WTF with Marc Maron Podcast

Comedy #23All Genres #148

Marc Maron welcomes comedians, actors, directors, writers, authors, musicians and folks from all walks of life to his home for amazingly revealing conversations. Marc's probing, comprehensive interview style allows guests to express themselves in ways listeners have never heard.
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  • YouLikeHerAlfie
    A Perpetual Fools Errand
    Ever striving for mediocrity in all his endeavors.
  • Littleworldcunningly
    Resistance is the only answer
    Marc, you often talk about leaving the states depending on the election results. Please know that the depravity of colonialism and white supremacy has touched every place in the globe. We can’t outrun fascism; we must fight it. You’re in a very privileged position. Please use that privilege to educate yourself and others, then commit to the fight with us. Please learn more about Black liberation , Palestinian liberation, and queer liberation.,🍉 I enjoy your show and appreciate the balance of thoughtfulness and humor. It sounds like you e grown immensely in the past decades. Keep it up. Thank you for the show.
  • Freeway Hart
    Used to Like This One
    I gave it a try but didn’t last long. Marc is insufferable. Not a great actor, his musical skills are nonexistent, and he has too much ego to be a good interviewer. It takes talent to be a good listener. He lacks that talent too.
  • HighlandsBoy
    Gareth. Ugh.
    How is a professional person incapable of speaking a sentence without it being dosed with 1-4 “like”. I’ve heard arguments for this word’s abuse. That’s weird. It’s just unlistenable. Go manage a lighthouse and leave the speaking with other humans game to anyone else. Also, you really pretty funny if a person could tolerate hearing you verbalize.
  • kkflower_21
    I’m addicted to this podcast
    The conversation is easy & open, & he asks all the right questions without being mean or invasive. I want him to interview me but I have nothing to report lol
  • UrbanKittyCowgirl
    Best episode ever!!!! So much interesting information!
  • Che Block
    Jude Law
    Interviews Marc Maron sort of
  • Kjs567
    Geezer Butler
    I had to stop at “this guy strangles the dog. (chuckle)”, a German shepherd. “took him off in a police car” (joke). I won’t listen to normalized abuse of animals even here.
  • devil zilla
    Nah man!
    Maron is on the ambition over talent Mount Rushmore with Rogan Trump and Kim. Horrible interviewer with no ability to listen and ask interesting follow up questions. Just waits for his turn to say “yeah man!” and puke out something tangentially related about himself. On an Amy Schumer ep she was about to tell a story about getting arrested with her cousin who is Chuck Schumer’s kid, and Marc side tracked and the story never got told. There are people who actually deserve to have access to these interviewees and wouldn’t waste their time. And his guitar playing may be worse than his acting.
  • cjn61
    Been patiently waiting for the day when Larry David made it to the garage. It did not disappoint. Thank you, Marc and Larry!
  • Magpie Jinx
    1545:Larry David
    George, to Jerry: “Here’s an episode: ‘What’s in your shake?’ That could be a show.” J: “A whole episode of ‘What’s in your shake?’ THAT could be a show?” G: “THAT’S a show…” Thanks, Marc. Great conversation
  • Brethren of Heernt.
    Oh yeah!
    Marc’s the man. Good conversationalist. And I have to say, he blows my mind with his breadth of knowledge with many things but especially anything entertainment or arts related.
  • MarkChicagoIL
    Great Podcast
    Love Marc’s podcast… but he was way over-caffeinated for the Tony Goldwyn interview.
  • Hobbs Holler
    Ahahaha Almost Famous!
  • LukinFan
    My Favorite Podcast
    I’ve been listening to Marc Maron’s podcast since around 2015. It’s the only one I consistently listen to. I run four days a week, so I normally end up spitting the episodes in half, which gets me through the week. It doesn’t matter if I’ve heard of the guest or not, I’m tuning in either way. I’ve learned about so many new comedians, musicians, and actors over the years thanks to this podcast. Do it up!
    Marc Maron
    Interruptions and the “ yeah, yeah, yeah” is why it’s just a podcast.
  • sle3665
    Enough with the Yeahs!
    Love the show & Marc, been listening forever but the nervous tic of saying “yeah” after each guests comments is over the top. It’s all you can hear after a while. Enough already! Let the conversation breathe and skip the caffeine & nicotine before interviews, Marc.
  • juggrmnbvcf
    Billy Strings!!
    Just loved this interview! Best yet! Greatest young man so humble and true! Thanks!
  • Paulie Joe
    Great interviews
    Have loved this podcast for years but always skip the 10 minute self-indulgent openings and go right to the interview. The extra ads, such as right before the guest comes on, are annoying, but Mark is still one of the best and most intelligent interviewers out there, always getting to a deeper conversation than in other podcasts.
  • pistachiokarma
    Reese Witherspoon & Tig
    Tig Nataro episode: Reese shows her true colors through a “priceless” comment. Celebrities are as out of touch as politicians.
  • Kelly_330
    Loved the Attell episode. Thank you!
  • a parisi other than ur mannies
    Love this podcast! Love Marc Maron!
    I especially love the diversity of Marc’s guests—something you don’t see in other podcasts hosted by white male comedians. Marc is an expert interviewer and gives ample space for his guests to speak. He’s generous, enlightened, and open. And he interjects personal experiences only as a way to connect and push the conversation forward. So many favorites, it’s hard to pick. They just keep getting better. Thanks since 2015-Grace
  • RBS199
    Loved Carol Burnett
    Carol Burnett interview was so interesting and how amazing to hear her stories. She’s a treasure.
  • J Clam
    Waited too long
    Signed up a while back to follow you and I guess I didn’t realize what you were all about until I heard a program. It was great. Carol Burnett is great you’re great show was great now I’ve got 1500 episodes to catch up with. With pleasure.
  • cmdm
    women make up half the population…
    someone tell this guy…
  • firecrackerheart
    What The Lubbock?!
    If you’re wondering whether or not Marc’s ever done an independent film set in Texas, in which he had to sport a Lubbock accent, then this podcast is for you.
  • a corduroy suit
    this is what an eating disorder sounds like.
    one of the greatest podcasts of all time, have loved marc forever, have listened since the beginning and rarely miss an episode. I was so moved by witnessing his grieving process when Lynne died and admired his deep vulnerability in talking about long term recovery. marc, please get help for your eating disorder. I have to skip through every intro and yet the eating disorder content invariably also comes up in the interview. Vegan talk is fine, whatever, but the unending obsession with bodies and food is so distressing and triggering. You deserve more quality of life than this. We deserve to listen without being barraged by the contagious obsession with food and body perfection every single episode.
  • andrewcayer
    Favorite podcast of all time
    Sometimes I have zero interest in the guest, but I listen to the monologue every episode regardless. I’ve loved coming along on Marc’s emotional journey and personal growth, and have often found kindness toward myself through hearing him share these things twice a week. I’ve discovered some great art, film, comedy, music from listening to conversations with people I may not have otherwise heard of. I’ve even gained some empathy for people I didn’t previously care for or about. It’s also one of those shows that I sort of imagine being a guest on his show. Not that I think I’m interesting or deserving of that kind of attention, but because I’d like to be a part of the kind of conversation that Marc is able to out of people.
  • traverseTownie
    Great comedy interviews!
    The Dave Attell interview was a fast 50 minutes!
  • Alpha Laambda MUsuck
    Used to love this show
    But so over Marc pretending he’s the big expert on grief because in his late 50’s his barely a girlfriend of less than a year died. and boo hoo Poor Marc, his elderly mom and dad are still alive but deteriorating. What a baby. Ungrateful.
  • RReyes1987
    Too short
    The only pod I still listen to. The only gripe is I usually want to keep listening when it ends.
  • The18thletter
    RIP Richard Lewis
    My god!! This episode was hilarious! I’m in the grocery store with my earbuds on/ in(?) listening and I’m crying with laughter! Richard was legend! RIP Richard!!
  • Geoplanter
    Ben Mendelsohn
    Marion & Mendelsohn heartily praising Mel Gibson? What’s next? Father Coughlin was a fine radio broadcaster or Joseph Goebbels was a great speech writer?
  • Rudy Rhinopolis
    Yea Yea… Yea…
    Yea Yea… Yea… Yea… Yea Yea Yea… She’s the best dude… Yea Yea… Yea… Yea… Yea… Yea… Yea Yea Yea… Yea Yea… Yea… Yea Yea Yea…. Well you knowwww
  • Jazz Picasso
    Succeeds in spite of himself sometimes
    Enjoy this podcast but could be better. This podcast is successful because Marc has a lot of great guests. I think the guests like doing this show and because the interviews are easy and free flowing discussions rather than conventional interviews. But boy does Marc make it difficult to like sometimes. He talks about himself too much at times. Was listening to the Jacqueline Novak interview and a bunch of times she was about to say something interesting he spoke over her and steered the conversation into a totally uninteresting direction about himself. The whole working through his issues thing was endearing when he was starting out. But at the level he’s at now, it comes across as narcissistic.
  • Jackiedo123
    Another leftist
    His political views are what’s wrong with this country. Just another useful Bidenite idiot.
  • Gudehbewiuburwhbdy
    Antisemetic Mark Ruffalo
    Having notoriously antisemitic Mark Ruffalo on who won the not so distinguished title of being 2023’s biggest tormentor of Jews was a huge blunder and grave disappointment. You just lost many many listeners by giving this cruel racist, antisemitic poor excuse of a human being a platform. Hope you do better going forward.
  • AmKeeler
    17 minutes of nonsense before the interview?
    Love Marc but Jesus Christ..
  • feedbackfromks
    Marc is the best
    Marc is a best, he’s not for everybody… but he’s the best.
  • ch CNN nuf
    John Iliver
    You can be funny, discuss world events but being each others laugh track was a little annoying. It’s like you were competing for who could be the most ironic or funny.
  • snailwigg
    Marc champions mental health challenges in a humane way that is too often missing when the subject arises. He has great interviews with many interesting creative people. He loves cats.
  • dbsbsvdb
    Maron is just so bad
    He is insufferable. He’s so tacky and boring.
  • gwen1094
    Interview Robby Hoffman
  • gggjjjksjdhhs
    Woke douche
    Woke douche
  • perspective1
    Just don’t
    Don’t say the r-word my friend. You still can be funny without saying a word that exploits people who can’t stand up for themselves.
  • bayodome
    Ho Ho Harjo
    I just listened to Mark’s interview with Sterlin Harjo from 2021 and it might be the best interview I’ve heard among the hundreds (maybe thousands) of hours of interviews and podcasts I’ve listened to since lockdown. I’ve never left a podcast review before but had to say something. The realness that Mark brings to the table with Sterlin’s honesty about his upbringing and experiences getting to the place he place he is now made this very enjoyable and inspiring. Huge fan of Reservation Dogs. Huge fan of what Sterlin and all of the native creators are doing and getting their voices out into the world. Thank you! -Bayo
  • wichopunkass
    Such a profound perspective on Israel I never could quite recognized until their discussion. Moshi is revelatory while Marc remains dependable. Great ep. C+.
  • thelayabout
    Interrupts Guests
    He gets such good guests, the interruptions are surprising. Interviews start about 15 minutes in.
  • sobernotdead
    Let’s play a game!!
    Let’s play a game, we try to guess how long it takes before Marc brings up being Jewish or how hard it is being a comedian. No disrespect to anybody who is Jewish or a comedian for that matter, but we get it already.
  • prettykitty500
    Def one of the best !!
    Recent interview with Paul Giamatti is my new favorite, listening to them crack each other up made me laugh
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