The Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael O'Neal


Michael O’Neal chats with other unemployable people like himself to learn how to take your skills and hobbies and turn them into a business.

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Recent Reviews
  • Mischa-Z
    Master of your craft!
    So much great content on SoloPrenuering! And everything around it! I can’t keep up with all your amazing episode titles and content!
  • FFerenczi
    Speaks to the many facets of solopreneurs!
    Solopreneurs are in many ways required to be multi-faceted. This show celebrates all of those facets and brings in amazing speakers to help the audience grow and build themselves and their businesses.
  • djkezako
    Too soft.
    The sound and voices are weak.
  • SkierScott123
    Solopreneur podcast is EPIC!
    Michael has some of the most inspiring and empowering conversations in the field of business and entrepreneurship. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed listening to his show and suggest anyone passionate about business give it a listen.
  • Lynnsc08
    Great information
    Michael shares relevant, useful information in a conversational way that makes it relatable. You can take things and apply them to your life right away.
  • toddchris1
    Love the PASSION
    As a newcomer to Solopreneur - It ROCKS!! Not only entertaining, but great nuggets of information to apply in my life for great results. Never a waist of time listening to Michael.
  • Bobby Stein
    Art of the Interview-
    Fantastic skill set! - articulates thoughts and communicates wonderfully with a diverse array of guests-you know it’s good when you can’t get out of the car until the conversation is over and your at your destination-plus...Michael is a drummer, and that’s the icing on the cake-
  • Laurapowers44
    Michael gives great tips that are applicable, whatever your topic!
    Great! Tips that people can apply easily. Thanks for hosting it!
  • Brian_Kessler
    The perfect podcast for all Solopreneurs!!
    I’ve been listening to Michael O’Neal since I first heard him on Entrepreneur On Fire. I immediately found his podcast and listened to the first few episodes which he had released only hours earlier. I’ve been hooked ever since and have listed to nearly every one of his 800+ episodes. As an unofficial mentor, Michael and his guests have inspired me to try my hand at several different businesses, taught me more about using social media than I could have imagined and inspired me to write and complete my first novel. If you’ve ever wanted to start your own business, enjoy learning or just enjoy listening to successful entrepreneurs chat about life, business and money then this is the podcast you should be listening to!
  • Corryn Kivett
    I found Michael's podcast just a few days ago and I am hooked! His interview style is authentic and real so you get THE MOST out of the interviews. So many golden nuggets, pure entertainment, and he makes you want to keep listening. This is a must listen to for all entrepreneurs !! I'll def be listening to previous episodes :)
  • jmamoroso
    Great podcast. Michael is a natural.
    I've been listening to Solo Hour for about 6 years now. Michael has evolved with the times and his show reflects that. I love his Friday episodes the most: Free Coaching Fridays
  • Another World Audiobooks
    Few that I've listened to this long...
    I LOVE podcasts, however, I will usually work my way through a good sized backlist and then move on. However, there are a few podcasts that are good enough to stay subscribed to and wait on the edge of your seat for until they release another episode - the Solopreneur Hour (spelled it right, proud of me??:) is one of those podcasts! Thanks Michael for nearly 800 episodes of awesomeness! And yes, I have listened to them all!
  • maine_4_life
    One of the best business podcasts!
    I'm a huge fan of Michael's style and his authentic sense of humor. I've been listening to it for about a year now and I still look forward to each new episode.
  • BrogDoggy Dog
    What’s up with your health??
    Hey Michael, just wondering what’s up with your health dude? You seem to be sick a lot and/or always coughing. Are you taking care of yourself?
  • KingBiskit
    The best friend I never had!!!
    Michael is the kind of podcaster that is enjoyable to listen to each and every day. His conversational style and sense of humor are second to none. The content that Michael gives out on each show is chock full of practical and actionable items that you just don’t get with your run-of-the-mill podcasts. Michael, keep on keepin’ on!
  • LoriPyne
    Great Interviewer!
    I learn so much from each episode. Michael is such a great interviewer!! He is kind & interested in what each guest has to say. He really listens to each guest.
  • SunspotWendy
    Continuous Motiviation for Success at the Solopreneur Hustle
    The Solopreneur Hour has been a regular in my "ear balls" for several years, with a wide bounty of episodes available. Michael O'Neil does a fantastic job of sharing both his own journey and the path of other successful entrepreneurs. The show is incredibly helpful to anyone navigating the waters of a solo business career/lifestyle. It provides a wealth of ideas, inspiration, and actionable steps for anyone working toward the independence and freedom of their own solopreneurial life. Hearing Michael and his guests talk about their own struggles and successes is a continuous boost of motivation for me as I face similar challenges. The variety and timeliness of compelling content makes it a valuable and worthwhile listen. Thanks, Michael, and keep up the awesome work!
    Changed my Trajectory
    I am a successful serial entrepruener and have made millions, and LOST millions. I have literally done it all and worked in hundreds of niches and I have zero fear in LAUNCHING, But in the world we live, it's nver about what you did or what you are going to do, it's about what you can do now. I have lost the ability to stay focused and figure out what my "HOME" is. Listening to Michael and his amazing guests, I have figured out what my home on this planet looks like. Tha's about it. Thanks to Solopreneur Hour!!!!!!!! Oh by the way, I signed up Michael as my 2019 coach.
  • Squid & Bear
    Don’t miss an episode!
    It’s hard to beat a review from JLD but, for what it’s worth, SoloHour has become THE go-to podcast for me. The insights gleaned from these shows make me sound smart AND make me money. I’ve learned a lot about podcasting and YouTube from Michael just from listening along (coaching next, God willing...) and have grown my YouTube from 27 subs to 5,700 subs (YouTube: Squid & Bear) in the last few months in large part by adhering to SoloHour advice and principles (BAM!!!). Plus... Tama drums, baby.
  • Avi g,
    Episode 703
    Excellent episode, shared it with my bro, also an entrepreneur. I especially appreciated the comments on attending events! This weekend will be my first big event, Thrive! And I am so excited to meet like-minded people and be ignited!! Thank you!
  • MrWryt
    Real Conversations w/ Winners
    I appreciate the real conversations with people that are out to win in their domains Ep. 727 has been gold for me
  • Team O (John 3:29)
    Great Insights
    I live in San Diego and listen to this podcast driving up and down the I-5 & I-15. I love hearing all the insights because I’m currently in MLM/NWM/CBM and truly appreciate you sharing your solopreneur journey and interviewing so many homerun hitters in the space. Thanks
  • cpjftw
    The Best and Most Honest Business Podcast Around
    There are a ton of business podcasts. This is the best one for running an online business. You should stop what your doing and subscribe, and listen (details on which episodes at the end). Why? Because Michael O'Neal tells the truth. He's not here to pump up the same 8-9 guests that show up everywhere and get you to click their thing. He asks questions that get. good answers. He admits when he doesn't know something, or isn't really "jazzed" by something. He talks about his own business and how he's not "money motivated," and that puts a lot of things into perspective. The guests he has are interesting people with interesting ideas and different perspectives on business. But the real magic is Free Coaching Fridays. He takes listener emails, reads them live and goes into strategy, tactics and recommendations. The reason this podcast is Magic is because of honesty. I think that I may disagree with Michael about some things, and he may even be WRONG about some things. But he's too proud to misleead anyone or steer us wrong. HOW TO START: Specifically, listen to the free coaching Fridays episodes, and then listen to Epsiode 708-710. Epsidode 691 is also AMAZING. Then go back to the directory and see what you want to listen to based on what you need. Find their take. Everything on the Podcast will either provide you VERY current information or VERY recent past, and you'll be able to tell.
  • Miriam Schulman
    Snarky and sexy
    This podcast is an easy listen with A-list guests. You feel as though you’re eavesdropping on a great conversation rather than marketers pitching themselves. Add this to your must listen list.
  • the bomb dot net dot co dot au
    Michael O'Neezy
    fo' sheezy
  • The Happy Viking
    Give yourself a minute and tune in
    Michael does a great job of answering questions on his Free Coaching Friday show. His responses are always super helpful. Brings ideas to the table where you go “ huh Why didn’t I think of that?” I like that he knows what the world was like before the internet. Cool car and a drummer you can trust Give it a minute and listen.
  • ProfRedmond
    Beginner Entrepreneur and beyond
    The Solopreneur hour stands out because although Michael has lots of episodes and qualifies as a seasoned entrepreneur, he circles back around for novices every week in his coaching episodes. I find them extremely valuable. His podcast is an excellent resource.
  • PharmacyJoedotcom
    Thank you Michael!
    Your podcast is great, and I have learned and applied many things to my own online business from your show.
  • CWEhase
    Solohour is My Go To!
    Michael brings interesting interviewees from many niches within the entre/solopreneurship world. With entertaining conversations between Michael and his guests and the right questions asked of them, this show appeals to those looking for a podcast that entertains with entrepreneurial stories and ideas. As always, great job Mr. O'Neal!
  • Quincy Kid
    Highly Recommend
    This is one of my favorite podcasts in the entrepreneurial space...I would put it up against the "biggest names" in the industry (which I think are great too). The show is informative, entertaining and inspiring. Michael is a terrific host wtih a great, engaging style. It's on my "can't miss" list each week. Thanks for what you do Michael and keep up the amazing work!
  • J. Barshop
    Awesome show, highly recommend!
    Michael and his guests provide some incredibly compelling and actionable content on how to confidently pursue your big dreams and turn them into a thriving business. Highly recommend listening and subscribing to The Solopreneur Hour if you want the knowledge & mindsets to level up in all areas of life (and reach your overall goals as a result)!
  • Ricardo from San Diego
    Great content and resources, fun conversations.
    Great podcast for any entrepreneur. Interviews are fun to listen to while getting tons of tips and resources to help your business thrive!!
  • MarikoVisionaryYoga
    Listen and be Enriched & Inspired!
    Well-rounded, cutting edge, and actionable information delivered in an engaging, relatable tone. Michael does a great job taking his listeners on the solopreneur journey, because that's what this is - a lifestyle, a quest, and a rich journey. It's a great companion as you walk that Path!
  • ErikBison
    One of the best, highly recommend!
    Michael and his guests share inspiring and actionable lessons on how to set goals for your business, execute on them, and then ultimately achieve them. The Solopreneur Hour is one of the best, and I highly recommend listening and subscribing if you want the knowledge AND mindsets to take your skills and hobbies and turn them into a business (and join the PROUDLY Unemployable)!
  • Tosh913
    Actionable advice and hot tips in the digital age!
    What a fantastic podcast! Oodles of great information on your journey to becoming a profitable solopreuner. More Creative ideas on approaching your business then a barrel full of monkeys with a really relatable host. He seems to draw out all the useful information from his guests that you can use in each episode. Be sure to have a notepad ready! This podcast is chock full of truth nuggets!
  • Jim Palmer - Dream Biz
    Perfect for the self-employed
    Ever wanted to take what you love outside of work and turn it into a skill? Michael O’Neal is an awesome host who will show you how to become unemployable—so that you can start your own business. This is a must-listen for any new entrepreneur, or anyone thinking about becoming an entrepreneur.
  • AugieDB
    Always a fun listen
    I skip a lot of episodes of many of the business/entrepreneur podcasts I subscribe to. They don't have an interesting topic or the guest is not interesting. But Michael O'Neal's show is one I never skip a single episode of. Even if I think the topic or the interviewee isn't going to be interesting, he finds a way to get it done. There's always something he pulls out of them of interest to listeners of his show. Also, with a three-times-a-week schedule, the podcast becomes addicting without being overwhelming. You also get a soap opera like effect. You'll follow the show because you'll want to know what happens to Michael next. Will his road rally go well? Will his next side project get off the ground? Did he re-learn a new trick on his bike or master a tricky beat on the drums? The Solopreneur Hour is a lot of fun, with lots to absorb and learn along the way.
  • FixItMakeItBreakIt
    Great advice and coaching.
    This show is a excellent place to find the advice and coaching we all need. The humor and playfulness makes the interviews with these awesome guests all so much more interesting.
  • Stephanie Andrews
    Refreshing & Motivating
    Long overdue review. This podcast is unique & useful to any soloprenuer or aspiring soloprenuer. Its refreshing format varies from Q&A to conversations with interesting soloprenuers. Michael does a great job of interviewing, keeping it very conversational and real. The unscripted format reveals great nuggets of wisdom and has been a great source of motivation for me to find my way in my own soloprenuer journey.
  • The original nice guy
    Whether just starting a side hustle or a seasoned Entrepreneur you won't want to miss this!
    Michael makes you feel like a friend with his openess and caring. He gives and gives and gives! I've never experienced anything like Michaels free coaching Fridays, you have an awesome coach that will do everything he can to answer your questions and give you that boost you need.
  • Andres Nieves
    The best insights into entrepreneurship
    I've been listening for almost 9 months now and I can say I have never been disappointed with any of Michael's Solopreneur episodes. Neither with any of his other podcast projects. He is always on point. Mandatory listening for any entrepreneur.
  • jwb_brown
    Excellent Show! Real Depth!
    Just two episodes in and I have gotten a ton from it so far! Thanks!
  • Tyler B. Christensen
    Solopreneur hour should be in your earballs
    I started listening to Michael O'Neal and the Solopreneur podcast just a few months ago and I've been cruising through the playlist ever since. Much in the same vein as Pat Flynn, Jason Bax, John lee Dumas, and Tony Robbins... O'Neals interviews unlock many of the secrets to starting a business. Give his podcast a try, you'll be glad you did.
  • Denny Krahe
    Not the Typical Entrepreneur Show
    I don't like many Entrepreneurial podcasts, because they tend to be the same show as nauseum. "I was unhappy with my job, wanted a change, struggled in my own for a bit, eventually broke through, blah blah." Honestly, with some entrepreneurial podcasts, if you've heard one episode you've heard them all. Not so for The Solopreneur Hour. Every episode is completely unique, because Michael takes the time to get to know each guest beyond their thing, whatever it may be. Each episode provides some laughs several bits of entrepreneurial value, despite what Michael may think... If you're as unemployable as I am, this show is a must listen. Period.
  • Brooke Craven
    Awesome Podcast
    Michael, host of The Solopreneur Hour Podcast, highlights all different aspects of management and marketing. Michael and his expert guests offer insightful advice in this can't miss podcast!
  • over6789
    Great podcast!
    Nice format. Michael keeps it interesting!
  • Axilla13
    This podcast it packed with useful and tactical info to help you start or grow your business and reminds you that you're not alone on being "proudly unemployable." Well worth the time to listen.
  • bass blogger
    Inspiring and addictive!
    Michael is an amazing interviewer and makes consistently great content. I love following along with each new episode!
  • Terri in Fairhope
    Matt Miller - what a story!
    Just listened to your interview with the vending machine guru, Matt Miller. What a story...both from the health perspective and from the work perspective. Who knew...gumball machine at a karate studio! That's awesome!
  • Jennifer Dene @ mindbodybride
    Taking the isolation out of solopreneurship!
    I'm so glad that I found Michael O'Neal's podcast. Being a solopreneur can feel isolating, but pressing play on the insightful and funny chats between Michael and his guests lifts my mood and my motivation.
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