The Longest Shortest Time


Stories about the surprises and absurdities of raising other humans—and being raised by them. But you don’t need to be a parent to listen. Created and hosted by Hillary Frank.The Longest Shortest Time is back after a 5-year hiatus! New episodes drop every other Wednesday. Join LST+ for community, ad-free listening, and access to You Know What, our premium show featuring college students speaking candidly about sex, dating, and relationships.If you’re new to the show or want to get reacquainted, check out some of our classic episodes:• #27 Rewriting Your Birth Story• #88 W. Kamau Bell Asks His Mom About Sex• The Accidental Gay Parents Series (#60, #62, #80, #81, #125, #211)• #79 Terry Gross on Not Having Kids• It's a Real Mother: A Series About Workplace Discrimination (#141, #142, #143, #145)

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Recent Reviews
  • Barbaro517
    Sorry for the bad review, but…
    This is a great show that I enjoyed in its initial run, and I am liking the rebooted version now. However, I could not find any other place (even Instagram) to give this feedback, so it’s going here. Hillary, as a fan of yours, I am very disappointed to see you allowing advertisements for the military on your podcast. As a mom, the military is the last place I would ever want my children to go, for many reasons. Aside from the danger of death and dismemberment, the vast majority of US wars and interventions are in the service of imperialism and cause untold suffering for civilians, especially women and children. If you are someone who speaks out in favor of women and children, you should oppose the US military machine . And until you can drop these ads, I will not be listening to your show anymore.
  • momsohard26
    Welcome back!
    This was such a pleasant surprise! I am so glad you are back!! This was one of my favorites podcast and I’m very excited to hear what’s to come!
  • KatFranke
    So Excited!
    I’m so excited to have you back! You got me through the first few years when my kids were little, you made me feel less alone, and taught me so much valuable information. I literally cheered out loud when I saw that you’re back!
  • Joodeezee
    My 2013 commute buddy
    You got me through such tough postpartum times 12yrs ago I could cry just thinking about it.
  • JuliaRH227
    So Amazing to Have You Back!
    It’s so wondering that you are back continuing your Longest Shortest Time Podcast Journey with us! I listened to this podcast when I first got pregnant, had a baby, then got pregnant again, had a miscarriage, and then finally got pregnant and had a second child. Your episodes cover so much of this parenthood journey and I love how open and honest the stories are. And now that my daughter is 8 (my son is 5) and I’m buying all of the books about bodies and consent, you come back with just what is needed. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
  • JT7793
    Listened to this whole show and in my postpartum season it was such a gift. So many great conversations!
  • luckiley
    Lots of fun until 2015
    I realize this is an old podcast. However this year (2023) I became a mom and I really enjoyed listening from the start those first few months. Like most media endeavors after 2015, the content has more of a slanted-‘progressive’ view which I honestly find boring. One of the reasons I enjoyed the content early on is that it reminded me of a less divisive time. The focus was on relevant content without making the audience listen to a soapbox about the politics of the day. It just devolved into a standard boring podcast you have to ignore the politics of and eventually just end up ignoring all of it. The stars are for the early episodes I really enjoyed.
  • Ana Bear 214
    Kids can enjoy this podcast too!
    My name is Ana am 9 1/2 years old. if I have kids someday I can’t wait to use some of the techniques this podcast mentions
  • coolmomatcoolmomdotcom
    Lol did you even read it
    I am here from the Ina May Gaskin Episode. You quite literally said “labor was manageable until I got Pitocin” AKA you didn’t fail because you got an epidural, you failed when you decided to give birth at a hospital. This is why she harps on fear. If you had no fear you would have birthed at home and been able to manage! The whole book talks about how things go south when you go to a hospital, did you even read the book?
  • Rachel Carmichael
    Just what I need!
    Holy moly. As a first time mom in the thick of newborn life, this podcast is SO amazing - I feel so seen and understood, and I know I'm not the only one dealing with these things. It's refreshing hearing the specific reflections/struggles of early parenthood by parents who have some distance from it. So often people tell me it will get better/some other platitude, but this podcast actually demonstrates it.
  • jennypaper
    I miss this podcast so much. Still fantasizing about a return!
  • #ilovestorypirets
  • BigFanGinny
    miss you!!!!
    I love this show so much. I started listening to it when I started high school, and recently graduated college still a huge fan. I love Hillary Frank and her sensitive and thoughtful approach to her topics and guests. This podcast has meant so much to me for so long and I miss it every day! Re-listening to old episodes is making me so emotional that I decided to write my first ever podcast review! Thank you so much for your years of stories. This show is a treasure!
  • klezak
    my favorite podcast
    i listened to this podcast when i was trying to decide on kids and during my pregnancy. so informative, inclusive, sensitive, funny, and entertaining. the most real in depth look into issues around parenthood. absolutely recommend to anyone, kids or no kids.
  • Metzgerm
    Listened for Class, Subbed for Life
    I just listened to an episode as an assignment for class and was so moved by the beautiful story presented. I couldn’t imagine this being my last time listening, so I subscribed. Thank you for this amazing content!
  • jobseeker2
    Could use balance
    I listened to the late term abortion and it was Heartbreaking. While I don’t have words to speak to this familiy’s loss, I will say that there are some points that were missed. First, Donald trump was speaking to Ralph Northam statement(from “ infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."” Second, a mention about dr gosnell from philadelphia could have been insightful in the podcast. Late term abortion is a complex issue and really deserves more through discussions
  • boshabasha
    This was my favorite podcast for a while. At some point the interviews stopped being about that first year of parenthood and the show really lost its poignancy. So many gimmicky episodes, and the storytelling felt lacking. I’m still giving it 3 stars for those first episodes though, if I was rating the early leg of this show it would get 5.
  • CromGlor
    Favorite Parenting Podcast!
    I started listening to this podcast 2 years before I had my baby and loved hearing about different parenting styles and stories. Now my daughter is one and this podcast has helped me learn so much and not feel so alone as a first time parent.
  • Kyeiwaaglover
    Will miss this podcast
    I think this was my first podcast. I came to understand what good, quality content was through LST. I thank every person who put a hand in this podcast to ensure the public learns, laughs and grows in life. Will always be a fan!
  • A1222H
    It WAS Great
    This podcast got me through pregnancy and being a new mom with its great stories and relatable and honest host, but since it switched hosts, I rarely listen. I tried, I really did, but I cannot understand why someone without a child would be chosen to host this show. The show tried to tie in Andrea’s supposed desire for children as reason enough to qualify her for the job, but her whole - should I just have one on my own - narrative is tired and even seems manufactured. I find her to be too giggly and eager and just want Hillary and the old topics back.
  • O
    So happy I found this podcast
    I actually look forward to waking up in the middle of the night with my baby so I can listen to these stories.
  • jerzepi
    Best ever
    I am a podcast junkie. This is hands down my favorite podcast. Soooo good.
  • Ohitchy
    Used to be a fan...
    This show used to be good, but has become way too “woke.”
  • shsukzns
    Such a great podcast
    Love the variety of topics and quality of the show!
  • PinkHouse124
    Way too many advertisements throughout podcast.
  • Moritanielyce
    Used to be fantastic.
    I’m giving this a four because while it used to be a solid 5, it’s now a 3 for me. At the beginning, this podcast was relatable and really felt like it was about early childhood. But the producer’s child grew up and she was no longer invested in early childhood so she left. She was replaced by someone without kids, so things became less relatable, but I held on because I knew that they could still tell great stories. And they do! Once in a while they pack a punch, and you hear a great story. But all too often I think they’re just filling time. Instead of feeling like a show where a parent is showing you the complex world of children and parenthood, it’s now a show about kids and parents, but not really by or for them. Give it a listen, but don’t be a completionist towards the end.
  • JRaoBrown
    Love it but...
    This is my favorite parenting podcast! Very engaging, funny, interesting. However, I would like less episodes featuring marginalized demographics (for lack of a better term) like trans parents, black parents, adopting parents etc. These are insightful, but I wish there were more episodes based on issues that nearly all parents face, like potty training problems, dealing with in-laws, etc.
  • Carlmizzle
    My fave podcast!
    I have learned so much from this podcast and feel like a part of a huge family!
  • Katie Joy B.
    Every fun parents paradise!
    Andrea and her incredible guests provide so much love and laughter for families from every walk of life! Engaging, inspiring, and downright hilarious are just a few of the words I’d use to describe the time you’ll spend with them. Thanks so much for putting out such a stellar show Andrea - keep up the great work!
  • COc haaaack
    Great podcast
    I love this podcast. I have listened to every single episode. I started listening this January and quickly made my way thru them. I especially enjoyed the early episodes, and I really miss Hillary Frank making them. This show evolved with the new host and although it’s good, I really wish there was more moms and dads talking about their experience during pregnancy and after birth. It seems that this show branched way out and it’s beginning to be a bit annoying how much emphases goes on certain topics.
  • Jnnfr111
    Loved this hysterical and touching story!
    This is such a touching and endearing story My daughter and I fell in love with Linda and Jessica! I want to share this with everyone I know Many thanks!!!
  • JoiWall
    Love the Topics
    I love the topics! My favorite episode is by far 197. Don’t love how much advertisements there are. Almost down rated it due to this.
  • JLO1977
    Terrible vocal fry!!!
    This podcast is great, except the voices of the women hosting are so distracting and irritating. They end nearly every sentence in a low vocal fry which makes this so painful for me to listen to. 😕 Ladies everywhere! Please stop this! 🙏🏼
  • DesiRou
    Love it
    I am not a mother but a full time nanny and I love this podcast! I have been binge listening ever since I discovered it. I also love you Andrea, I think we may be the same person!
  • Claud.e
    Knowledge is power
    I’m going to use the corny saying of ‘knowledge is power’ because for over 18 years I was dead set on not having children. I was also under the impression that I would never marry. I was lucky to find someone who made me want to get married and is now changing my mind about children. I have only been listening to this podcast for about a week, but I’m so drawn to the honesty in everyone’s stories—the variety of happy, sad, gross and exciting stories. Thanks to this podcast I have opened my mind to the thought of having children and am less afraid. I really appreciate the different guests; from experts in the field of birthing to your everyday moms who can share their painful, joyous or challenging stories of becoming a mother. I can’t wait to keep listening and gaining more knowledge. (2011 seems lo such a long time ago, but I am starting with the older episodes...I hope they continue to be just as good as I go along)
  • ChelseaToy
    Thank you for your sensitive and insightful exploration of late term abortion. It shook me. You are such a talented team of journalists.
  • girlsgottaeata
    Your the best
  • RiannaL
    Get a better host
    I’ve been listening to this podcast since inception. As someone who doesn’t have kids I appreciate Hillary’s storytelling that doesn’t purely focus on being a parent. HOWEVER, why the heck would you make Andrea the host. She does not add much intelligent insight and lacks the skills to convey a story with depth. Further, LST really needs diversity. One token story here and there about WOC isn’t sufficient. Did appreciate the gay dad’s series. I’m all for women empowering women but it is hard to listen to with Andrea. Please replace her.
  • SF Surgeon
    Accidental Find
    I was not looking for a podcast about kids or family. Turns out I. needed to...I'm addicted. What a thoughtful and intelligent conversation we all need to have in our culture today.
  • Lanity359
    Really disappointing now
    I’ve tried several times to go back to listening with the new host, and am finally unsubscribing and deleting. It used to be a great podcast and one I really leaned on during pregnancy and right after when parenting felt impossibly big. I’m giving an extra star for the old episodes, but the current host makes me cringe and feel a bit ridiculous for being a parent...which is a weird vibe for a parenting podcast.
  • ne xfnfid
    Used to like
    Miss the stories with more in depth and substance. Instead we get to listen about the baby shark song. I love Andrea Silenzi’s other work, but the podcasts decision to move to a non parent was a mistake, you do not get parenthood until you are a parent/caretaker. Has turned into a nonstop promotion of Hilary’s book.
  • Megan Munday
    Content is alright, but WAY more ads than on other podcasts.
  • Msmith8886
    Love The Longest Shortest Time!!
    I stumbled upon this podcast while pregnant and have loved listening to the stories and wisdom in each episode!!
  • alternativegarbage
    Love this podcast so much.
    This is the only parenting podcast I’ve found that’s enjoyable. So many great, interesting stories. I’ve laughed, cried, and connected with so many of the people featured on this wonderful podcast.
  • NeedsSchool
    Not a mom
    Favorite podcast!!
  • Jonesey09
    Love this podcast!
    I love this podcast, and I hate parenting advice. Since becoming a mom a year ago, I have really enjoyed this podcast for its chill, rational, tone and the stories of such diverse parenting experiences. Love listening to LST while walking my dog and baby around the neighborhood!
  • Cory long time listener
    Has gone downhill
    This used to be my favorite podcast. I’ve listened since 2013. The last two years have been increasingly disappointing. First, there are very few people of color included. Second, the entire show feels like an afterthought to Hillary’s book, or a long arc of some increasingly less interesting question that Andrea is examining. The early episodes are great - the longest day, the accidental gay parents. The biggest issue I’ve seen the last few years is the implosion of her Facebook group due to Hillary refusing to moderate or take sides in a discussion about race. I’d love to listen if they can solve these issues (particularly acknowledging the missteps around race), but it’s fallen behind several other better podcasts about parenting.
  • The_New_Sew
    No children yet, info is invaluable
    After making the decision to have children in the near(ish) future, I found this amazing podcast. The topics and stories from real people have put a few of my concerns at ease, and have even made me excited to start this adventure. None of the episodes are “sensationalized”, so there is no pandering or selling of ideas. It’s not a podcast full of the “glossy magazine” articles, instead these are intimate and informational conversations of worth.
  • Follefemme
    Lost and Found
    I found this podcast back in 2014. I loved it. It was helping me understand and laugh about the crazy world of parenting even though I wasn’t one yet, but was researching infertility and adoption. Then the podcast ended. I got a new job (from daycare worker to Gardner/educator), listened to other podcasts and recently (finally) became a parent. I’m one of the oldest new moms I know and my sister, knowing I need a good laugh and support, heard Hillary Frank’s interview with Teri Gross recently on Fresh Air and sent it to me not knowing I adored her podcast. I’m so glad I can catch up on all the episodes I missed. Loved the 2016 episode on Mater Mea, by the way. Thank you to everyone who makes The Longest Shortest possible. You help make parenting less lonely and more whole. I appreciate you. Thanks!
  • podcastaring
    Have to agree with all the others
    I hate to say it because I loved this show SO much but since Hilary stopped hosting it’s terrible. I have found myself cringing during episodes and sometimes just stop listening and delete the episode. What everyone else is saying is true, this show has totally lost its greatness. This show, in the beginning, saved me. I was struggling so hard to find someone anyone who could relate to my struggles with having a newborn baby. Hilary was all I found and she really was the only person who made me feel like I was not alone. I can’t even tell you how much those early episodes saved me. That’s why I feel so bad giving one star but I hope it gets Hilary’s attention so she can get back to the heart of this podcast. It really was so wonderful.
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