillion spending package (coming on top of his $2 trillion extra stimulus package just months earlier) as being “VERY GOOD news for my kids” (her emphasis). Even if you think this massive amount of additional deficit spending is justified, many very reasonable people think it is wasteful and harmful, so a reporter should not advertise her own socialist political views about such things.
  • David from Gainesville
    Always a treat
    Part of my early morning commute to work is this podcast. Short, sweet and pertinent. It’s a good way to get started and think about the world in a broad sense and not get bogged down in the small stuff. An extra perk is the broad range of accents from American to British (and a wide range of them) to Australian. Just that little bit of extra bow on the package.
  • jlk;ljsd
    Fabulous Podcast!
    I always start my day by listening to the FT News Briefing. It is informative, but presented in a way that is accessible to this listener. Marc is terrific. Thank you!!
  • NMSU89
    Short enough
    Short. Sweet. And straight to the point. I appreciate it 😊
  • NHL18
    Insightful and interesting
    The content is carefully selected, the reporters's voice is all great, and the background music is surprisingly intriguing.
  • 南南南南11
    Like Mark’s upbeat voice.
  • 体验不错,继续努力
    why can’t I have the Tuesday episode?
    Seems can’t update the latest episode in apple podcast?
  • G392019234
    SJW Propaganda
    Seems to care more about diversity quotas than giving any useful investment or market news. You’ll hear more about far left talking points than anything remotely related to the market.
  • Lazy Phone People
  • DTB19XX
    Best news source
    Love starting my day with a fresh cup of coffee and this podcast
  • omnivoice
    Your take
    Hope your podcast isn’t going soft on this admin.....can we hear some critical questions???
  • Basketboy234
    As Essential As My First Cup Of Coffee!
    This podcast is now as essential to the start of my day, as the first cup of coffee with which I now listen to it. These days, the FT is the only truly unbiased and objective source of news and analysis available. It only focuses on important news and business stories which are directly and indirectly impactful to everyone, even those who don’t work in finance, (or who are retired from that arena!). I only wish these podcasts were 5/10 minutes longer.
  • Jkjkjkjjkjkjkjk
    Rarely miss a day
    This is perfect: 10 mins of useful global business stories, good mix of company news and market news.
  • Laketowner
    can FT have more narrating in British English?
  • Kaiwen Tsang
    Leftie Propaganda
    Don’t listen to this “financial news” podcast. It’s just another leftie podcast trying to brainwash the public.
  • YurriG
    British interference
    I used to like it. But now, before the 2020 elections, they joined The Guardian and the BBC to influence American public to vote for Biden.
  • Skeater 557
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