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Gaminglizard31Love Little MixLittle Mix is amazing. My favorite are Jade and Perrie cause Jerrie forever.
mikaelaOMGOMG!!!I’m a HUGE fan!! My favorite is Perrie because she is calm and brave.
PugjerkUmmmmmmm😐😶😑What the heck!🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐
do something with aresevilevil evil evil evil evil evil eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil
eli-age8Uhhh okGreat notttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iloveitandithinkitsgreatThe clothes, and People on the showSome of the men and Santa was hitting on them girls. The clothes you could like censored it cause the girl on the far left breast and you little lady part is about to show! DONT LET YOU KIDS WATCH!!!!
manigobiCover photoWhat are you doing with this cover photo?!
hgalahesWhat the HECK! This is NOT okay.EXCUSE. ME. Showing an image of woman in absolute inappropriate clothing is not okay. This is so disturbing. Who lets their 5 year old kid listen to this. Over all “Fun Kids” stinks. You guys need to check yourselves. Parents look out and please don’t let your child listen to this. EXTREMELY mature and not what it looks like.
thbth tg g tgvtg ggvgvyvyWhat is thisWhat the heck is this
oofoof this is badUhhhhh whatWhy don’t they wear sweaters and sweatpants
ImvaUMM....So, I am 20 years old, and a boy.... I saw the photo on the cover.... I opened the pod, and it was for kids..... ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, that is a bad cover for a kid show... hot, sexy women........ who lets their kids listen to this... ???? 😑
dsgolbonYuckYou guys make random podcast.What the heck it’s like you are desperate for people listen to you.
johnny english 005ReviewCouldn’t the one on the right whear clouths
phebe WhitedOmgI look up do you get all my gosh I love you I cannot stop watching you out I watch you every day I watch you do everything you do I love your songs I love your videos I have somewhere throughout this and you are just like oh my gosh you go through my mind every day I mean like you’re just like in my mind you cannot get out of my mind I might like full of you every single name in there every single person in there and everything in there so please please please please please I love you all so much please give me a shout out on your next song thanks bye
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