The Doug Stanhope Podcast


Comedian Doug Stanhope hosts discussions with individuals he meets on the road and at home in Bisbee, AZ.

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Recent Reviews
  • jeffrey nouveau
    BEST pod around
    A great comedy and slice of life pod about the weird, wild and absolutely real life of Doug Stanhope and his merry band of misfits. You won’t be disappointed!
  • kettlemann
    Luv ya fam.
    🤜🏿 🤛🏼
  • nickkodeemus
    Beat standup comedian that ever lived
  • StonerEinstein
    Chad Shanks and Doug Stanhope
    The future of professional wrestling! If you like prison, Delta airlines, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, suicide, comedy, old road stories, new road stories, stolen hotel bibles, crazy chicks, crazy dudes, hate yourself or love yourself too often, this is the show for you. Also Bingo Binghaman!
  • cassie.CUNextTuesday
    Stanhope clan
    ❤️❤️❤️❤️love the whole clan. Great podcast episodes too to bottom
  • Johnny Chetco
    Flip Flop Guy
    Love this podcast and imagine my surprise when the opening of Raleigh, NC show was recorded and played at the end of the podcast!
  • Flux234
    Surprisingly terrible.
    It’s actually kind of interesting how Doug can be a very funny comedian but so incredibly bad at podcasting. It’s just pathetic incoherent rambling nonsense about absolutely nothing. Add to it the rest of the junkie losers he hangs with and it’s unlistenable. I check in a couple times a year and it’s still awful.
  • AmericaIsLeftAndRight
    Its a show
    It is something to listen to
  • blue jay motel
    Doug, We loved you in Richmond. Thanks for letting us take a picture
  • LessCouchOn
    Dear Doug,
    The birds and the bees talk with my father impacted me in a profound way…🕯 He very sweetly explained that sex will feel the very best when it’s with a partner that you LOVE…🕯 After all these years I finally got my dander up and asked my father why he lied to me.🕯 -Eggnog and Pickles- -Les Couchon- 💄🐷🍒👠
  • InsultingRetard
    Five Stars
    Like a drinking buddy I don’t have to worry about impressing and/or not annoying. Got me through some rough times. Pairs well with cheap booze and flop sweat
  • Anonnonon
    Stanhope is to stomach bile as stomach bile is to a cocktail mixer: acquired taste
  • Marlowe'sson42
    Re:episode 485
    Richard Jeni’s trivia on IMDb says that his girlfriend found him “gravely shot” and I’m wondering what constitutes a non-grave gunshot wound? Also Doug Stanhope is the funniest man alive and this podcast is fantastic and if you don’t like it then it’s just not for you.
  • chad "egg nog" kultgen
    Mostly boring stories
    You have to sit through a lot of mundane airline stories about sitting in first class and complaining about his chosen vocation and his audience to get to anything interesting
  • trumptherumpshaker
    Like a warm blanket
    Best podcast ever. I hope Doug stays for another decade.
  • Lakersmyt24
    God is good. He blessed us with this Podcast. Thank you Jesús.
  • HzMtPaT
    Dark and hilarious!
    Great podcast hosted by the best comedians out there!
  • avgdave$420
    Love this podcast
  • Josh Savoy
    Author of Tombstone book
    The pod cast is awesome and I listen to most of the podcasts. I was just wondering the author of the tombstone book
  • spaceboy3009
    This guy is a true comedian, and is surrounded by a hilarious group of fun misfits. Highly recommended.
  • madtothemax7
    Yep.... good
  • lollollollollollollollollollolloll
    Im stoned listening to people who aren’t from Texas talk about Texas. It’s not so bad
  • MC Minderaser
    Thanks for the laughs you magnificent bastard!
    So many laughs from thus unique and dare I say magical individual. He made me want to move to Bisbee, but I heard there’s not much in terms of a single scene. Thanks for introducing me to Bird Cloud.
  • Chester Monroe
    The Best
    Love these Podcasts. They’re my stories.
  • "freedom street-fighter"
    Not interesting
    No one in history has ever tried so hard to be a rebel. This dude is not funny, his humor is so low brow. Also if he was your neighbor or coworker you’d hate him. Why would you listen to this garbage. Imagine a rebel With 400 podcast episodes hahaha
  • sklXbns
    Not for everyone, but that’s the point.
    Like caviar on Jell-o, this podcast and Doug himself isn’t for everyone’s particular taste. But if this is what does fit your pallet, nothing else will do.
  • Top Press operator
    Greatest episode.. Definitely high... just working and living.. my Covid story... love you and the gang... Seattle loves you
  • Emptybottles23
    Best one yet! For all the crazy’s.
    Keep feeding that boy weed and shrooms please
  • Bigbadugly1
    The Best
    So here I have found the funniest, the coolest , the most relevant , comedy podcast . Yes DS being the best makes the others less than the best. Keep on rocking DS. (DSP>the others)
  • mjrisin
    So happy I found this guy. I thought stand-up was all Amy Schumer-ized now.
  • ToddGlass=BeRightBackGreatness
    The Most Authentic Self Revealed World Understand Podcast
    Doug’s beauty is only overshadowed by his grace...funniest dude in the game
  • Dunning-Kruger
    Stoner Doug = not funny
    Podcast is unlistenable since you began starting every podcast with how high you are. You’ve lost your edge, each new special is worse than the last.
  • Miss McNeilly
    You’re so lovely...
    It’s true. I love the chaos, the reality, the absence of careful, correct language and observations. All of you make me giggle and I love it. Thank you my darling. I adore you and your attire. Thank you. I’m from L.A and living outside of St. Louis looking after my parents. All of you keep me grounded in “the real.” Theresa Will you consider a couple x small shirts for the pretty, lithe girls..
  • kwd123456
    Good show
    Chaille is Doug’s obnoxious neurotic errand boy
  • @troubbble
    Doug rules.
    Chaille is pure ear cancer, but it’s worth gritting your teeth through his inane blathering for Stanhope.
  • voodoochild0349
    Plastic jug vodka
    My favorite vodka-soaked comedy savant and his island of misfit toys. Chaille does a great job of bottling the lightening. Love Stanhope and how he is unapologetically himself.
  • Mmmmmarty
    Stanhope’s podcast
    Thank you
  • jennifaeriedawn
  • Hbt0918
    86 the Inman Episode
    Big fan. Listen to everything. Even plan to bump up my Patreon level. The Inman episode was garbage and a complete waste of time.
  • patrickbrewer108
    Vodka soda guy
    Love this podcast was a weekly highlight, at the moment a daily highlight. More Todd Glass.
  • Highborn.hunter
    Test of Friendship
    A friend of mine introduced me to Doug’s standup, and the fact that I listened to every album in a weekend and asked for more made us friends for life. We saw Doug live with Olivia Grace opening and she was a delight. Her standup is hilarious. This isn’t my #1 podcast but it is interesting to hear about Dougs life and his compound of misfits in Arizona
  • mobeemo
    Good pod
    Would of gave it 5 stars but the podcast producer constantly interrupts Doug’s stories to correct him and to tell his own stories. If you can get past that, it’s a good pod.
  • MaralTheGeek
    You’re ok dude. I mean my sister loved you so...
  • Dechefticon
    Love you guys and gals. Thanks for all the entertainment
  • Jakeffkydvjtdcj
    Dough is funny man. He makes haha’s.
  • Youmommas a ball licker
    Enough issues with Andy
    Hey dingleberries where this weeks Stanhope Podcast ? Issues with Andy isn’t cutting the mustard
  • Hdfattyfan
    Fun house!
    Doug Stanhope is one of the most genuine comedians you will ever find! He’s not only funny but would be a great hang in person. His podcast captivates you as if you were sitting around the table with your buddy’s drinking exchanging drunken tales and jokes. Chad Shank and Greg Chaille are the best and make the podcast so much fun with their interactions with Doug. Keep up the great work Bisbee!!!!
  • let your yang hang
    Stanhope is the man
  • NSerafini
    Used to be great...
    The first years of the show were fun, irreverent and no holds barred Doug & friends sitting with you having a cocktail, shooting the breeze. Greg and Chad, Jobi, even that nut Inman. Hennigan stories are timeless classics. Even grew a soft spot for Andy over time. Sometime around him writing his second book he starts brining in more people to the funhouse and getting more soapbox. I don’t really care about some yoga instructor who moved in a few doors down. Former killer termite here, signing off. No longer worth the listen.
  • Becoming13
    Hotel bar tender was excellent. Keep up the good drunk work! See you guys in Dallas next time
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