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PhattyfingersMore HoldenMore Holden
GubmintTardsGreatIt’s funny but Marcus is unnecessary. He has no valid opinions.
mrupahStill very much worth listening toThis show has some crude jokes that probably have aged badly, but if you listen unseeing it was done over a decade ago it is very entertaining. Very young comedians living and working in NYC some who go on to appear in Oscar winning films, prominent roles on SNL, and spawned LPOtL one of the biggest TC shows in the game.
Taylor? I barely know her....We love BenHail yourself!
HorseDoor191Shunkle Brian!
Ajs333Greatest podcast on earthHail Lpn queen Jackie! Hail Ed Larson the coolest and kindest dude! Hail Holden the Lizard king HOOOOOO! Hail Kevin barnet RIP, every day your presence is missed! Hail Ben Kissel the slickest host! And of course Hail Marcus the man who does it all!
SkelebearsPersonally I love Jackie so f* ehmsoleilUN! Believable(you’ll get that reference in about 300 eps). These are my favorite people on the planet and it’s so nice to have 7 years of them and see some of their growth by the end. One episode is called The Dirty Uncle Show and that’s a succinct name for this podcast. They’re all a lot like your dirty joke telling uncle, but they don’t hit their spouses. Plenty of comedians have been on this podcast even though you’d probably only recognize a few names. That was me in 😎roast mode😎 If you’ve kept reading this far my advice to you is to start at episode 101 and then all the way to the end from there. After you’ve learned to love them all go back and listen to 1-100. I’m personally on my 16th listen at the time of this, and I’m still hearing little jokes I missed. HOLDENATORS HOOOOOOOOOOOOO🦎
EhmsoleilThis podcast feels like hanging out with friends.Almost the best podcast ever! If Jackie Zebrowski weren’t on it it would be perfect. I laugh SO hard at almost every episode. For LPOTL fans, you get so much back story about our boys and see them unrestrained. Love it! (Especially when Jackie isnt on the episode). JACKIE IS SO ANNOYING AND NOT FUNNY
DkdnsksJoinMy favorite showAn excellent show, love the whole crew and have relistened a number of times. Jawsoohuh (reviewer below) needs to: (1) learn how to take a joke and (2) go listen to episode 304.
_JessedgThis show is my favorite show to ever be madeWasn’t gonna write a review, but I’ve listened to all the episodes at least once by now and saw this awful review by someone made Jawshoouh or something dumb like that. I don’t think they’ve ever understood a joke in their life and I feel bad for them. I wish you could reply to reviews because it’s just so bad. Stop being a self righteous lunatic and laugh, it’s good for ya.
JawshoouhhShamefulSometimes I still wonder if they ever regret this show. They can PRETEND they were playing characters all they want. But it’s pretty apparent that a lot of their takes were definitely themselves. I know they’ve all grown up but as far as 2017 they were still calling people and things r******d and making fun of the trans movement. They promoted Trump for crying out loud. The inhuman monster that tried to destroy democracy. They were in they’re 30s saying this stuff and calling it comedy. Even you Marcus. It’s shameful. No wonder your careers hit a brick wall. The world is better for it.
Becsb32Love Jackie Zebrowski!She made this show great
annah34Best podcast in the world!!!It’s very funny and has facts that you may not know about.
eatquailHint hintLaughed so hard in the shower while listening to episode 215 that I may have pooped a little... #iamthemysterypooper Also RIP kb, keep it real up there bud
dev0nhuntPHILADELPHIA FEVERuh-oh I think listening to this podcast gave me something... I don’t know what it is... I feel weak.. I think it’s... PHILADELPHIA FEVERRRRR
$wagizar, the GrandAwh Shit I’m Dead!This podcast is amazing. In this unfortunate world where KB has since passed, I think it’s time to write his memoir as mentioned in episode 214. The title, fist and last sentences are already written. His friends should fill in the rest. Long live Bird Luger RIP
JohnanomousHorses are the best.Swag to the moon, New Jacket. -Bird Luger-
Noneya B.KB Forever🦅I’ve never felt so much like I’ve known a group of people, though we have never met. I came to this podcast roughly a year and a half ago, when I was going through a lonely time. I spent hours and hours with this group of friends. When KB passed, I returned to it and listened to older episodes, plus a revisit to a few faves. A year later I’ve come back to listen to even earlier episodes! What a lovely thing also, to have a friend’s voice recorded so you can visit them and remember them❤️. Bird Luger forever - swag to the moon💫🦅🍑💓
AelfwineTullyBring it backHilarious and over the top. Need more!
Tttia75My new favoriteI just discovered this podcast and I’ve been binging them at work. I usually don’t like this format for podcast but I like Last Podcast on the Left so I have this a shot and I’m glad I did. It literally makes me laugh out loud at work.
GsusMooseWork issuesI’m on the 6th episode or so that’s available, and my boss just pulled me aside to make sure I was ok because I’ve been laughing randomly so much. Apparently laughing makes you seem like you’re going to kill people or something. Keep up the craziness please.
BahbahConquerSheepBring it backMy fav podcast of all time. Bring it back! Rip Bird Luger.
xBeantownBeautyxRIP BIRD LUGERI found this too late. Listened to 200 eps in the last few weeks. I love you all. RIP KB
LAWRIE GLIMEI don't want it to end!I absolutely love this show. I recently started listening not long ago and it has been my constant companion through all of my hour long daily commutes. Honestly I don't know where my sanity would lie without this show and everyone on it. It's something I look forward to listening to every day. Thanks guys! (:
jayvansMiss this showI came to this show one month after Kevin passed , I’ve been going backwards thru the series and simple love it, please come back , I even looked up the jumbo shrimp . Best podcast ever
THOSwifeyI love these guys!I so wish this show was still a thing but at least I can still get my fix with TLPOTL and all the old episodes for this one are on the last podcast network website just FYI 😊
nah no i dont want a nicknameSolOld episodes are not available anywhere so don’t look. I didn’t even get to finish all of them.
justpostthereviewandgoDo yourself a favor and listen.Absolutely disgusting; I love it SO much.
rod of ruinWootRIP street snakin out here
Dissatisfied5Rest In Peace Bird LugerYou made the world a better place
bleeksbonybodSwag to the moonNew jackets 😎 ((((Happy KB-day, y’all)))
ames23456PrayerDear Kevin Barnett, We know that you and Ed Larson’s mom are looking down on us in all things that we do. please let these fantastic hilarious fools bring this great show back. We all know it wont be the same without the Bird Luger but we keep you close to hearts. In your Holy name we all pray, Amen!!
GiveMeMurderCome back!I’ll open with a prayer. “Dear lord, lady, and thing, please bring back the Round Table of Gentlemen and hold Bird Luger tight to your bountiful bosom. Your blessings keep us safe from the lizard, and your eternal song is Holdenators No! Eddy you ain’t better than us! I humbly request exotic bones for Marcus... Oh, and Ben wants to be less of a giant. Thank you for what you have given, but we need more. Jackie!!! Do what you do girl! Magustalations and Amen!”
ShawawawnHoldenator for lifeHoldenators Hooooooo!
Reba ZBird Luger Forever!❤️I listen to these over and over and can’t stop laughing. It’s like hanging out with my group of friends. I would love a reunion! I know it’s not going to be the same. The chemistry you all have is immeasurable. I enjoy all of the Last Podcast shows! Hail yourselves!
JahaidjhspajdhStop being successful!I want this show back!
Russian Bot 117Bring it back.Bring it back!
tomXaldersonPlease come backOr post the first 100 episodes :(
Voorhor25GREATNESSIf you love hanging out and drinking with best friends this is the podcast for you. Always a good laugh and always a good time. Wish they did more, but still love this podcast.
LadyFurPatternsThis show🤣🤣Just started binge listening to this podcast at work recently. What can I say besides it makes my days go by faster and I find my self hysterically laughing all day. I love all these people they all bring laughter into my day. Ok
LauraUzareOne of the bestListening to the backlog of this show for probably the tenth time. I love everything about it. Slow Talkin' Morris ftw. Bird Luger forever ❤️
FcfegybddFunniest podcast ever!I came for last podcast on the left! I stayed and fell in love with the round table of gentlemen! RIP bird Luger!
paganandproudBird Luger foreverLove this show, just too lazy to rate and review. RIP Bird Luger!
Darjeeling77Good timeI listened to this podcast for years and do to recent events went back. The Roundtable never fails to impress. A strange mashup of personalities that produced something really amazing. You guys always make me smile. RIP Bird Lugar.
superreviewer6TruthPeople who leave 2 and 3 star reviews are legitimate psychopaths. Like, what’s your point and who are you trying to please? Stop it. 5, 4, or 1.
joceyvdvRip birdWell miss you Kevin Barnett 😢
BrookaeiouRIP BIRD LUGERI love you all
Stef.aluf.agusBird LugerSimply the best. It’s vulgar, lewd and absolutely horrific. It’s the best podcast you wish you never heard because deep down you know that you just smiled and giggled a little bit too much at that joke. Ben is a 10, Jackie is the Breast friend I never had, Holden has a great singing voice (but not as good as Jackie), Ed is hilarious whose personality makes you forget that you’re having a bad day. Marcus is simply the best human ever and deserves every great accomplishment and gift that comes his way. Last but not least, Bird Luger aka Kevin Barnett, swag to the moon, new jacket. Comedy genius.
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