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Rebecca VFWhere’s Laura???Who is this new lady? She doesn’t even have a name. What’s going on here?
Hes1234xHelped me for years!!!I started listening to this years ago in my earliest jobs and it’s been a companion over the years as life phases and needs have changed. So, so grateful to Laura!
by50&;hxBad adviceI found your episode on the single pay annuity baffling. You were so pro for it I suspect you were receiving some kind of financial compensation. You are the only financial advisor I have ever heard that likes these products, every other advisor warns people not to buy them. You didn’t even mention the ridiculous fees they charge. Very irresponsible reporting.
j33w3lYoung and dumbI am a 23 year old and finding this my goodness has been a help. Starting from motivating me to take care of my financial responsibilities. Learning about things I DIDNT have a clue about. Thank you so much!!!
Cherrypeppermint2011Love this money podcast!This is one of the best finance podcasts! I love how straight to the point it is and how I always learn so much after each podcast! Really excellent content! Thank you so much.
Atlien FanLife Changing AdviceThank you, Laura and the money girl team for providing easy to understand actionable items for life-changing financial education! I have been able to save thousands of dollars for the future but still enjoy living today. I always look forward to the Wednesday podcast 🎉❤️
RobinMichelle9Great Information!I enjoyed listening to the 7 Smart Ways to Invest Extra Money. I love that the information is provided in an easy to understand way and in a concise manner. I look forward to the weekly episodes. Thanks for all you do!
Miku DikuLove the podcastBut too many ads now - hard to stay focused :/
KimLepSo helpful!I turn to this pod to get the most recent information on IRS rule updates and changes for the coming year. The host, Laura, always speaks on common issues that we deal with in our daily lives and her commentary is relevant, brief, and easy to understand. Thank you for such a practical pod!
JaeEbonyGreat, Solid, Consistent Advice!I have been listening to Laura for so many years now, I have no idea! I love how informative her podcasts are and the length of episodes are quick and easy to get through. I learn something new with every episode and this was the start of my financial journey and I have grown so much. Thank you Laura and please, never stop doing the good work!
shop doorSg and the other guys were ok with that but weMai bay bay restaurant in the place of a great place for the place and it is ok a restaurant that has the best food restaurant and restaurant on a great
Rockytopman77Decent content. Too many commercials.A lot of shows with the same content have little to no ad time.
ParkerTaproomGreat Show Too Many AdsWaaaaay too many ads to the point where I probably won't listen for such short episodes. Too bad because would be such a great show.
Frequent listener 84Flor GtzI love this show, the information is right to the point and so useful. I enjoy hearing Laura speak her knowledge and greatly appreciate her sharing this information.
Reviewbot556677Really enjoyGood information broken down into bite size pieces. Helpful and easy to implement.
southpaw38Level upVery approachable and applicable insights into creating and expanding wealth as well as dipping your toe into the choppy seas of keeping track of your dollars and sense.
Clbrew22Easy to follow money adviceI am only marginally money-smart. Laura’s podcast is easy to follow & understand. She always gives great financial advice & talks about such a variety of topics.
kbeatleLong time listener still valuableLaura is great. I’ve learned so much from her over the years. Constantly refer back to her podcasts when I need them and share them with friends. Check out all the available episodes. There’s probably one you’re looking for.
mcdustnipsFantastic podcastThis podcast is perfect: it's educational, entertaining, and easy to digest. From real estate investing to savings plans, Money Girl covers it all!!
tolundaChanged my lifeOne of the many reasons I went back to school to get my masters degree was because of a tip from this podcasts. I don’t remember which episode, but she said something about your time and earning potential being your greatest asset. I took that to heart and decided I was never going to get paid enough to survive in my state job. With that advice and some good choices in real estate investing, I’m not rich but I’m comfortable for a single mom. I’m now using my masters degree and making triple per hour what I used to make (and I am student loan debt free). I’m grateful for her succinct style, to the point wisdom, and general feminine power badassery.
nmlferreiraAmazing!! Thank you LauraThank you for taking my request and making episode 741 out of it. I have listened to the podcast several times, to make sure I understand all the juicy information you provided. This is a podcast worth listening, since it’s full of useful “quick and dirty tips”. What an amazing work you are producing. Thank you Laura. Nuno
Smiles at the parkGreat show !! Thank you!!? 529 you mentioned that a 529 can only be opened when the child is born. You can change beneficiaries , so one a child is born you can name the when the child when they are born
EHodgmanGreat Breadth of Knowledge!This is the first place I look when looking for any financial info, whether it’s investing. budgeting, or looking to make a big purchase. It is such an accessible and trustworthy source of the basic info for a huge variety of money topics. I recommend it to so many people!
LizzzieLouUmm noShe just recommended annuities. Those are high-fee ways to gamble with insurance companies. There’s are so many better ways to use/invest money. I’m not a financial advisor, this is not financial advice, this is just my opinion. And also probably a lot of other people’s opinion. Just saying.
Kimmie728HIGHLY RECOMMENDThis is one of the best money shows I have ever heard. She is clear, concise, and explores the nuances of finances (she looks at all the sides of an issue, i.e., not just pay off all debt because it matters what the debt is for, the interest rate, and whether it is tax deductible, etc.). She also covers all of the topics that I find my self googling because some of the advice out there is a bit too cut and dry. It’s money, it’s complicated, and there are multiple tactics to improve your finances. I wish more planners covered the alternatives when giving advice in their shows. I get tired of walking away from reading/hearing something and saying to myself, “That’s not my situation”. Laura is giving you tools to apply to your situation, not just pie in the sky answers that won’t benefit you where you are in your financial life.
oliviabaker13Educational, actionable, and engaging! 🔥Money Girl is a top-notch personal finance podcast! This show is packed with actionable tips to get your money right and build wealth. Laura is an excellent host that makes potentially complicated topics easy to understand and who does a fantastic job leading engaging interviews with her guests. If you’re looking for a resource to expand your financial knowledge - hit the subscribe button!
rbix44Can’t beat itI have listened for a few years now and I always learn something new. I wish there had been a good finance class when I was in high school. I will retire in a few years and I will keep educating myself even past retirement. Thank you so much for the education (podcast)!
Cece the CPA - NYCInsightful weekly personal finance tips!I love this show, and I appreciate Laura’s dedication and effort in updating her listeners weekly on the most important “need to know” info in a clear and precise short episode. Not easy to do! And for me, I happened to like ads - there are so many apps and softwares out there, it’s good to learn more about the ones that Laura suggested. Thank you! Cheers! :)
js010101Just like the name saysLaura brings great info in a short time frame. Great examples and guests.
Ari (cloak)Very Helpful !Thank you so much !!! I listen to your podcast everyday . My motivation!
o-wassaGreat informationIm in the beginning of saving and build wealth world which come pretty late comparing my age and my working period.. However I have to say that I’m very lucky to found your podcast. Information and content are great. Not too long, too short in each story and your voice pitch is just perfect for listening episode after episode. Your explanation is prefect for someone who know nothing about money like me and on top of that,you seem real and approachable.. Thank you so much and keep up the wonderful work!!
Dixonite347Subscribed!Loved the latest episode! I didn’t know about some of those apps, so I’m stoked to investigate and get rid of things I don’t need!
LAChica86Personal Finance GemsMoney Girl is chock-full of helpful insights, tools, and resources. I have a pretty good grasp on my finances and I still find gems in Laura’s focused and easy to digest episodes. I find them useful for myself and I often share individual episodes with people in my life. Thanks Laura!!
mashamasha11Easy way to learnI love this podcast! Easy to listen and get in the info! I’d love to see more episodes tailored to specific age audiences. I’m a listening in my mid 20s I’d love to have more focus content for me across topics such as retirement. It’s great to put an age lens on these topics since it can make a difference when you start. MD
ArikMToo many ads, meanders too much.I’ve listened to this podcast at its inception way back around 2007/2008 (before Laura Adams became host) and then stopped around 2016/2017. I loved how it was short, sweet and under 20 minutes. In short, quick and dirty! Fast forward to 2020. I subscribed this past Monday and have unsubscribed today (Saturday). This is not the Money Girl Podcast I loved. It’s overblown— more than 30 minutes— add-ridden (really, two segments for ads?) and she meanders before making the point. I mean, one podcast took her 5-7 minutes before she got into the crux of the podcast and then went on and on. I don’t know when the format changed, but in earlier episodes, Laura was focused, on point and just gave the info,, the explanation and moved on. Not so now. It’s more like some podcast version of some infomercial. So much for “quick and dirty tips”. So sad the format has changed even if the content is good!
NonPodGalGreat informationI feel like I have gained a lot of insight into my finances with this podcast. I wish I had learned most of this sooner!
WndosoutaplsnAwesome adviceI’ve been listening to your show for years. Such helpful financial advice! Love your show!!
leggoo89Browse topics and pick your demonEasy to follow and great for beginners on many different topics for all age groups. Ranging from opening up your first credit card, student loans, mortgages, investing / stocks market basics, budgeting, high yielding saving accounts and so more. Recommend for 18 year olds to mid 30’s.
Girl_RacerSo good!!Thank you, Laura! I love this podcast!
seh_209Personal FinanceI have a strong interest in personal finance including building my net worth, retirement accounts, and overall just how to manage my money better. I've been listening to Laura for about 2.5 years now and still love every episode. She provides valuable and straight forward advice, along with simple translations of often confusing tax laws. I regularly look forward to her weekly episodes!
alvy538Too many ads!I love the content in this podcast. However, there are TOO many ads and promos that make this longer than needed. Its irritating to hear more ads than info during ANY podcast.
SaritaslaObsessed - favorite podcast everI love listening to this - always short, straightforward and actionable.
2015babalonULI vs put money in Stock marketHi Laura, I listen to your show regularly and use all helpful tip to make my financial in a better spot. My husband and I currently pay for term life insurance $45 /month each and pay for permanent life insurance $300 each. Total about $770 amount. I am wondering if we will do better just to buy good S&P500 or even use that money to buy rental property. Can you please do show on those two subject? Or maybe if you already did, please tell me where to fine it. Thank you so much. Pam
Tanguera622Love this podcast!I’m a new listener and I’m so glad I came across this podcast. I’m in my thirties and was never taught much of anything about money and how to make it work for you by my own parents. I’m in a bit of a catch up space when it comes to tackling debt and figuring out savings. Laura feels like the maternal guidance I’ve always wanted. It’s easy to understand and broken down into doable steps to make achievements possible. Thank you for creating this, Laura!!
caileejoneskellLaura is a great teacherI am in my twenties and i am just now beginning to prepare for my future. Doing the research and trying to learn how to best invest my money was very intimidating. I didn’t know a lot of the verbiage used in many books and webpages or how basic investing worked. This podcast has become my best resource. I can pick and choose which subjects i need to become more fluent in, and Laura does a great job at breaking everything down to where a novice like myself can understand with ease. Thanks for motivating me to be my best financial self.
Megabeth21Quick tips for a balanced account!I absolutely love this account! I appreciate how friendly it is and how you can pick and choose what topic you may need to be educated on!
Pumpinklator1024Money chroniclesYou have an amazing podcast. Your advice is easy to apply to my daily life. We need to continue to push the money subject. Thank you, Maria
auntmargitExcellent communicatorLaura covers a tremendous range of topics in a concise and easy to understand format. Thank you Laura for sharing your knowledge!!
Sorrythatnameistaken333Easy advice and clear explanationsLaura gives clear explanations and easy to follow advice, which help finances seem like less of a daunting part of life. Though lots of this information isn’t new to me, this podcast is still very helpful.
CMRRLong time listenerI have found her information priceless. I've been listening to her since 2008 and have not missed a single episode. I've even read her book. Laura keeps me up to date with all the latest financial news and I'll keep listening till the end.
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