Career Tools

Careers #102

Career Tools is a weekly podcast focused on specific actions you can take to grow and enhance your career, whether you are a manager or not. Career Tools won the Podcast Awards Best Business podcast in 2010 and was nominated every other year it has been eligible. Whether you are interested in jump-starting a stalled career, or sharpening your edge, Career Tools is the podcast for you. Go to to read what others are saying about the impact Career Tools has had on their careers and lives.

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Recent Reviews
  • TenXFest
    Good content … BUT …
    Solid content … and, only a few episodes in … BUT: 1 - Get to the point! Ironic that a productivity podcast spends SO MUCH time priming a point and volleying an explanation from host to host as if they BOTH need to explain it. 2 - Talks about respecting time, planning and scheduling … but HIDES the podcast duration. Seriously? Talk about disrespecting time!
  • Kate1129__
    Please put on Spotify
    Please move to Spotify. I like this podcast and prefer to listen there.
  • nnylvb
    Good content, but painful to listen to
    I’ve enjoyed listening for the content but what is up with the hosts talking as if people are stupid and they know everything? I get your educating people but you know the content inside out because duh, you’re reading off notes. If you don’t want to listen to them, subscribe and you’ll get the transcripts
  • Unitcell
    Career advice that may have been useful in the 80’s
    Bloated episodes that contain maybe one sentence worth of actual “content” that boils down to generic advice that may be obtained at a university career center. The hosts seem out of touch, particularly with tech hiring and interviewing, and frequently mix up tech roles, which doesn’t inspire confidence. Got tired of listening to them laugh at their own jokes. One wonders how far they would get out in the corporate world.
  • mrlizarde
    Expert advice and insight for a constantly changing world
    Mark and Michael clearly understand the value of communication when it comes to running a successful business. This podcast is for you if you are looking for specific actions you can take to grow your career.
  • JenniferC816
    Out of touch and arrogant
    Painfully out of touch and perpetuates the toxic corporate mindset and it’s broken systems. For example, during a segment about incorrect dates on resumes / big gaps between jobs, Wendy (the host) talks about her “Prison Rule” which means that if it’s not on your resume, it means you were in prison. WHAT?! It’s not funny, just ignorant and demeaning. I’ve been following Career Tools since finishing college nearly 10 yrs ago, I even bought one of their products. I did find value in their content back then but revisiting them now in the post-pandemic and post-hustle culture era, I can not listen to them. As someone who has hired and managed, it’s not that all the advice is wrong, it’s that the delivery is so off putting and holier than thou. They also drone on and on, repeating basic points. In that segment it felt more like they were making fun of candidates that made mistakes rather than focusing on how to help and uplift candidates. I get some things about corporate America will not change overnight and broken hiring systems aren’t a simple fix. But this arrogance and attitude is disgusting. There are much more positive, modern, and motivating people to learn from and gain the tools you need to grow in your career.
  • Alex425xyz
    Great Host Chemistry and Insights
    I just listened to the episode, Your Valuable Secondary Network, and had some great insights into how to develop your professional network
  • Allthenicknamesrtaken (Nicole)
    Love it.
    I love this podcast. Wendy and whoever cohosts with her (it varies) are always right on point with advice. I listen all the time, and repeat episodes that are particularly insightful.
  • Boschimica
    Holier-than-thou podcasters
    Not a very relatable podcast. Despite the potential good message, the presenters come off as holier-than-thou and pompous. It’s cringeworthy. Also seems very “old school” in their philosophy and thinking about workplace culture and practices.
  • Jane1980727
    Love this podcast!
    The manager tools and career tool podcasts are incredibly valuable and everyone should be listening. You need this! And it’s free. It’s an amazing offering that will improve your life. It has improved mine.
  • Ladybug6207
    Good info
    Before listening I was about to have a panic attack. My new boss started two days ago and wants to make lots of changes. I loved my old boss and we complimented each other well. She had to retire for health reasons. I wanted to not like this new boss but I found that it’s just the change I don’t like. This podcast helped give me a new perspective.
  • mkduran
    If you work then you need this podcast
    If you have a job or want a job and this podcast is not part of your daily listen or study then you are leaving money and results on the table. The latest series “Mark’s College Talk” is a must listen. Wendii and all give real, usable, time-tested advice here. If you aspire to reach management ranks then check out Manager Tools podcast which is how I was able to get promoted up the ranks!
  • Jolynne Smyth
    Helpful info
    But could be shorter & get right into the actionable info
  • Lindsay Sutter
    Wendy & Lindsay
    So funny, listening to your podcast now where when Wendy introduces herself people hear Lindsay. My name is Lindsay and when I introduce myself people often hear Wendy. I’ve always thought that was a stretch in mishearing me. Great podcast I’m binge listening currently and I’m so happy to have found you.
  • Hannah Copeland
    Mansplaining Overload
    I tried to make it through the Asking For A Raise podcast series, but it was unbearable because the male host incessantly interrupted the female host correcting and commenting on her every statement and even critiquing her accent. The information was okay, but painful to listen to the imbalance of hosting.
  • SweetMisery2790
    Huge Teaching Tool
    While the casts can be a tad on the long side, I find them enjoyable. I keep an ear out for particular casts that are relevant for some of my directs, give them feedback, provide the cast, and then we discuss in their next one on one. It’s been wonderful.
  • Mac Prichard
    Practical Tips from The Career Tools Team
    Every week Wendii Lord and rotating cohosts at Career Tools answer a question you've probably had about your career or your job search. There's good give and take between the hosts and much detailed discussion full of practical advice you can use now at the office or in a job hunt.
  • L-Train Feevah
    Fantastic resource
    Always deliver great actionable insights
  • Arun4all
    Old podcasts are useful
    Recent podcasts were not as useful as the old ones. There are few instances one would disagree strongly with the suggestions from the podcast especially the one about 'go to work when sick' sticks out. This podcast was useful not anymore.
  • LBMB5763
    Not To Be Missed
    I eagerly await each new cast. Has been a huge help for my career!!!!! Highly recommended!!!!
  • El capitan 1260
    Well done
    Worth the listen every time.
  • Darblu42
    Senior Industrial Designer
    Excellent Podcast! I completely credit for Career Tools Interview series for helping me land a job after a long drought. It has truly changed my life. I've learned how to negotiaote organizational politics, become a better employee, and get paid what I'm worth. Best way to spend a commute listening. Subscribe now!
  • jbriar2000
    Useful guidance
    his podcast provides very useful guidance on effectively managing your career as a professional.
  • abcdefgxd
    As a young professional, every topic is extremely relevant and useful. Mark gives concrete guidance and specific examples. I love how the hosts give a brief bullet point in the beginning of each episode then elaborate. BLUF
  • rawdata
    Brilliant advice! Thanks, team!!!
    Is your manager checked out and you need some advice on how to handle a situation? Have you ever wondered why your job search is stalled? Or why that team doesn’t work well with you? This is the best podcast I’ve listened to. I’ve been listening to the team here since early 2008 and love their casts. Yes, there are some casts that don’t apply to me in my position. Yes, sometimes Mark can get on a soap box. However, it’s a legit soap box - he used to work at P&G! :) I really appreciate how the team at Manager Tools has impacted me over the last several years. I was able to find two new roles in that time. I was able to figure out why I wasn’t getting along with certain people and change that dynamic. Many, Many thanks to the team for all that you do at such a great price!!
    Incredible Resource!
    Manager Tools and Career Tools are the best podcasts around. Manager Tools focuses on being an effective manager and Career Tools focuses on effective career management. Both podcasts have improved my life. MT helped me become a more effective manager and deal with a number of situations I face regulary as a departmenr head. CT helped me manage my career and provides some great advice on both day-to-day matters as well as job search topics like resumes, interviews, and transitioning between jobs. When something happens, I often find that "there's a cast for that". If I heard it, I feel like I know exaclty what do do. If not, a get great guidance from both the free podcast as well as the associated licensee only shownotes. If you want to be better as a manager or further your career, I would invest the time in listening to both podcasts!
  • J0009
    Excellent Resource
    They tell you what nobody else tells you about how to do a job well. All the nuances that used to be passed on from the senior people that aren't any longer. These guys are great and their advice is spot on.
  • Dandetiger
    The last episode “Dealing with a Whiny Co-Worker” was a little strange, it definitely was speaking from a MANAGER’S perspective and not a co-worker’s perspective. An “every day” coworker, not someone in a supervisor role. I think it proves these two definitely know how to be managers, but may have forgotten how to be just a coworker, this “excuse me” technique, or not being polite, isn’t “team player” attitude, it’s a sure way to alienate yourself from the group,so if you are looking to become a supervisor or a manager this is a definitely an advisable list of techniques, but this isn’t something I would advise for the regular co-worker.
  • JockelCarter
    Excellent stuff
    Found these two resources after being pointed here by a friend. Excellent advice. Even the very old podcasts hold a ton of value. Don’t overlook them due to the age.
  • plrtexas
    Hard earned experience in accessible pkg
    Actionable advice, good chemistry between the 2 main hosts, they get on with the info (not a lot of blah blah blah chatty BS that other MCs in this genre seem to be fond of). I have learned a lot from them. Highly recommend
  • sscharmie
    Great resource and perspective
    I really appreciate the "tell it like it is" approach. I've learned so much from listening to ALL the archived episodes. I pass on this podcast as a resource to my college students and friends who are transitioning in their careers. I've also implemented the core ideas into my classroom to help prepare my students for what is ahead of them in the professional world. Thank you Career Tools for your commitment to excellence!
  • Warren Allan
    Great Career Guidance
    Mark Horstman and Mike Auzenne provide great career guidance. The best thing you can do for your career is to sign up for this podcast and its sister one, Manager Tools. The advice is specific and easy to follow. These guys are regularly rated as producing some of the best podcast material available in the business category.
  • eahiv
    Best career podcast
    Every episode is full of good actionable advice. This is one of the good ones! Also check out Manager Tools.
  • JohnHealey
    Absolutely essential and amazing
    These guys have put together crisp and actionable podcasts. There is not a better podcast for being productive, professional or effective. Amazing.
  • Dolfase
    Highly recommended.
  • M J S
    Career Tools - For Everyone Who Has a Job...
    or wants a job. Career Tools is absolutely the most practical, least theoretical, most applicable, best career advice I'v found… bar none. I've been a listener since the beginning and -- without reservation -- I recommend their advice. I wouldn't say that I've drunk the Kool-Aid (I still don't completely follow the advice on personal effects in my office) but Mark and Mike will *never* steer you wrong -- or in a fruitless, wasteful direction. Their only competition is their other podcast, Manager Tools.
  • 恢复深蓝
    Fire that crazy lady!!!
    Who's the lady in the "what your resume says" post? She laugh like hell!!! I think she basically ruined everything!
  • CathyBigforkMT
    Should be a required podcast for any professional
    I have learned so much from Career Tools podcasts. I just wish these podcasts had been available early in my career. I would have avoided a lot of mistakes. I'm 53 years old, but it's better to learn this stuff now, than never. This information is helpful even for those of us who are professionals in the non-profit, rather than for-profit, sector. I can't recommend these highly enough. I also love the idea that we should always keep improving and learning, no matter where we are in our career. Listen to the "read a book" podcast, etc. Lifelong learning is my favorite phrase and these podcasts are a important tool for me. Kudos to the Mgr Tools team.
  • Woundedbadgers
    Audio handbook for any professional
    Mark & Mike will cover nearly any professional situation imaginable with clear and actionable guidance. Career Tools provides solid advice that can not be found anywhere else in audio form. There FREE podcasts are better than the $$$ professional training programs I've seen.
  • ggggeo
    What You Need To Know
    If you are serious about becoming a better professional in whatever line of work you currently do, this podcast is for you. If you subscribe and listen to this podcast, then implement the behaviors in your professional life, you will be on the fast track to becoming a highly effective professional.
  • nigelng91
    The best source for career advice
    I first heard Mark speak when he came to my school. It was fantastic, and his podcast didn't disappoint. Thanks to Career Tools (and especially the Interviewing Series), I landed my first professional internship.
  • Bizprofessora
    Career tools
    Agree with other reviewers who have mentioned that their audios ramble (and ramble and ramble). Content is useful but the broadcasters assume that their audience is (mostly) white and male as there is a little attention or acknowledgement of specific career issues that are relevant to women or other minorities. There is also no information regarding the length of the broadcasts, nor the ability to rate each one. In their preferred vernacular...Come on, boys, let's bring your game up!
  • bmaltzan
    Amazingly practical
    A must listen for anyone looking to improve their career trajectory.
  • Pol junkie
    Content is good but host is a jerk
    I think the content of the show is fantastic and there is a lot of good advice. As people have said, the DISC model is great. But the two hosts, well one of them...Mark...i'm talking to the most arrogant podcaster I have ever listened to. Whatever Mark says is right and if you disagree with him, you're wrong. Oh and he's right because he's been doing this for 30 years. And I think he lives just to tear people down. He did a recent show on resumes and I think he only did it just to nitpick, find fault and insult the people who submitted the resumes. He seems to take delight in doing that. So if you can bear to listen to someone like that, there is some good advice on both Career Tools and Manager Tools.
  • CatoGrace
    Excellent podcast with very actionable advice
    This podcast and Mike and Mark's other one Manager Tools are nothing short of incredible. They are the only people I've found giving actionable career and management advice. Instead of everyone else's "You should coach your people" or "Pre-wire for your meetings" you get Mike and Mark giving you step by step, detailed, actionable advice for how to handle an incredible array of career and management issues. They also espouse something that I greatly appreciate, which is the idea that anyone can be a great employee or manager, all you have to do is be willing to change your behavior as needed, listen to people who have been there, and work at it. Listen to this podcast, you won't regret it.
  • Maulan
    Engineering Manager
    Excellent !!!!!
  • Dead River
    Excellent Resource
    Mark and Mike give excellent advice about how to manage ones career. I've improved my resume a substantially. If I need to look for a job in the future, I'll be much better prepared. The DISC model gives me a better understanding of communication.
  • MLL2A
    I have really enjoyed all of the podcasts. I will continue to listen and recommend to my friends and colleagues! Keep up the great work!
  • IMeMines
    Absolute Must!
    Career Tools (and if applicable Manager Tools) covers all areas very well for any employee. I've been listening for a year, it's helped me professionally more than any other source available to me.
  • Zinnerfonda
    Beware the cloud...
    ...of Mark's smugness blanketing much of the solid advice that this pair gives.
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