Funhaus Podcast


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Recent Reviews
  • CCW1777
    I liked the format better before 2023
    I loved the podcast before 2023, I love Lindsey and Ryan on their own they aren’t the most entertaining combination for a podcast. I’d love to hear more from Charlotte, Patrick, James, Armando…
  • Vader03
    What happen?
    I’ve been listening to these guys since 2014 when it was called dude soup, got some new people in here some folks left. It’s been a journey and I still listen now, but I remember being more of a video game topics and now it’s kind of all over the place. Some of the subjects are cool, and some just not that interesting to me. Yeah I know you don’t have to listen I get it I’m just a regular listener here and I’m not that important but I love these guys. I follow most of them on social media different platforms. Just my opinion, you guys still rock, and I wish every single one of y’all the best
  • dawnifthedead81
    Everything is political
    Listened until they decided to make talking about movies a political subject. So sick of these people. Everything has to be a political issue. Sickening.
  • instaanonymous
    When does it get entertaining?
    My lord this show got terrible. The hosts are incredibly dull and unlikeable. Haven’t listened for a couple years due to the old host shakeup, and the replacements bring absolutely nothing worth listening to. They should have just ended the show after the Adam thing.
  • KageRenTsuchi
    Listening to you guys grew on me. Was looking into more RT podcast content and at first want hitting the ear the right way but mannnnn did you guys grow on me. Now I enjoy listening to the topics
  • this is why i dont do reviews
    It’s very good
    I love this show! No matter the cast, it’s a guaranteed good time! And, as an audio listener, I really appreciate when Charlotte’s descriptions 😂
  • Maxwell Little
    Love the new blood
    Armando and Charlotte along with a fluid cast has really raised the podcast. At the end of the day to me this sort of podcast is best when they are conversational because of the fun they get to have. Topics are cool but the heart is in the silliness and personal stories.
  • Ryan Eli
    Hella woke
    I just can’t seem to find a good podcast that doesn’t focus on politics and wokeness. I haven’t listened to funhaus in awhile but….. this isn’t funhaus..
  • mac_mogul
    Off the rails
    I love the FH crew but this podcast has taken a hard left turn into complete chaos. It feels as though topics are discussed a few minutes before recording and maybe a new topic gets added in the middle of the show for some reason. It also doesn’t seem like any of the cast enjoy doing the podcast. I’d love to see this podcast’s recording duration be cut in half and have more structure. Make it Funhaus presents: Inside Gaming and record twice a week. Touch lightly on gaming news and give it the Funhaus sparkle and shine that we see in videos.
  • Br00t4ful
    Adam fu€ks
    In the studio
  • Jordan Beachboard
    such a “fun” listen
    i’ve never really been into podcasts but this is so entertaining! i love the cast and all the interesting guests they bring on the show!
  • RedUnit10
    RIP Dude Soup
    Good bye to the bygone days of Dude Soup, as what remains of the Faunhaus crew attempts to keep this dead horse alive. Lawrence and Adam, the only ones capable of keeping things on track, have left for good. Bruce, the best entertainment laugh track, is also gone. And so what we got is James and his wife, with a sprinkling of cast that is slowly slipping away. Alanah, the Aussie with an attitude, left for greener pastures. Jon, the most oily man alive, has recently handed in his resingation to explore the world. And that's because they can see the writting on the wall, as daddy WarnerMedia is cracking down hard on Rooster Teeth after the major scandles that came to light in 2020. With uninteresting guests who know little to nothing about games, no one knowing how to peroerly host the show, and less and less reason to stick around, this is a podcast destined for the trashbin.
  • jfkamsveian
    Such a good podcast, Adam is the man
  • Cammmartyn
    Love Dude Soup!
    Great Video Game Podcast from the team at Funhaus!
  • funkyfresh1017
    I love the show. Everyone does a great job. My only complaint would be the occasional appearance from the Kinda Funny people. All the other guests are quite interesting.
  • ItsAllAbout18
    Only Downside.....
    You can’t see their beautiful faces unless you watch it on YouTube or Rooster Teeth’s website. The podcast is amazing and all but what am I supposed to do without being able to see James’s muscles?
  • bobiloo
    DudeSoup Rocks!
    If you love Funhaus, you’ll love this podcast. I’ve been listening to this podcast for years, and when I run out of new episodes I just go back and listen to old episodes. I almost don’t want to listen to any other podcast cause it is just pure guys hanging out. They often call themselves a “friend simulator” and, not in a negative, that’s what this is. It’s Adam, James, and the guys all talking about video games, movies, just things they like. The recent episodes are different than the older ones, but it’s always something good. If you watch Funhaus, like them, or are just generally curious about what Funhaus is, please do yourself a favor and listen to this show. They are A+ content creators, and it shows
  • jwaterwa
    Good morning from hell trailer :(
    Make it stop! I can’t listen to the latest episode because of that dumpster fire ad
  • Fruitful Listener
    I used to stick around but started to wither out
    I’ve read reviews and noticed that while some loved the show, some pick up on say politics or a tired eye roll that carried forward through the casts. While some shows did open up new avenues for you guys to grow I felt it stifled and felt like work as you guys sat and talked almost in circles. The opinions expressed at times began to feel like I was on Bloomberg. I like Lana and certain refreshes. I did my best to support but once you reach a certain limit of it feeling tired and repetitive. I used to balk at people who saw reaction videos and realized overtime I was becoming one of the same. Peace.
  • Ryswagnasty
    Incredibly disappointed
    So I’ve been listening to the show for a while and I always enjoyed it deeply but lately the show has gotten incredibly political almost to the point of pandering to a certain demographic on the political spectrum, and I personally lean towards that direction but I still hate to see what was once a fun entertaining informative podcast turn into a platform to promote outrage culture. Still a decent funny show. But I can’t deal with listening to the episodes anymore because it’s just creating more hate than need be.
  • Adrift_ike49
    Love this podcast so much!!! Just finished the article 13 talk and I suggest listening to The Corridor Cast #23 podcast on article 13. They side with the article and find it rather reasonable. Keep doing what you’re doing!!! Listen to the podcast everyday at work and never gets old.
  • TinyWitzy
    XOne Bros are better
    Some of the most negative people you’ll ever hear. Will leave you feeling down by the end of every episode. Most of their jokes remind me of a junior high locker room, and just fall flat.
  • Heckin_heck
    Best gaming and comedy podcast
    Love these guys and have been following them since the IG days. Great mix of humor, personality, and gaming. I’ve found myself just listening to them for the personalities over any of the topics. Would highly recommend to anyone.
  • Lul1505
    Guy complaining about Bruce is triggered
    Ignore the diehard game of thrones complainer talking about about Bruce. I’m surprised he dusted off all the Dorito dust and moved his Mountain Dew bottles long enough to right that review. This is a great podcast if you enjoy funhaus content. They make the same material and they give their opinions on issues. This material is usually very funny and interesting.
  • Azius05
    The best podcast
    I don’t listen to a lot of of podcast mainly because they start to get uninteresting for me. Dude soup however, is one of the best and most tolerable podcast i’ve ever listened to. The sense of humor makes me smile and chuckle all of the time, and for someone who calls themselves a gamer this podcast is just for me.
  • barchardistheworst
    Bruce has the worst takes I’ve ever heard in my life
    First off, I’m a huge fan of Funhaus, so it doesn’t make me happy to leave a bad review on their podcast. But listening to Bruce constantly shoot down everyone’s (very valid) criticisms of Game of Thrones season 8 is beyond sickening. Somebody on the podcast will bring up a valid issue they had with Season 8, and Bruce IMMEDIATELY shoots them down and says something sarcastic like “oh you really expected them to tie up all of their loose ends? It’s a TV show why would you think that?” among other not very witty remarks. I’ve never seen such a huge corporate shill so quick to defend objectively poor writers and a multi billion dollar company like Bruce. Good job man, maybe HBO will hire you when Rooster Teeth goes under.
  • Pizza Time Podcast
    Best podcast period(.)
    I’ve never fallen in love with a podcast like this one... I love you Lawrence 😏😂
  • Peppersoldier
    Have a very funny and intelligent conversations about gaming, entertainment, and breaking news.
  • PizzaHotline
    Always makes my day!
    Good stuff, guys!
  • Eeyaioy
    Dude Soup is hilariously entertaining. The only thing that overshadows just how funny these guys are, is their deep intellect on video games and pop culture altogether. Please keep doing what you’re doing. I Love the positive energy.
  • WonderBen97
    My favorite podcast!
    Lawrence does a great job every week. They keep it fresh but keep the great bits going week to week. I listen literally every week when I commute between home and school. I miss the longer episodes, but around an hour is still great. Check them out on YouTube.
  • BlaqKlie
    This podcast has been an awesome help since my commute got longer. I love that I can take Funhaus on the road. If you’ve never experienced Funhaus you’re in for a treat. It has a strong video game focus, but every episode is full of about 50/50 video games to general pop culture news. Every week that balance swings back and forth for a refreshing episode every time. I’ll be moving to a new podcast app soon due to this awful redesign, but I just wanted to add a review before I left. Thanks for an awesome show I’ve enjoyed for years!
  • Crimmy Sun
    Best podcast for the immature adult
    I’ve been following these guys since early IG days, and they’ve been very consistent with their content. Their humor often straddles the line of what could be considered offensive to some, but misses are few and far between. I only the audio podcast would be a bit longer, but I understand that they have to cater to their YouTube audience as well.
  • Jer97
    Note to self, never listen to this at your desk at work just in case Lawrence makes Bruce read some sort of really weird, hilarious fan-fiction
  • Kc2bkm
    Love it! Stumbled across this Podcast looking gaming related stuff and it’s that and more. Right up my alley.
  • mox.fulder
    The new drunk tank.
    I loved the drunk tank (now RT podcast). It had a group of interesting people that enjoyed talking to/at each other about various topics. As the RT podcast has grown, it has lost the ability to constantly deliver this. I don’t mind ad reads, but the whole RT podcast seems dictated by them. Read them and move on, don’t end a topic just because of an ad. now on to dude soup. Lawrence, Adam, James, Elyse, and Bruce, are thoughtful and insightful people who are a joy to listen to. Each contributes a different element to the podcast that makes it great. I could go into great detail about this but, listening to the podcast will give you a better idea of what I would type. Absolutely excellent podcast and hopeful for many more years of enjoyment. thanks guys.
  • Pico Podcast
    Good show
    This show is good.
  • larryblaw
    Lawrence & Crew Always Bring It
    I never miss an episode. Current events (of the nerdy variety) complimented perfectly by a hilarious and insightful group. Always, leaves me smiling.
  • 123334fXbysko
    I love it when you guys go on off tangents about you're personal lives.
  • GurglyStomach
    There are few podcast with as much personality as this one. These guys have so much charisma.
  • Jibtendo
    Engaging and hilarious.
  • Avid can of all things ants
    Greatest Podcast Ever
    I listen or watch this every week, it’s a great podcast and I am always engaged. Keep up the great work, I love the new change for FH in 2018 and these new longer podcasts are a welcome change.
  • aneffinwookie
    Funhaus Dude Soup
    It’s like Skyrim with Lawrence
  • roosterinspace
    Floppotron Forever
    Come for the insightful opinions on video games and pop culture—stay for the disturbing and beautiful in their Hard Nettin’ segment.
  • The_big_moon
    Zayummmmm son😍
  • JesusPokemon56
    Great show
    It's awesome give it a listen
  • Joswayy
    Games games games!
    Love this podcast because they talk about all the aspects of gaming. Whether it’s the general fun of them or the business part of it. Also, every one of the Funhaus crew are hilarious imo.
  • Inovas
    Going downhill with the politics
    People are entitled to their political beliefs but listeners don’t come to funhaus(lol) for the left wing politics.
  • pedro esco
    Getting too political
    I started my journey with these guys back when they were at inside gaming. Over the past year to year and a half gotten very political and started to provide social justice warrior type of content and opinions. I did not come to this channel to listen to the echo chamber that it has now become. Just unsubscribed
  • Changes needed
    FH’s Dude Soup is great
    If you are looking for a gaming/ pop culture podcast look no further. The FH crew is a delight to listen to.
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