
Business #17All Genres #231

Every weekday, host Kai Ryssdal helps you make sense of the day’s business and economic news — no econ degree or finance background required. “Marketplace” takes you beyond the numbers, bringing you context. Our team of reporters all over the world speak with CEOs, policymakers and regular people just trying to get by.

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Recent Reviews
  • Tolga M
    Informative show with valuable reporting on all aspects of the economy
    Marketplace and its sibling shows from APM are an invaluable resource to listeners. They offer thorough coverage of the American and world economy, have explainers that are both timely and don’t insult your intelligence and a bench of wonderful reporters that have continued to hone their skills over the years. This includes hosts such as Kai Ryssdal and David Brancaccio who are very insightful while keeping it fresh, funny and upbeat, even in the face of difficult times (I started listening prior to the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Highly recommended.
  • RoyFoley
    Liberal Biased
    I’ve listened to this show for years and love it for my economic news. However since Trump 2.0, Kai Ryssdal has become insufferable to listen to always bashing Trump and making this show more political than economics. Unfortunately I’m going to be unfollowing and trying to find an unbiased economics podcast.
  • ndlex
    Done with this podcast
    I’m a longtime listener of this podcast but am done with it. The political bias has gotten worse and I am done dealing with it. They take shots at the Trump administration all the time. I’m done. I just want an unbiased daily report and have found other alternatives. Why did you have to mess this podcast up? It’s not difficult.
  • whilingstages
    Far too much political commentary
    I’ve been listening to this show every day for several years and had enjoyed it, especially the Adventures in Housing and My Economy pieces. However, Kai’s political bias has always shown through and it’s gotten old. I’m not a fan of the Trump administration either but can’t listen to four years’ worth of complaining about it. Every. Single. Episode bashes this administration. What happened to presenting unbiased financial news?? I’m unsubscribing from this negative energy
  • Jimmy C420
    The switch has been flipped
    Where were all these stories of inequality and economic doom and gloom when Biden was president? Four years of “transitory inflation” and “not a recession” and “the economy is strong” and now every story is about wealth inequality and the price of eggs. Marketplace is Government propaganda plain and simple.
  • Eysterm
    Excellent Program
    I’ve been listening for years and very much appreciate this vital resource. Thank you Marketplace, for all you do.
  • Undue I OCD. H uihnch h
    Can’t do it anymore
    As a longtime listener to NPR, over 40 years, I’ve seen the station gradually move more to the left. I suppose they have to cater their base. Even so I just can’t do it anymore . The latest clutching of pearls about Elon Musk. For a podcast to be about money and about the marketplace to completely ignore the actual figures of misappropriated funds and outright theft to the American taxpayer is just a bridge too far.
  • China Guy Phil
    Want Facts Not Commentary
    Kai’s political leanings have not been hidden, but I’ve followed this show for 10 years because of factual reporting. Thursday’s commentary stated opinions as facts without supporting the facts. That is not why I listen. I’m unfollowing as I look for a source of balanced financial news.
  • MSMBerg
    Kai is a “national treasure.” Thanks for the clear statement yesterday about what is going on in the federal government. The program is notable for its consistent honesty and integrity.
  • Mr.K79
    Solid sources and telling
    I really enjoy the perspectives of actual business owners, and the use of out of the way places to bring anecdotes or even full stories like the one in Crossville. Thoughtful, resourceful, thorough reporting.
  • LabGirl07
    Thank you Kai and marketplace for not only continuing today’s planed show but taking the time to explain why. In a reactionary news cycle with an inflammatory CEO, it is calming to hear marketplace is business as usual. Kudos.
  • Beantown Billy Goat
    Surface Level Lib Propoganda
    Used to listen when I was younger. Listening again now after having put in over fifteen years in the debt capital markets deploying around $15bn in credit. This show is surface level propaganda for “international” trade and their owners. No concern for quality of human life. Typical libs with no concern for those near your (there’s an infamous heat map for this). Let in the world to the States and ignore all the crimes against Americans. Hey babe wake up… Trump is still your president. And your little pets to change demographics and voting blocks are all getting deported.
  • Scooching in Here
    Used to Love This Show But Worried
    I previously rated this 5 stars. But ever since the election occurred, it is really just far too skewed and opinionated. Just today, Kai was pushing Secretary Gina Raimondo to criticize or show concern when she very evidently did not want to go there. The opinions are affecting the facts — which I previously appreciated this podcast for avoiding. I’m worried about the future of this news source for me!
  • Yledud
    Long time listener, and I appreciate how the program bends over backwards to avoid politics. It must, of course, include policies that are advocated or implemented by political actors. But the folks you interview—especially business owners—are wide-ranging and generally focus on their circumstances. Good job!
  • alexatawadrous
    Great News Source
    I have been listening to this podcast daily for over two years. I love all the hosts and think that Marketplace is a very pleasant and informative news source. I’ve learned about social initiatives and new tech here in the US, stay informed about what is happening in our financial markets, and I enjoy the other short stories from business owners. Occasionally, I feel that the stories can be a little biased; however, Marketplace is far less biased than any of the other mainstream news sources that I can list. Thank you Marketplace for bringing interesting stories to my commute!
  • SheaWat
    Great until the LASIK commercials
    Love the show. Writing this because those traditional radio style LASIK commercials made me turn the episode off.
  • Oitdchh
    ):( ):(
  • moving on-missu
    bad karma
    Sad to leave the program but far too one sided. News is surrounded with one sided spin, inflation is up and he points to union gains and we all will just make more money. Please stop the masked lies, Kia must go, the other announcers are not as bad as he is.
  • Wine 4
    Report don’t Evangelize
    Kai typically can apply critical thinking and provide clear economic reporting. In the last month he has become a political reporter. Get over your election tantrum. Get outside your elite LA bubble and do some real reporting. BTW Biden is still in the White House. There are no new policies YET - you are fear mongering for no reason. Do your job and don’t preach and pander.
  • SAV 74
    Marketplace is on my top five podcast list
    Kai Ryssdal is the reason I listen to this podcast. I learn a great deal and Kai’s voice is soothing. I have been a loyal listener for over 12 years.
  • OceanSolarFlare
    Bug Fixed
    Thanks for fixing the download error bug :-)
  • R3hauer
    Sad to Leave This Show
    I have listen to this show for over 20 years. Today is the day I sadly leave it. This show has become so political and not about economics or the markets. Simply another tool of the political elites to sway the population. Goodby Marketplace.
  • JakeyD243
    Near-everyday listener
    Been listening to this shows for about 10 years. Will continue to listen to keep up to date on financial news. However, tread lightly. Know that this podcast is heavily biased to the left, unfortunately. I don’t think they even realize it, but although they claim often to not involve politics they often do. Further, when they do involve politics it’s to prop up the left and put down the right. You will never hear a positive remark on Trump or any republican policy. Please do better to stay unbiased.
  • qp360
    One of, if not THE, best on the economy
    20-year listener here. The range of topics, and their topicality and relevance make this one truly stand out.
  • iHeart69nBeer
    Love it
    The best podcast
  • bdubois123
    My daily podcast
    Kai rysdall is the best!!! This is my favorite podcast and it comes out daily. Thank you for your hard Kai and marketplace crew.
  • Weiniss
    Overtly politically biased
    I wanted to like this show, but unfortunately they are extremely politically biased and they are unable and unwilling to keep personal opinions out of the podcast. I’m aware that everybody has an opinion on politics, but if I wanted to hear people’s opinion on politics I would listen to a political podcast!
  • I used to like Wrike
    Kai is the weak point of this show, please move on.
    The best episodes are the ones with guest hosts, I.e. Kimberly Adams. His over dramatic inflection when speaking is unneeded and drags the show speed down. He no longer adds any intelligent material when interviewing. The contributors and segments and music and topics are 🔥. Producers should consider moving on from host Kai I’ll continue fast forwarding when he’s on air for now.
  • Lucy_Lulu_Lucia
    Love it!
    I so enjoy Kai and Kimberly’s commentary! I would never delve into these topics, except that these two frame the stories in a way I trust and find highly entertaining as well. I learn so much, please never leave the air!
  • ultimatbee
    Sorry Kai, the moment you said “amazeballs” on the air I unsubscribed.
  • Ray McG
    Kai’s narcissism is nauseating
    Love the content and the other producers but I am so sick of Kai Ryssdal’s self-indulgent, bro-y banter. Kai, I will never respect you as a serious journalist after saying “Amazeballs” on national radio this afternoon.
  • IA Lady68
    Kai can never retire
    Marketplace & Kai’s commentary are what keep me sane in today’s crazy political universe.
  • freckledbeauty97
    30 year listener leaves NPR’s Marketplace
    If you want a thoughtful analysis that presents both sides of an issue, then Marketplace is NOT for you. I want to learn about different perspectives and not be fed by “Group Think.” Please NPR, bring back balance, integrity and an honest view of both sides, even if those views are different than what you believe. Until then, a 30 year listener has left, for good.
  • NYC22spl
    Very good show
    It’s a nice range of economy-related stories, and there’s almost always one story in every episode that I’m super interested in. I’d tweak a couple things - teasing “the numbers” feels antiquated in an age where they are so readily available. I also could do with fewer of the lengthy musical interludes. Only so much time in a day. Quibbles, really. Overall a fan.
  • rgodby
    Best business and economy pod. Period.
    Interesting, entertaining and approachable economics and business worth every minute you invest in it. Always fun and relevant. In my opinion the best daily podcast on business, the economy and why it matters. Keep up the great work!
  • This Nickname works for me
    Thanks All Y’all
    Been a Marketplace listener and “investor” (donor) for years now. Listening to the show regularly gives me confidence that something big with the economy is not likely to sneak up on me unawares. Barring, of course, some unknown unknown dropping in from outer space. The spin-off shows like Marketplace Tech are also faves.
  • Wylie C.
    Like all media, every story is negative. Surely there are positive stories out there Kai. Yikes! Doom and gloom. Signed, used to be faithful listener
  • Madison For Real
    Red Lake episode is Pure Gold
    Kai and team scored a grand slam with this episode. Give Marketplace the award already!
  • Milosh87
    Better in the past
    I have been listening for >15 years and have to say that the show has become more and more politicized. They do a great job of reporting on economics stories but the infusion of JEDI stories, pro union stories, and general left leaning agenda material has become annoying. I used to listen to this shows because of the unique ability to highlight of the beaten path economic stories, translation of FedSpeak, and this was all done in a completely apolitical manner. I will not give this show less than 5 stars bc I truly was a faithful listener for many years, deriving much enjoyment and insight from their style of economic reporting. This podcast was one of the few shows I have listened to faithfully. But now with the times they are a changin, I will no longer be listening.
  • AHro827
    Excellent Podcast
    I gave up on the doom and gloom “news” a while ago. Marketplace has been an excellent substitute to keep me informed but not depressed.
  • mehinflorida
    Good and Bad
    The Marketplace podcast has interesting stories but it gets to be extremely tedious for an average listener, who maybe doesn't have his livlihood depending on the ups and downs of interest rates and the stock market. The daily review of rates, and speculation about the Fed, etc seems very repetitive. The main host, Kai Ryssdal, is very knowledgable, but some of his mannerisms and attempts to be cute can get on one's nerves. The show is quite left leaning, culturally speaking. I've been listening for years, but I'm going to unsubscribe.
  • minnichds
    I have been listening to this for over 10 years. Reporting is outstanding. They find stories that may not be picked up or dissected properly by the rest of the media. Listen in for your daily stock tickers, big stories or to learn something new about the world. There’s nothing quite like Marketplace.
  • A Must-Listen Poscast
    A Must-Listen Podcast
    Marketplace is a podcast that excels on multiple fronts. I enjoy the reporting, the interviews, and the conversational style of its host. Thank you for making the days business news entertaining!
  • New Songs New Age
    Best !!
    Best of all the best shows
  • CraigCode1010
    Gone downhill
    They used to be a good source of financial and market news. Now they report on almost nothing but climate. And it is not anything newsworthy in the area just the same stories basically being aired again and again. If they leaned anymore to one side they would fall over.
  • TenMileTrader
    Too Partisan in the Macro
    I’ve been listening for years and I like the variety of topics and views. Lately I feel like the coverage of the general economy is very partisan, and sometimes I wonder if the Biden admin signs you checks. For example saying that the influx of immigrants has helped bring down inflation. Yes wage inflation, immigration brings down wages and they stay below price inflation. This isn’t helping your audience. Nobody wants to be told they should be feeling better about getting poorer just because we have jobs.
  • Xander258
  • Douglas in Atlanta
    Doug in “Atlanta”
    I can only suppose that Kai said that ugly thing about Krispy Kreme doughnuts because his taste buds were somehow shot off while he was in the Navy. There is nothing quite as good as a Krispy Kreme doughnut, especially when they are hot. Kai, I’m sorry you don’t appreciate good things. 😉
  • Gayleg57
    Love the podcast!
    Kai and the Marketplace gang have made me savvy about economics and so much more. It’s gray to have the podcast when I miss the show.
  • MO traveler
    The sky is falling
    My favorite “the sky is falling podcast”. No matter how good the economic news is they always find a downside to highlight. Now that the economy is so great they have pivoted away to highlighting the national debt to scare people. I guess Public Radio has learned a thing or two from Fox News, fear sells!
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