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Amber Lee is meLove, from, Muskegon, MichiganJust started listening and love it.
Jack Englis⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I enjoy the not to lengthy segments. They cut straight to the point,no nonsense. Helpful advice for parents at every stage in their parenting careers.
Rhonda StoppeA Parenting Must!Focus on Parenting is a must listen podcast for moms and dads who are longing to grow, engage, and raise your children with a biblical worldview.
Andieo1997⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Focus on Parenting is a must-listen for any parent looking to deepen their faith and strengthen their parenting journey. Highly recommended!
chachagmaAdult parentingYour ministry is Aa godsend since I’ve been searching for help in intentionally trying to interact with my adult children. We were faithful churchgoers prior to our children’s births, raised them up in a “solid” evangelical, Bible teaching church. They both walked away from it. Your podcasts have been covering everything we’re experiencing! Thanks so much!!
rjpodfanToo short on contentThe episodes are very short and move one to more than one topic in each one, usually not pertaining to what the title of the episode is. I would prefer a longer format where they get deep into the issues.
Ty_TsaiPraying for a young rebellious adultOnce I seen this headline I just had to listen. This is something so relatable to me and when Brenda (the guest I hope I got the name right) started telling her story about what she had went through with her daughter it gave me hope because she’s describing exactly what I have been going through with my daughter. Unfortunately I was unable to hear HER story it was cut so very very short because the host just kept talking he always does this and interrupts to make it about himself. It reminded me of why I had stopped listening to this podcast. I’m praying the Holy Spirit will please speak to the hosts who keep referring to themselves instead of allowing the lord to flow through the guests so that the listeners can receive the message and be blessed by it. This is a consistent thing so I’ve stopped listening to this podcast for so long I had forgotten all about the reason why I stopped. Please please please allow the guests to talk and not make it about yourself your interrupting the flow of what the spirit could be saying to someone out there. I missed my message from Brenda and I am so broken hearted 😔
AshCapshoGreat listen!Danny Huerta's wisdom and refreshing perspective in the Focus on Parenting Podcast is a true asset, offering practical advice and relatable experiences that add genuine value to the challenging task of parenting. - Ash & The Capsho Team
Mipsta2Life changing info on the goMarried with three small girls. I’m so thankful that the resource that helped my parents raise me is available for me. So thankful for this ministry’s faithfulness.
bubblewifeToo shortWhy do you cut off the interview??
kodytdExactly what I need as a young Christian dadDanny and John encapsulate the best gold nuggets of Jesus’ gospel into bite-size snacks you can listen to in just a few minutes. You’ve got kids.. sometimes 10 mins is all you have! Highly recommend.
outboxbluesGuidance appreciatedHeading on this parenting journey - keeping the center of our parenting with God with practical help. Loved the one on what our daughters need.
Itonman2553Intent via Impact (Blindspots?)How do others experience me? How do others experience you? How does the audience experience the content and tone? As an Emotional Intelligence trainer the goal is to be as effective as possible with the content. The content is helpful, but the tone often feels and sounds sterile and unrealistic. The facilitators are way too agreeable and rarely disagree with a guest. Check out Adam Grant’s podcast “How to Love Criticism” I live in the Northeast which tends to be more intense, edgy and transparent. We don’t refer to the time in our life as a “season.” It’s all part of the journey. In my opinion, more people would connect if we heard more “real emotions” and not all messages delivered with smiles, rainbows and unicorns. Jesus wasn’t soft spoken 100% of the time. This would be more effective if it sounded more down to earth and show some real emotions like the negative ones we deal with daily; frustration, irritation, baffled, uneasy. Showing real emotion will make this more real and believable. The facilitators sound way too self-assured as if they have all the answers. How about having a podcast which isn’t selling a book. Just offer insights with Agape love.
Polly CateThank you Focus on the Family !!!Thank you Focus on the Family!! ❤️
Addicted CuberThank you!My husband and I love the show for so many reasons! Thank you for providing helpful information and resources for us all!
AviatorbillVaccine MandatesI will no longer support or listen to anything produced by Focus on the Family or their affiliates. Forcing a vaccine not only goes against personal and medical freedom, but it also has aborted fetal cells within it. Greatly saddened to see a ministry do something like this.
LMehbMusicEnjoying and learning a lot. Could you update your music for a new generation of parents? Feels so 90’s!!
dmcfinchParents of Teenagers Need More HelpI really appreciate the mission of Focus and how it has helped so many families. However, in these tenuous times, this podcast barely scratches the surface of the overwhelming challenges we as Christian parents of teens face. I must admit that I roll my eyes quite a bit at many of the “problems “ that the hosts share about their own kids and how the approached them. If only my life were that easy! Despite raising my kids in a very loving, emotionally healthy 2 parent home with Christian values and practices at the center, I am dealing with serious adolescent problems. I feel so alone in my parenting journey as many Christian parents skip along through life and raise fairly obedient, emotionally healthy children. I have scoured, gone to my church/pastor and found some other hurting Christian parents and quite a few solid books on parenting mentally ill and prodigal children. I would have thought Focus would be a good resource for this, but as it turns out- not much. They did have a short, excellent series on prodigal children with Bill and Jim Putnam. It was great-and I wish they would produce more content like this. To quote Focus, “eighty percent of all young people leave the church as young adults.” Isn’t this a crisis?!?!?Shouldn't this organization put more focus on this? I understand that this should apply to all stages of parenting, but entire segments on “whiny toddlers “ make me want the throw myself on the floor and laugh. Focus, please, please wake up to the serious challenges of raising teens. There are many of us hurting Christian parents who need support and encouragement.
EricaBushwellAwesome podcast!John & Danny, hosts of the Focus on Parenting podcast, highlight all aspects of family, life and more in this can’t miss podcast! The hosts and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Kamrie S.So relatable.I’m a big Focus fan, and as I was listening to the episode about trusting God During a High Risk Pregnancy, my jaw dropped. Because I too, had HELLP syndrome. It was a very scary experience and I also happen to be a healthcare professional who didn’t know what was happening to me. Because of how rare the condition is, it’s hard to find anyone who knows what you went through. But God knows. Thank you for the encouragement.
Love All Things LovelyAll he did was talk about his book...Was really excited to learn a few things about the topic of parenting but all the host did was talk about his book and that we should buy it for ourselves and give some away as gifts...seriously???
Rv74bThank youThis a great resource while raising kids in today’s cultural.
DeJievaAbusive advise results in anxiety-ridden broken homesI was raised by parents who swore by focus on the family. They used physical punishment, dogmatic religious rules, and treated us as clay to manipulate, not human beings. If you are not already brainwashed by focus on the family RUN NOW. My parents have seven children and every single one of us has severe anxiety from our abusive childhood caused by the teachings of FOF and other programs like it. We all have horrible relationships with our parents. Children are not toys. They are not pawns. If you bring a child into this world, it is your responsibility to raise them into an independent, kind, and confident adult. Your child should be empowered to choose their own path in life. If you have a “problem child” the problem is with you, not the child. Stop trying to control your children. Stop using religion to inflict generational pain and suffering. Learn from my parents who will die alone with seven children they’ve ostracized. Focus on the family is outdated, abusive, harmful, and will destroy your children. Run fast before it destroys your family too.
00tinydancer00DamagingAs a child whose parents followed the advice of FoF and Jimmy Dobson during my adolescents, I beg of you- please look elsewhere for parenting help. Narrow, rigid, inflexible, judgmental, hypocritical, shaming advice that will harm your children. If you want to all but guarantee that your children will be in therapy as an adult and feel the need to separate themselves from you- then by all means keep listening. It has taken decades for me to get over the stuff my parents did at the instruction of this guy. There is way better help out there.
Jim Ohio1HypocritesOccasional contributor Erin Hawley is, with her husband Senator Josh Hawley, the first family of sedition. They helped encourage the insurrection that led to the deaths of police officers. Any podcast associated with Erin and Josh has no credibility.
Emiline HarrisThank you!Love listening to your podcast especially on parenting. Wondering if you have any podcast from the life of missionary parenting kids and teens and how they adjust to the different cultures ? We have currently been on the field in Ghana for almost 3 years and gave some different situations and trials here that are so different. If there aren’t yet would this be something you are open to? Thank you again ! In Christ Emily
SuakmnowToo much jesusI was really excited to listen to this podcast. What a dissipate when i did. They a tually said this: worried tfat his don would be a ditch digger but then his don replied “ but, it wouldn’t matter as long as i love Jesus the same”. It went downhill from there. Everything is wonderful as long as you loveJesus. If you’re into this as every other sentence then this show is for you. Not gor me. Goodbye
j.nisslyAmazing instructionFocus on the Family has helped my wife and I raise 3 kids. It’s daily podcast are amazing and helpful in navigating parenthood in the difficult years of teenage life. I highly recommend.
Mom4TruthGod’s Word is the foundationI just subscribed to the parenting podcast. I haven’t even listened but upon reading the reviews I could easily see that those,,, who hate Gods Word and also dislike those who live by it. Which I am in that category. I rarely write reviews but I wanted to encourage those who are behind these godly podcast. Do not be discouraged over the critics. It’s not you they hate, but the God whom we serve and His Word. Be strong and courageous. Truth has been attacked since the Garden of Eden, and will to be attacked. Read the last chapter, He wins every time🙏🤗👏
Snoflake31Stay Away!!!!James Dobson’s empire is built on toxic and dangerous views on the LGBTQ community, women’s rights, and Christianity. Real Christians don't reject others because of their gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or political beliefs. I was a victim of toxic Christian beliefs like this and as an adult, I've struggled with Complex PTSD. Stay away.
Stell@12A+ for wanting God breathed adviceI have listened to focus on the family for years. I listen because I want Godly help, You will Find it here. You will not find anything hateful, That’s simply not true....
linderhieghmPlease avoidIt’s not only impractical parenting advice, it’s also laced with hateful views on LGBTQ+ individuals. After one attempt, it only took 5 minutes to realize this was going to be unhelpful and very backwards.
Missional MotherPracticalI like the practical wisdom and ideas given on how to be a good parent and pass on a Christian worldview
PsydleReligious fanatics brainwash your childrenThis is religious fanaticism. Listen to this if you’re too stupid to think for yourself and you want to ensure that you raise your children with the same dangerous ideas that were forced on your to break your rational mind.
raysinakLove this!!!Ive always loved focus on the family!!!
Is@bel20Important!!This it’s not what God wants for Us! Love can be express in so many ways. Love can be given in so many ways and as a single mom I know for sure that we have instinct that tell us how to raise our kids and take care of them. That’s the reason I don’t go to church, that is a terrible advice for a Mother or a Single Father. Please don’t take Gods name to brainwash people’s mind. kids are innocent creatures. we need to be patient and try to understand their behavior that its part of being human. and remember that they “copy everything “.(They can copy from a video game, a family member or even from the mom or the Dad) We are not perfect but we can do good things for our kids to prepare them for today and the future. Spent quality time with them and if you’re too busy for some reason, just a minute to lay down on their room even if they don’t want you to be there believe me, they like to see you there and make silly questions, or coping what they are saying, or say something on a funny way like: my son (8 years old boy ) loves breadsticks and I asked if he wants “bread stinks”. so he laughed. I have a (13 years old boy) with the change of humor situation and I just give him space and tells him how much I care for him and if he needs to ask me “Anything” I’m here for him but he doesn’t talk that much so I take him to school and when I picked him up from school that’s the moment when he speaks to me about it. He helps me with stuff in the house like taking the trash out and take care of his brother and just saying Thank you to him means a lot. I have a (15 month old baby boy) very cute and curious, at that age they found the way to do what they want because they know they are so cute! but “Stop” teach them with a calm but firm voice and look straight to those little eyes whatever you want! and Never! take away something without giving him something else back like a snack or the bottle. Make your kids to hug each other and remain them with videos of how hard life is for others who don’t have Nothing. My kids might be deferent but they have one thing in common, love. I’m a busy 39 years old single mom, I work hard but I spent quality time with my 3 boys at home.
ParentingalonePASingle parentI love the podcast. Very great information but it’s mostly given for children being raised by both parents. I’ve heard a few episodes that are for single mothers but I would find it amazing if you can speak on parenting with only one exhausted mother/father that usually turns angry very quickly. If parenting with two roles is very hard can you imagine doing it alone and trying to raise them Godly as you are also growing in faith.
bowlshit talkGreatGod is awesome!
IwantstormbackA great resource for parents of all ages and stagesSolid, practical parenting tips and advice.
ENTdadThank you for this valuable resourceI’ve been listening to this podcast for about one year. I’m a doctor, and I’m often not home in time to see my kids before bed. I often leave before they wake up. Yet, during those times I am with my children, the advice and wisdom that I receive through this podcast makes a tremendous impact. I’m so thankful that this podcast supplies real life value. Thank you so much.
JackJohn50000I love itFocus on the Family is such a treat. What makes this podcat special is that it so relatable.
Erin M. MooreA Little ShortI love Focus on the Family in general. The podcast episodes here though seem very short and with very little content. I think the content has great potential (I love the topics and the message) but would prefer a longer episode with more content to chew on.
Love our familyLove this podcastI could hug this podcast love it so relatable and so easy to follow.
SchoolMom16Love, Love, Love Focus on the Family!!!!I absolutely LOVE Focus on the Family! I listen to the marriage podcast, the Family broadcast as well as the Parenting podcast! Not to mention that I still love to listen to Adventures in Odyssey every Saturday morning on my way hone from getting groceries! Lol!
meionionThank youI enjoy listening to this podcast whenever I am feeling overwhelmed about being a parent of a 2 yr old.
knunes88Awesome!I appreciate so much the honesty from the speakers and the rich pieces of truth given in a shorter amount of time. This podcast helps me start my day right or fill my heart with truth as I go through my day.
AProductiveEndeavorInformative & helpfulI don't find parenting intuitive at all so I find these podcasts very helpful as I raise my 3 kids. Thank you for doing them!
RMarigoldJust NoIf I could give this zero stars I would. Doesn't even deserve 1.
Crow+SeagullGarbage PodcastHateful bigotry, these people should just stop.
jholla4realGreat adviceThis podcast has GREAT biblical advice! What a wonderful resource!
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