The Ron Burgundy Podcast


Will Ferrell reprises his role as Ron Burgundy in the world-famous Ron Burgundy Podcast! Each episode has a different theme in which Ron engages in conversation with another notable person on the topic at hand. In true Ron Burgundy fashion, these conversations have a tendency to go off the rails, and we find out things about people we never knew we wanted to know. Join America’s favorite Anchorman, continuing to delight audiences with the comical musings of Ron Burgundy – and leave them wanting more!

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Recent Reviews
  • callmeeeeee
    I want more!!
    This is the best and only podcast I ever listen to! We need more seasons and more episodes, I’m not a huge fan of the live audience though, the old version was the best, please make moreeeeee!!!!
  • lindsaz
    Want more
    It physically hurts me how infrequently there’s new seasons. This show is gold for how hilarious it is. I’ve startled coworkers with my laughter when I listen to this podcast. I’m sure they think my enthusiasm for it is concerning.
  • Chris Sassaman
    Just love this, thank you thank you so much
  • madman 1990
    I Can’t do it anymore
    It was funny the first couple of episodes, but then it became the most redundant thing on the planet. No variation at all. Listen to podcasts like Music
  • Khei90
    I listen to this mostly when I’m going to bed sometimes, very entertaining and hilarious!
  • DennisOfColumbus
    It’s good.
    It’s not The Wes Mantooth Podcast, but it’ll do. 👍🏻
    Lose the live audience…
    Live audience all but ruined the Ron Burgundy podcast.
  • SubscribeToBowieBruinsYoutube
    Love the show
    I love your show but the live shows just aren’t as good as the old shows. So if you could just bring back the old format that would be great. Thanks
  • Wamadden4
    Bring Back the Old Format
    The live shows aren’t as good as the old format. Bring it back please. You had a great thing going. And PLEASE keep the stupid Leftist politics out of it. It isn’t funny any more.
  • Jeremy the Not Robot
    not good now
    the first two seasons were incredible. i still listen to them from time to time. but the new seasons are lame. live shows are not cool. i want funny interviews with carolina. and making the theme song episode is one of the best. very creative. now it’s just live shows. boo.
  • Hagmag420
    broken, but still good
    i believe, an audio podcast mixed with a live audience, is a not a good mix. its like having a radio show with magic, or hiring a clown but everyone is wearing blindfolds. if these shows have a visual option available somewhere to watch, that'd be cool, i guess. the old way of the show is a better format, but at least the live shows are contributing ticket sales to charity. i want to give the show two stars, but i cant because carolina is a siren and wont let me, also im pretty sure ron would put me on the list.
  • Cat*Butt
    Was Great. Five Stars. No Longer So.
    This was extremely funny and enjoyable to listen as Ron stumbled through another day reliving memories. The fifth season brings canned laughter and an audience with people acting on a stage of some sort? It’s an audio podcast between two people chatting with a guest or recorded phone interview. Sadly I cannot give it even a two star rating down from an enthusiastic five star rating. Someone is trying to kill off the Burgundy character and imo succeeding at it.
  • Johnny554749
    Killing it
    Love the show
  • G-Steg
    What happened?
    It was so funny the past two years, but now it’s like a bad night at an improv club. Carolina used to be the best “straight-man” in the business, but now just fake-laughs in dead spots, of which there are many. And ragging on Ron Desantis for no reason? What’s become of this show?? I miss the days of Mustache Bill!! Bring that Ron Burgundy back!!
  • ChanderP42
    I love the podcast itself, but…
    IHeart, PLEASE tone down the ads for all of these other podcasts. Listened to this while falling asleep and horror podcast clip came on, it was quite unpleasant.
  • Best game ever is Roblox 999
    Used to be great
    Turn on Burguny podcast used to be great but now the latest episodes are really bad they’re not like as funny as they used to be if you only watch the 5 season then course you’re not gonna like it open the first 4 seasons were actually really good my favorite is the 1 season am I alone on this?
  • Debbie Lodato
    Frankie Quinones
    I guess I don’t get it. This show isn’t funny. Am I alone in this?
  • Space.Kay
    It used to be pretty funny but it lost me at the end.
  • Sports n Humor
    Nearly the best
    Stay away from politics, persuasions, west coast politics and live settings! We can’t see!
  • Iggy alfasi
    I don’t want other peoples podcasts in your slot
    I heart radio - stop taking over TRBP’s slot with other random pods you are trying to promote. It’s ridiculous. I don’t want to hear these people. I miss the dynamic between Ron and Carolina from the previous seasons. Seems as though the audience being present has completely changed who Carolina was and her attitude towards Ron which was actually really funny. There have been a bunch of episodes that were heavy on sight gags. The clown episode for instance - what are you guys thinking ? It’s a podcast remember??!? We can’t see the dude pulling daisies out of his butt even tho the audience might be enjoying it. Please don’t do bits that rely on being able to see the person involved. Kinda ridiculous. It’s still funny, it just sounds a lot more like Will Ferrell and his approving sidekick than RB and his horrified wrangler this season.
  • User101011
    NFT podcast
    Unsubscribed when I heard an ad for a podcast featuring NFT characters. Goodbye iHeart.
  • BillBlaster1
    Slow on some subjects, silly comedy on others
    If you saw the movie, and you thought Will Ferrell as Legendary San Diego newsman Ron Burgundy was funny, you will enjoy this podcast. Ron is off the cuff, playing off his co-host Carolina, who corrects him constantly and questions his sometimes questionable conclusions. He is goofy and aloof while commenting on serious subjects, which is vintage Ron. He was really funny describing a trip to Joshua Tree National park where people spoke Spanish and people sold chicklets and wrist-bands on street corners——only to be corrected by Carolina that he actually visited Mexico. Another funny interview was with a real forensic psychologist who Ron asked whether he had a cure for bunions on his feet, and questioned why he needed to wear orthopedic shoes. Yet another good moment was a real interview with Deepak Chopra, regarding life theory, and Ron announced that he actually communicates telepathically with a raccoon in his back yard. Still another was a Christmas memory of watching certain holiday movies, when Ron stated his favorite Christmas film was “Die Hard”, and when he got a present he really liked would yell : “Yippee Ki-Yay, Mother*****r!” Not a serious podcast, just an entertaining, comedic and funny 45 minutes or so listening to Ron’s silly opinions and over-blown news-anchor delivery. Highly recommended if you like to laugh. Ed in LA
  • Lazyyyyyy
    Stay Classy San Diego
    I love every episode from start to finish This podcast has gotten me through a very hard time EVER MOMENT WAS HILARIOUS
  • ChildeRowland
    New format!
    The live shows are a departure from the previous seasons, but I like it. Ron is a little more like-able, and the relationship with Carolina is kinda sweet now.
  • emmanuel did it
    Carolina is getting kind of annoying and not sure I’m a fan of the live audience
  • quinnit
    Insanely funny
    Live audience really falls flat. Too many sight gags that don’t translate. What happened to those Ron Burgandy theme songs? Carolina also a bit wasted. The hysterical dynamic between the two is lost. I hope the show continues and returns to its previous format. Too many half smiles with this new format. Not enough laughs.
  • Brendan819
    Live Format Was A Bad Idea
    The first 4 seasons were amazing. The live idea was interesting at first, but isn’t working. I’m listening to the exact same jokes every episode. Many of the jokes also involve a visual element, which obviously is missing when listening to a podcast. The live format must be great to attend in person, but falls incredibly flat in podcast form.
  • crp7376
    Don’t like the live shows
    I loved the other seasons, can’t get into this one at all. Doing it live just changes the whole show and doesn’t have the same “laugh factor”. Too bad…
  • see II believe
    Really boring…with liberal & woke undertones.
    Huge fan of Will. But this is just random and boring. Its just not funny at all. His expressions and physical comedy don’t work on a podcast.
  • Djidmmx
    Season 5 ruined with live audience
    It WAS one of the funniest podcasts. Now they’ve ruined it by doing it in front of an audience. It feels like tbeater now with the constant audience laughs. Unlistenable. Whomever decided to do a theater production of this, worst decision ever. Unlistenable.
  • hppfan
    Go back to the normal podcast
    May be fun to do it in person but when you listen to it it’s lost it’s charm. it used to be great now I wish we had the regular podcast episodes
  • baby fark mcgee zax
    Used to be good. The live audience is horrible.
  • fireizit
    No to 5
    Season five seems like failed experiment
  • Rethink these
    Good show but
    Kind of losing the ron burgundy voice. It’s ok but sounds like Will Farrell doing interviews.
  • Mallak55
    Live season isn’t good
    I love season 1-4. Live season isn’t good. Carolina isn’t even the same character.
  • joke3555
    Really used to love this podcast
    But I just can’t with the live audience. I haven’t laughed once and have struggled to get through each episode. I’m on episode 4, I think. And just can’t listen anymore.
  • HaleighOz
    How is this still a podcast?!
    Literally the least funny podcast I’ve ever listened too. The guests on the new live season even seem to struggle to get the jokes. Carolina is boring and all of Ron’s jokes have been reused. Literally every segment they are grasping at straws to turn the conversation into something exciting and original. It’s almost sad to listen to. If your looking for good comedy checkout: Comedy Bang Bang!, Threedom and The Teacher’s Lounge.
  • eaglesfan225
    Good podcast but….
    I love this pod but the new season is awful. Something about being in front of an audience takes away from the charm of the show. It just feels like your listening to a stand up set and it’s not the same. Please do not have a live audience next season. I’m not even listening to the rest of this season so hopefully you fix it for next season
  • Duckie227
    Newest season is…disappointing
    I’m sure you guys did a GREAT show. But I’m not a fan of live shows becoming podcasts. Just listening, you miss a lot of interesting things. Why did anyone think having a magician in a podcast a great idea? I like to watch magic. Not listen to it. Please go back to the old format. Don’t worry about recording your shows for us. We want better content.
  • emmetklaus
    Season 5
    The live audience is ruining the podcast for me
  • imn1l
    Annoying ads
    too many ads.. is killing the rhythm.. Without the ads it is a 5 star podcast.
  • podcastpie
    Go back to the old format from season 1-4
  • snjehrbdjwia7273737373$
    Live audience ruins it
    It’s a good podcast- the live audience laughter ruined it. After waiting years for the return of this podcast - disappointed.
  • subscribe 2 AJPforce
    GREAT podcast
    You should do an interview with Will Ferrel
  • vegangodzilla
    its usually pretty solid
    havent listened to the new season but the SADE special was sooo great
  • Ctrigger101
    He’s back!
    The first 3 seasons were great. The 4th, meh. Even though this is the first episode of season 5, I was crying. So funny guys! Guy Fieri was really good as well in this episode. Look forward to every Thursday. I didn’t mind the politics, it’s a comedy podcast, relax.
  • eruc solomita
    Ron Burguny
    Excellent podcasts today sit with Bristish Premie Mnter Boris Johnson and two get into the restaurant business with Guy Fieri Stay Classy Rob 5 bleeping stars
  • Mr Blind
    Should not have been made. Not funny. Where’s the funny?
  • A.M cloud
    I love this podcast
    This podcast is so funny me and my mom like to listen to mom
  • sourpatchkids5489
    It’s very good although
    It’s very good but it just keeps going down hill here’s a season tier list S. Season one A season two B season three C D season four E
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