Rooster Teeth Podcast


Join Armando, Griff, and Andrew for weekly episodes featuring your favorite Rooster Teeth cast members, fun games, great bits, and lots of laughs.

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  • Blitzkrieg51
    How dare you put out the second to last episode with the “OG” crew and slap Barb in there still. Her coming was the beginning of the end.
  • Mandoog006
    Not what it was
    I remember the first time I watched RVB. My dad had the first 5 seasons on DVD back in the day. I watched and listened and soaked up RT and AH and anything I could get my hands on. I even bought merch. So maybe 12 years I’ve been a fan? Was a fan. RoosterTeeth and everything associated with the company has lost what it had. The magical spark of a bunch of nerd friends having fun shooting dumb skits, playing video games, making machinima and talking about dumb stuff is gone. They spread their spirit so far it’s just dissolved. It’s all empty. It’s a shell. I’ve changed too. But I’m not the only one who sees this. I guess the younger audience won’t notice or care because they didn’t see what came before. I’d compare old RT to MK2 Spartans. New RT is just a MK3. More of it, fancier on the outside, but severely lacking where it counts. It hurts to see how far they’ve come, only for it to be the wrong direction. I guess this is success? Better equipment, more staff, money, audience... Well I’d give my left nut to have them back as what they were 10 years ago. And now they’re shutting down. Sad to know I saw this coming for years. I guess it wasn’t success after all. They couldn’t even fall with style.
  • hjb260
    Excited for where they go
    This podcast has been a part of my life .. for a long time. If Griff, Andrew, and Armando did a podcast after this, I’d still listen! This podcast is literally a decade+ time capsule - very well done.
  • 00Dounut
    Revamp- swing and a miss
    It’s really too bad that the new revamp of the show just doesn’t land. I’ve been listening to the podcast since the drunk tank days and was always a highlight of my week. Five stars goes to the old cast and crew. This new podcast and their hosts just isn’t the vibe.
  • BawlsMcLathers
    Is it better to die a hero?
    Good lord how the mighty have fallen. Thank you rooster teeth podcast for being with me in the past but man…. This is a far cry from the masterpiece of a podcast it once was. Rooster Teeth needs to just be renamed at this point :(
  • Knotts The Nomad
    Don’t claim to be an apple cast
  • Gundamg14
    Not the same
    Been listening since its inception and the new hosts just don’t have the chemistry that the old staff had. Thanks you rooster teeth for an amazing run but like Forest Gump said “I’m pretty tired”
  • Whoisisaidthefly
    Just not the same
    Feels just poorly done now and oh hey we’re so random, they comedy is poorly done, can’t stand listening to people laugh at their own un funny jokesLook at us!!! Barb should have been the one to take it over from Gus. Just anyone but these three.
  • Mattswavey
    I miss old rooster teeth
    AHEM* yeah I said that. Just like funhuas this podcast is not hitting anymore man. Been listening since 2018 and I just can’t anymore.
  • bot35002
    Just not what it used to be
    Seems like it has declined in quality and it’s just not as much fun to listen to. Have listened to it for a long time and will continue to listen to older episodes
  • THISappHASproblemsDONTdenyIT
    Jokes aren’t funny
    I don’t get the majority of the jokes anymore. I’m a 22 yr old female and have been listening for years. This new content is supposed to be for a younger generation, but I guess I’m not the target audience. The jokes feel so rehearsed, and they lean too heavily into political humor… it’s not for me.
  • imDudekid
    Forced Comedy, Not what it was.
    This show used to be everything to me. I’ve listened to every single episode, some more than once. Up until recent when they made “the switch” the new crew is both not funny, and not relatable. They force segments. The switching between segments is too loud. They’re obnoxious. If Gus didn’t want to continue this, it should have died with his end. This is a disgrace to all things RTP. So sad.
  • A22h01e
    Helps get me through my job
    Big fan of the rt podcast since late 2019 as it helps me get through my dead end job.
  • Matt@666
    Sound balance issues?
    I’m having a fun time listening to the new crew and their segments, but Christ, my ears have been getting absolutely blasted off every time they play a little jingle when they switch segments. The music is so much louder than their voices. I would love to see this issue fixed, I don’t think I can continue to listen unless the sound is properly balanced.
    Sad to see the new podcast
    Been a listener and watcher from 2012 to about 2020. Loved every minute of it. Had to stop listening when they got away from what made them who they are. It went from funny stories and laughs to political talk about what they believe and if you don’t like what they say your a bad person. I didn’t start listening for what your views are I listened for a good laugh and a break from the world. I miss the old rt and hate to see it end. Goodbye my friend!
  • NotJakePatrick
    This show died when they changed hosts…
    Enough said.
  • KazemiTS
    So long RTP…
    Been watching and listening to podcast with Gus, Burnie, Gavin, Barbara, and assortment of other guests appearances. I loved the chemistry of them and their various guests each episode in the later years prior to the show change. And I wasn’t sad when Gus decided to leave the show and more on to other things. However, with the introduction of the new hosts of the show. I find myself being distant and more so disconnected. I finding them to be unfunny and cringe with some of the jokes and views. As well as I’m not enjoying the disconnect with their viewership by leaving the live/live-chat format and sometimes chaotic tanges. Opting to a pre-recorded and structured episodes. I get the feeling the show has moved to quick comedy bits monologues, gameshows and a satire news/fan letter segments episode to episode. Not to say the last version of the podcast wasn’t the same, but it was a bit less obvious of it. I’m sorry for the rant, I do understand the change is inevitable. But I fear for what is to come with the changes made so far. And wonder what is to come later, when it comes. But for now, I’ll be listening from a distance instead of listening on a weekly basis. Till then, be safe out there.
  • DarinYatsui
    Not for me anymore
    I’ve been listening to RTPodcast for over a decade. With The entirety of the original cast no longer part of the production I think it’s time for me to let this one go. The segments aren’t my speed and are rarely humorous. The three new members are funny but at the same time a lot of the bits feel so forced and sometimes very cringy. I hope they find continued success, but this show longer has the soul that kept me coming back.
  • Red Majestics
    I kiss the old cast
    All I do now is watch from episodes 400 down
  • Memememememememwmemememememme
    I’ve been listen to the RT PODCAST for over 8 years now and I love the fact that RT is changing up the cast and Gus is moving on. But frankly, I believe they should have just ended the RT podcast together. Trying to shove these three new host down our throat is god awful. Sure they’re funny at times and it was amazing having them come on every now and then but let’s all be honest. They should have just made a NEW podcast instead of rebranding this one it just doesn’t work and I’m assuming this is a money move like always in businesses you take an old item that’s been ranking in the big bucks and you tweak it. But sadly on July 28th I will be unfollowing the RT podcast after following it for years. So long old friend.
  • Arturo Andor
    Different but good.
    Might have to listen from the very beginning just to feel something. Mando carries for sure.
  • TQwain
    Drastic show change
    I will preface the new hosts are nice and definitely funny, but the tone of this show is nowhere close to what it has always been. I've been a weekly listener of the RT Podcast for over 10 years and over such a long time like that you just expect the show to stay similar to what you've always known. Sure, hosts may come and go, little things here and there may update with the times, but this drastic change comes off entirely as "let's just use the big following of this show instead of starting up a new show." The show now is completely different from the RT Podcast. Realistically I don't think it's horrible, and do believe there is an audience for it, but as I can see from the reviews, forcing this audience into this show is just a very low ball move. It's not the show for me, and it's way more respectful to let the original show end and have these other hosts build their audience up like every other podcast has had to do instead of forcing your audience to completely pivot. Nothing against the hosts. I know they want to make content people enjoy. Just entirely a disrespectful business decision by RT and the execs.
  • Alphawolf916
    I’ve been binging this podcast for years and gone back from the first one posted on here, I loved the content with the old cast and guest speakers. With the new cast it’s not interesting to me and I’ve not like they’re topics they discussed. Gus leaving was drive for this and now that he’s gone it’s just not as entertaining to listen to
  • Just_a_Name_%%
    Hate the new hosts
    For the first time in at least 14 years I completely dislike this show. Not a single redeeming quality!
  • Adol116
    In memory of better days
    It’s just not the same anymore after they got rid of the old cast.
  • Yansky77
    Good show
    The dynamic of this new crew is chefs kiss. Great first episode, love the segments and can’t wait to see what the crew comes up with in the future. A
  • Death2JB
    Thank you for the many years of a quality show. Unfortunately this new cast & rebranding isn’t for me, I’ll stick with the good memories. I think the best way to respect the legacy of the original cast would have been retire the RTP, and start a new podcast with the current cast. Oh well, best of luck to Gus, Gavin, Barbara, and Gus as they move onto new adventures!
  • Badgerfan111
    The departure to irrelevance
    Have been a listener since episode one. I’m also a listener of Black Box Down, I’ve been following rooster teeth long before AT&T merger and I'm probably not going to listen to this after this episode. The new cast only brings hot button opinions and not much fun stories about there life. I do understand all things must come to an end but removing an entire cast and crew at one time… not the way to go about it. I liked old rooster teeth. Way back when. When you could drive by the office and if you caught gus or Bernie or even Gavin they didn’t hide behind a gated studio… things change and life goes one, if this was 6 years ago I would give 4 stars call me salty or what ever. But the achievement hunter days of Horse and halo highlights what the high lights of my life.
  • LiquidChaos66
    Long time fan at a loss
    Long time fan and listener. Congrats, Gus at creating such a successful and wonderful podcast as host! You will be missed here! The new hosts are trash humans and will ruin the legacy that was created. Their humor is distasteful and their general subjects of conversation are low class and gross. Thanks to them, I will be unsubscribing. End of an era and start of an absolute failure! Good luck RTP you’ll need it with those idiots running it.
  • Speed295
    There’s no reason
    This was great for a while and let’s be real. The time has come to say our goodbyes to Gus. Gus was apart of the main crew and yeah you can say Gavin and Geoff are also the main people as well. But without Gus and Bernie… ugh this place feels like an skeleton. I’m sure Barb and Gavin and Geoff and whoever else was around for a while will make this podcast into great stuff but I think it’s time I mosey myself out here. There’s just no reason to listen to this pod anymore unless you love the new stuff that RT puts out.
  • Iwastedfivebucks
    Nothing good lasts forever
    Been listening since drunk tank days. Change is often good and this show has been great for a very long time but it’s slowly started to appeal to maybe a younger crowd? Either way as an old time listener the new stuff often feels like a miss.
  • BlazzinBob
    It’s just not the same thing
    Not really sure if that makes it bad but it’s definitely not for me anymore.
  • BanksBigSteppa
    Long time fan
    22, been a fan since I was like 8 or 9. Love the podcast but it really is too PC now. If you really wanna enjoy this podcast, just don’t click on one’s with super new people on it.
  • Twoolley2
    Not what it used to be
    I just don’t click with the new people on the podcast. They’re young and it shows
  • TruthHonorRegret
    Episode 740
    Best ep, ky’s laugh at Chris’s comment about Blizz’s first kiss being a mirror
  • pancake_fetish
    Sound quality needs to improve
    Recent episodes have resulted in what sounds like a lot of mics being knocked around (loud, percussive noises) which is very distracting and annoying to listen through when the actual content of the show is great.
  • Morgan Bryan Newman
    The company died when Burnie left
    Maybe the guy was smart to get out when he did, I dunno… Burnie, Geoff, Gus, Joel and Gavin were the draw here and now that the band has been Yoko’d it’s just not the same.
  • TheQuackhead
    Lost its spark
    This used to be a great podcast, but it’s just not entertaining anymore. The hosts that were the most fun to listen to are gone. No shade to the new, broader rotation of people that make up most of the cast now, but there is a real lack of chemistry among them. They feel like coworkers talking to each other, not friends. I have no idea who most of them are, even after listening to full episodes with them. I have continued trying to enjoy this podcast for literal years, living off the occasional episode that reminds me of how it used to be. These are so few and far between now that I think I’m giving up. Furthermore, it has been made abundantly clear over the last several years that Rooster Teeth is not a company that deserves our time or attention any more. Their company culture is terrible and always has been. I believe that they’ve made some effort to improve, but I also believe the problems are so deeply ingrained that they cannot be undone without essentially undoing the whole company. This podcast is the company poster child. If it were still good, I might ignore my feelings and continue listening anyway, but it’s not. I would encourage any new listeners not to bother.
  • Allibabba sword
  • CaravanBoi
    Privileged white people.
  • aleifit
    Gone down hill
    I have listened since the beginning.. as original members have left (Burnie, Geoff) it hasn’t had the same appeal. It’s not funny and many times is just political let alone listening to non Americans talk politics I guess in hopes of getting people who can vote to do so for them. It’s definitely changed and nothing for the better. Said goodbye and moved on to better listening options.
  • HeneryPhilllips
    Quite simply I just miss Burnie. I have for the past 8 years now listened to the RT Podcast every night as I fall asleep. After Burnie left, the only episodes that were really bearable to listen to were the ones with Geoff and Gus. Now that Gus is “by himself” at least now that he doesn’t have Burnie or Geoff on consistently, it’s hard for me to really enjoy the episodes anymore. The whole thing just doesn’t have the appeal that they used to, feels weirdly like a relationship without love. Sad to see where it is now, and I hope every day Burnie would at least come back for 1 episode. Very greatly missed.
  • Minxykitten2231
    Review 701
    Reminded me of “ Google or Gavin “ 🤣
  • Golfpro1509
    This review is for episode 699, which finally felt like the RT Podcast that I’ve been listening to for ever now! No political complaining or Barbara trying to be funny and/or talking about things she doesn’t have a clue about. Just good ole Geoff terrorizing Jack, and Gus and Gavin feeding into it! Great episode RT!
  • Jdjsjsjsyssg
    I can’t believe I’ve watched 698 episodes of this podcast just for my first comment to be that i would like a bean off
  • DodgeMan45
    The Burnie days were better
    I listened to the podcast from the beginning and I always enjoyed it, until burnie stepped down. Now it’s super bland and not near what it used to be.
  • Husky Robusto
    Gone Downhill
    Roosterteeth Podcast is terrrrrible these days. Awful. So much less entertaining than it was in the Burnie days. There is a revolving door of random names cohosting the show. The content is overly 2022 safe and watered down. One of the cats, I don’t recall his name a the moment, is still wearing a mask while on the show. So he sounds like he’s speaking with a hand over his mouth. Maybe don’t talk if you’re still afraid of the free radicals because it’s annoying to hear? Over this show. If you like safe, bland “humor”, you’ll love it! I’m going to download the early episodes and stick to those, because the post-Burnie show suuuucks.
  • Tacuvito
    Meandering Doldrums
    9 minutes into the episode, Gus vs Tornado and they are still stuck trying to introduce the program and what they did over the weekend. Internet Today brought me here, but I think the boys failed at recommending this podcast.
  • Beyoutothefull beautiful
    Hey barb & endcard
    Why do the normal Canadians protest the vax? Also, please remove the endcard w/ the shipwreck podcast from episodes that released before that podcast.. it is a disgrace to the old podcast. Nails on a chalkboard. There were no ads back in the day.. I miss it so much. I hope someone reads this & understands @ RT. I love you guys to death..
  • Terrell.
    I’ve listened to the RT podcast since 2016
    Love this podcast, I was a fan of RvB back in the day, and then I discovered this podcast down the road. I couldn’t say I’m keen to RT’s other content and I’m sure it’s all great. But I just really enjoy listening to the camaraderie that is thus podcast. I even find myself going back to old podcast just hear certain conversations because it never fails to make me laugh. Keep it going RT. I still enjoy the newer podcasts, but it feels more produced now and it’s not as “raw” as say past episodes. I still enjoy listening, but the content I feel like has gotten lighter.
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