The Rich Roll Podcast


A master-class in personal and professional development, ultra-athlete, wellness evangelist and bestselling author Rich Roll delves deep with the world's brightest and most thought provoking thought leaders to educate, inspire and empower you to unleash your best, most authentic self. More at:

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  • Mclinton76
    Sam Harris episode
    I’m wondering why there was no pushback or interrupting in this episode like they’re normally is when someone comes on who is dogmatic. Harris being a known anti Muslim , and once again couching the Israeli genocide as a good versus evil dynamic. He goes so far as to suggest antisemitism to those who disagree. Not only does Rich not shut this spew down, he asks him to expand on it. Shameful We can do better, and we normally do on this show.
  • KhanmanCS
    More ROLL ON
    In the name of all things glorious, please, more Roll On shows. Once a month would be a treat and standout in the landscape of noise.
  • MP - Maine
    Drifted off course…
    This podcast was a great source of information years ago, but this will be the last time I listen. Rich has always interrupted female guests repeatedly…or talked over them…but it has become ridiculous. The guy needs to learn how to use a period at the end of a sentence. In the ozempic episode he talks over the guy with lived experience and decries Big Pharma…and then cuts right to a plug for supplements. The hypocrisy is tangible.
  • markus1958
    High Quality Production & Information
    Rich’s is one of the better podcasts out there. The technical production is flawless and he invites guests who have expertise and experiences that are absolutely fascinating, at least to me. I have one criticism: Rich has a bad habit of interrupting and/or talking over his guests. It’s as if he wants to show that he also has wisdom equal to theirs and he has to get his point in there too. This is extremely frustrating, especially because he often interrupts the guest just as they are about to make an important point or show the meaning of a story they have been telling. I know Rich probably doesn’t realize he is doing this. He should listen back and see what I mean. He was especially irritating in his behavior in interviewing Ellen Langer. He must half cut her off or interrupted her at least 20 times. Other than this unfortunate quirk, it’s a fine podcast.
  • Sherri Battazzo
    My absolute favorite podcast
    Listening to Rich feels like hanging out with a good friend, who has really interesting friends. His voice puts me at ease like the Calm app. I count on Rich to deliver relevant info and I trust his opinion about the products that sponsor his show. Most notable is Rich’s vocabulary- he uses diverse and articulate language, its a real treat to learn from him.
  • JBveggie
    Rich is a master interviewer!
    By far my favorite podcast. Rich asks deep and meaningful questions to his guests. I have no favorite episodes because he makes every episode special and unique in its own right. He is so empathetic and intelligent in his approach. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is looking to expand their awareness in diet, spirituality, health, or anyway to improve their life.
  • BajaDevi
    Life Changing!
    The RR podcast has been life changing for both me and my husband. He has such a wide-range of people on and does such lengthy in-depth interviews that I always leave feeling better and enriched. I am not an athlete but do connect with him on being wfpb, so I love all that stuff. My fav interviews are definitely with his wife but the one I just listened to with Raghu was flipping fantastic. Thanks so much for what you do. Your humble, self-deprecating style is an inspiration to me and soooo many. Please keep on keepin’ on!!!!
  • Dr. Dhru
    Incredible Podcasts
    Thank you for the effort that goes into these thoughtful podcasts. You and your guests are amazing.
  • ginak22
    Loved episode 829
    Thank you. Much appreciation for this podcast.
  • KCG50
    The GOAT
    RRP was my first podcast many years ago. It is the only one I have continuously listened to over the years. I continue to learn and improve my life via RRP. Rich has introduced me to so many inspiring people over the years that have made me a better human. Thank you Rich. I can’t thank you enough for how much your podcast has enriched my life and how much my vocabulary has grown because of it. 🌟
  • manayunk wall
    rich swallowed a thesaurus
    Rich is great but sometimes he tries to be a little too cute with his "I know the latest in busiess jargon catch phrases". He sounds like he swallowed a business thesaurus. Examples of words he uses that are technically correct but not naturally spoken: modality, iterative, stacking, paradigm shift (* this one is a REAL overused Rich Roll phrase), synergy, tabula rasa He really seems to twist himself into a knot to try and use the words/phrases whenever he can. It's almost as if he is trying to impress the guest.
  • Alphabetical-z
    Man ego
    Why are there few women featured in your podcast? You are embarrassing.
  • phillygirlrunner
    Adams laugh!!
    Love , love , love your podcast !!!!! I’m a distance runner and into fitness and nutrition so it’s always great hearing what you have to say - I absolutely love your delivery and insight on everything it’s always spot on! But I have to tell you Adam has the absolute best laugh I have ever heard! If I’m feeling blah and on a run and hear his laughter it’s EVERY THING!!! I love it! Please let him know that💥
  • Nemokota
    Top of my list
    I went back and listened to every available episode. Took a while! The most recent one had some new music I really didn’t like at the beginning. I’ve learned a lot. I’ve added some products that have been discussed or advertised to my regular routine. Rarely there is an episode that I don’t listen to after a few minutes. More often there is a topic I think is not of interest but it turns out to be one I gain value from.
  • firegirlRussell
    Rich Roll- BEST listener
    I love this podcast. I listen to a few health and wellness podcasts, and I find you, Rich Roll, to be a fantastic listener and a MASTER CONVERSATIONALIST! I aspire to do the same (with streaky results🤣). In the episode with Dr Daniel Amen, I had to laugh about the comment regarding interrupting. You are NOT an interrupter. Thanks for all the hard work and heart you put into this endeavor.
  • Kay Ee Bee
    Rich! On the Zack Braff episode I was really surprised to hear you dismiss Dr. Sarno so quickly. Why the skepticism? You said you listened more intently because an A-lister brought him to your attention? I think you need to do a deep dive on this topic and get some more information. You are doubting s methodology that implicates stress having an effect on the body? You have a lot of listeners and you just took away a potential intervention for them. Listen to what people who has been helped by Sarno are saying. Can’t help but see you in a different light now.
  • Merlin2/14
    Thanks Rich, Good talk with Kara Goucher! She is a GREAT PERSON!!!!!
  • Remi Listens
    Incredibly thought provoking
    It’s hard to explain this lecture but it is so different than anything else you’ve listened to. Thought provoking particularly examine allowing AI to eventually run our lives based on keeping us healthy and alive…sounds great, right but at what cost. Wow.
  • jrayner23
    What is happening as of late?
    I’ve listened to this show religiously for over 8 years. But the guests as of late feels to be a product of Rich and the show becoming more prominent. Please start asking what is the goal of brining this guest and is the audience going to learn something? And Rich, imposter syndrome is real. Stop talking over people when you feel like you have to show them you’re smart or “one of them”
  • AKRunner.LEA
    Episode 821 - Best Discussion of Kara Goucher’s Book
    Rich Roll takes the discussion of The Longest Race to the next level during this episode. No other podcast covers the topics like he does in this episode. The discussion is rich, expansive, and comprehensive. Does not side step the hard aspects and brings in many points and aspect that no other podcast has. His research is impressive.
  • Zuzu2219
    Excellent, informative, fun
    What a wonderful podcast - so happy I stumbled on it while scrolling around Apple Podcasts. Super informative and in depth, while also completely accessible for a person of any level knowledge in the particular subject. My new favorite!
  • nmsuchad
    Insights on top of insights
    Impressive conversation. I downloaded the book during the POD as I seem to do frequently.
  • Andi434343
    Sean Conway
    Loved this conversation!!!
  • Chris Little VA
    Very insightful, inspiring, and inviting
    Love the honest acknowledgement of trauma and healing as universal experiences and the varied and similar ways to embark upon a journey of healing. Thank you, Rich and guests.
  • *gf
    Rich, thank you for putting in the work you make it look easy. Much appreciated
  • Uriah82
    Where is Roll On
    Really missing the Roll On episodes!
  • Fancy Scientist
    Fantastic interviews and guests
    I read Rich Roll’s book and loved it and he does not disappoint on this podcast. I learn so much.
  • SleepHappyJessica
    Powerful Episode
    I’m sharing your episode with Dr. Ellen Langer with everyone I know. Even my 20 year old in nursing school bc she talks about what she notices about todays medical system… think of the wellness the world would have with a mindful hospital.
  • cocoxmutd
    I am fairly new to what I call podcasting. Listening to podcasts on my way to and from work. I have found Rich Roll to be one of my favorites. He is genuine and seems to be so interested in each subject. He dives deep and asks the questions that interest him that feel so personal and not just for show. Meaning, substance and entertainment 💚🌱 Also makes me happy he is vegan and cares our the earth. Please follow the vegan food pantry I am on staff for @lasveganfoodpantry On IG and Facebook
  • HKM210
    We’re doing our part
    Would you like to know more?
  • Fight Student
    Let them speak
    Good podcast, but could be so much better. The host needs to stop interrupting guests to interject opinion or answer his own questions. Speaking over the guests is tedious for the listener, and probably incredibly frustrating for the guest. The recent episode with Dr Langer was over the top. May be more likely to pass future episodes.
  • Kate--mc
    Is Roll On out of rotation? Miss your show with Adam. Alway fun to listen!!
  • Maude Blake
    If you aren’t listening you aren’t living! So inspiring and so on point!
  • Plywood835
    Life Changing
    Need I say more?
  • stitchinginheels
    Loved the podcast with Ruari but I tried to email his company and the address is invalid. Bummer. Good info. I wish the alcohol industry would collapse , just had another friend killed by a drunk driver. I never drink and my life is awesome. Keep up the good work!💓
  • saras198777
    It’s a Man’s World and We Just Live In It
    More (new) women’s voices please!
  • Pegasus Thies
    Long time listener but don’t give Rich’s pod much time anymore. It’s too produced and the guests seem slightly redundant. However, Roll On is a wonderful example of real conversation that is worth a listen and I never miss those episodes.
  • Snosraper
    Almost great
    The podcast is good! Great story’s great lessons great questions, but Rich stop talking so much…..
  • 83736thsbxke
    We Need More “Roll On”!
    Roll On episodes are the best because of the chemistry between Rich and Adam. We miss it. Also could do without so many ultra-runners and “mindfulness” “woo woo” type people. The conversations with more relatable people are the best.
  • Pma guy
    Rich Roll
    Rich Roll is a great interviewer! Inquisitive and a an amazing podcaster.
  • cortneyz
    Favorite Podcast
    This is my favorite podcast. It’s always insightful and well-researched. I love how calming it is to listen to Rich’s voice and I enjoy his thought-provoking questions as well as his humility in his own life experiences that inform it all.
  • Steve T woodland hills
    Brian Grazer
    Really enjoyed the interview with film maker Brian Grazer. His take on casting film roles I thought would be great for my adult kids interviewing…
  • Emmaahlr222
    Lots of men
    It would be awesome to have more women on the show
  • DarienPhillips
    Best podcast you will ever watch
    Ive been a daily listener of the Rich Roll Podcast for years now. I highly recommend it for anyone who want to change their life and/or learn a tremendous amount about self change. Phenomenal.
  • Katwrite7
    Chris Herren’s realness …
    The episode with Chris Herren was such a fascinating exploration of the pressures a professional NBA athlete faces. Kudos to Herren’s courage for being an unassuming pioneer by providing connected-based discussion to listeners, sport fans and youth regarding the mental stress put on high performers.
  • Hi from the Future
    Would be great with less host
    The guests are of the highest caliber, offering invaluable insights. However, the host's style of interview often detracts as it is very leading in its line of questioning. It leaves me wishing for a format where I hear the guest without much of the host’s input or opinion.
  • jdjrjdbs
    Arthur Brooks says we can make ourselves happier by wanting less, then recommends we follow his practice of spending two months at a different beach every year. Must be nice to want so little.
    A must listen
    An excellent podcast! Rich has great guests and asks really thoughtful, interesting questions! I looked forward to each new podcast! Many thanks!
  • KJK58
    Evaluation of Information
    The podcast with Frances Haugen was insightful and adds a whole new dimension to the education of evaluating information. After dedicating 35 years as a librarian/educator to this subject, I hope it can continue to be incorporated into all levels of the US curriculum. Thank you, Rich! You continue to educate this life long learner.
  • Atl Rad Dad
    Rich Roll podcast is pure motivation
    I’m currently reading Rich’s book, and it’s great to see how he learns from his mistakes and is able to move forward. On top of that, he has a very detailed and rich method for interviewing his guests. 5 stars for having a normal, levelheaded podcast which stands out in a sea of bombastic alternatives out there.
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