Odd Lots

Business #41Investing #9

Bloomberg's Joe Weisenthal and Tracy Alloway explore the most interesting topics in finance, markets and economics. Join the conversation every Monday and Thursday.

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  • mcwarsaw
    What Happened in 1971?!
    As directed, I am asking you to do an episode or series about what happened in 1971. I would really like your view on things. Thanks!
  • Mazikhan
    Great show, but no more transcripts! 😢
    I really like the show because it just covers a whole gamut of subjects in business and really gets into details. Unfortunately, they recently seem to have disabled transcripts, which makes it much more difficult for me to follow shows due to my hearing issues. 😢
  • EricG.PSU
    Best podcast in Finance
    Love This Podcast
  • Mike Trobe
    Great podcast
    These guys do a terrific job- interesting subjects, great guests, excellent questions. Bravo!
  • intrigued14
    That Richmond Fed Roadtrip Episode
    That Richmond Fed Roadtrip Episode was amazing. I loved hearing from actual people living in places that I haven’t been to and to see that housing and childcare are problems everywhere. All three companies profiled were very interesting, so were Barkin’s reflections. This was much better than hearing the same national story told by another big city reporter.
  • SpenceDP
    Loved the On the Road Episode
    Excellent production value, too. Really well done.
  • condormke
    Adderall/ADHD Episode
    This one really went off the rails. Finding another guest who does preface unchallenged fringe ideas about adhd diagnosis, adderall, and psychiatry with “adderall and adhd diagnosis are not my realm of expertise” would give listeners a clearer picture of these subjects! Prof Carr claiming the validity of ADHD as a psychiatric diagnosis is “quite contested” (by whom?) and that ADHD is “not a robust disease entity at all” hinges on the idea that psychiatric illness as a concept is illegitimate. The DSM-5 and Prof Carr’s preferred ICD-11 are clear that ADHD is legitimate in so far as psychiatry and medicine are legitimate. Using the lack of “neurobiological basis” to discredit any illness (as Prof Carr points out, there is no “blood test” for any psychiatric illness) gives license to people in positions of power to question things like workplace accommodations and to suggest as Joe and Tracy did that people prescribed these medications are unfairly advantaged. Longstanding disparities in health, social, and economic outcomes faced by people all over the world (yes, even outside the US) living with ADHD refute this idea. A clear relationship between standard ADHD treatments and “punding” or other neuro/cardiotoxic side effects does not exist, and theoretical risks can be managed with low-cost monitoring (yearly blood pressure checks, side effect check-ins, etc). Caffeine is also a dopaminergic and sympathomimetic drug, and long-term moderate/heavy use among otherwise physically healthy people is not associated with negative neurologic or cardiac outcomes. It’s very possible the same is true for the doses of stimulant prescribed for ADHD. Prof Carr mentions risk of amphetamines potentiating addictive behaviors, but substantial evidence people diagnosed with ADHD face elevated risk of substance use disorders at baseline muddies any causal relationship between stimulant use and internet addiction. Sharing literature showing increased risk of internet addiction among people taking stimulants to treat their ADHD vs people diagnosed with ADHD who are not on medication would be a start here. Prof Carr suggests it is a “clinically documented fact” that stimulant effectiveness is not different between people who have ADHD and those who do not. People without ADHD may find themselves more motivated and focused on stimulants, this should surprise no one. This point of these medications is to help people who are (as determined by clinicians through assessment strategies not mentioned in the podcast that amount to much more than “vibes”) suffering severely from an inability to maintain focus/motivation. Preventing/treating psychiatric illnesses writ large obviously relies on structural social changes outside of the clinic. However, evidence is very clear that stimulant medications can dramatically improve quality of life with low risk for intolerable short or long term side effects for people living with ADHD. This episode makes the work of tempering longstanding stigmatization people with ADHD and their healthcare providers face all the more challenging.
  • incrediblemulc
    i have the perfect podcast for ya
    but seriously much better than it has any right to be. you may not think economic pilpul is your bag baby but these kooks are fascinating a nd somehow evdn fun
  • kfixbwhdisa
    TradFi Simps
    Much of the supposed journalism on crypto will in time prove to be overtly biased.
  • ttcbj
    Perfect hosts
    They like to say they “have the perfect guest”, and the secret of the show is that they so often do. The interviews are so insightful, interesting, and varied. I listen to several other interview podcasts, and this is the one that almost never disappoints. I rarely miss an episode, and highly recommend it.
  • #jamesnelsonnyc
    Great content!
    Love how Joe and Tracy go deep into the subject matter. Thank you for a great show !
  • anna clarice
    Entitled and truly annoying hosts
    I couldn't even get through an episode. They are always interrupting the guest and honestly the host's perspectives are simply not compelling or thought out.
  • D-adds
    More on CRE, please
    Rich Hill had clear thoughts. I long podcasts. This one too short!
  • rawbits
    Super episode on Hamilton and industrial policy
    Let’s have more of that ! (But almost every episode is a winner…)
  • jayhay0
    Great show
    Love the episodes on finance and banking especially!
  • Forehead without Borders
    I love Tracy and Joe
    What a hit these two are together! My favorite episode so far is the Boeing one. The CEO responsible for harming this company should be charged and he still may be. Keep going!
  • Troy234ty
    Amazing work
    Joe and Tracy are awesome hosts and bring in the top experts of every field they explore for news that gets almost zero coverage in mainstream media. I’ve enjoyed listening to this podcast since 2021 and it is one of my top podcasts for financial news and trends.
  • Chucky (JonG)
    The mouthpiece for the DNC
    When listening to Odd Lots, you first must realize that Bloomberg “news” is the mouthpiece for the DNC. Mikey himself ran for the Democratic nomination, and has contributed heavily to the Dems. Thus, you will never hear anything bad about the dreadful IRA that is causing huge fiscal deficits, EVs being jammed down consumers’ throats, etc.—if the Dems are for it, Odd Lots will be pimping it. The recent podcast on problems at Boeing is a case in point in that ignored one uncomfortable fact—Boeing recently changed its comp plan for executives away from rewarding safety to pushing DEI! Oh, but DEI is a Dem priority, so we can’t cover that. Take what you hear on Odd Lots with a giant grain of salt.
  • ThegCaptain
    Shipping and Trade
    Absolutely loved the latest episode with Dr Sal on shipping disruptions and Joe and Tracy’s willingness to dive deep in topics like trade. Looking forward to the much anticipated Jones Act episode.
  • thisNickNickName
    Joe is super annoying
    sorry but it’s true. Also stop interrupting your guests when they’re right about to make their point. It’s just terrible
  • mbt474
    Great show, hosts need coaching
    Really fantastic show for anyone looking to gain insight into the most important factors moving markets. The hosts need a bit of coaching in terms of speaking habits, especially Joe. He says “like” every 5th word and it hurts the ears. You’ll also need to fast forward through their epically long introductions until they inevitably say “we have the perfect guest.”
  • Ray Bz
    Tracy’s a secret information hoarder.
    Good show on 01/04/23… However, on several occasions, Tracy presents a subtle drop from her collection of business information (Rural Airports for sale) that I'm like-Whoa! What? Let's rewind this show. I want to hear more about this airport. Fun and great show. I learn every episode. #Go Hogs.
  • Steve Mazzini
    You all are amazing! I look forward to every episode and if needed, happy to help with Tracy’s new airport 😆
  • ftempleton
    Often entertaining but too often fails to press the guests
    The shows hosts are affable and entertaining. The topics are usually interesting and when they have a guest who isn’t trying to push their own company or product the discussion is enlightening. However, when the guest is a CEO or officer of some company all too often the discourse amounts to not much more than company talking points and press releases. See for example the recent episode at Dimensional and the Simply Greens episode.
  • AndyFromConnecticut
    Insightful and Engaging
    Love Joe and Tracy‘s podcast. They are knowledgeable, insightful, funny, and engaging!
  • beefylogs
    It’s good! But Joe needs media training
    Love the show, but someone please get Joe some media training. All the interjections of “right”, “mhmm”, “sure”, etc., while guests are talking is really distracting. Sometimes I have to turn the show off when I just can’t stand to hear it 🥲 Learning to let your guests speak is host etiquette 101 — you can do it Joe!
  • EGunn32
    Great show!
    Tracy and Joe are super smart. They seem to always know more than enough to be dangerous. They ask good questions and more importantly, they ask even better follow up questions if something doesn’t make sense to them. They’re clearly smart but don’t emit any arrogance and have a knack for getting great information and explanations out of their guests.
  • CrazyThatWeNeedNicknamesStill
    Love the gaming shows
    Please do more :)
  • GeetaGG
    Great podcast!
    I absolutely love the show. The topics covered are very relevant. Please do more episodes on healthcare. It’s riddled with fraudulent practices.
  • AintWhatIUsedToBe
    Always interesting
    Jones Act, EV charging stations at midnight in Michigan, CME, alfalfa, SVB. How about one on the NPS concessions business from Harry Child in YNP to Xanterra everywhere. The business model as it’s evolved over a century.
  • aldal1129
    Great show!
    Long time listener! Shameless plug: i would love to be your “perfect guest” for a healthcare episode! ~Ali Dalal
  • DavisNordell
    Great variety and in-depth coverage
    Tracy and Joe are great in every episode. They cover complex topics in ways that make it easy for a wide variety of audience’s to understand. Keep it up.
  • Clark_bord
    Lina Khan and medical regulation
    Hi guys, great show! I would recommend Dan Weismann, host of “An Arm and a Leg”, a great podcast about the US healthcare system and how broken it is. The show also has some good advice for consumers. Thanks again!
    Special interest?
    Why are they trying to pump celsius when it already broke down heavily! They should have disclaimer of sponsors.
  • NYC lad
    Boring and bland. Like they’re reading straight from a script
    Listener for years but some feedback for Joe and Tracy. Y’all got to be a bit more engaged with the audience and make it less monotone. Just sounds so bland even with interesting guests and cannot get through more than 5 min of a single episode.
  • Jim in Dumbo
    Too Much Grunting and Noise Making
    The hosts need to stop grunting and making noises after the other one asks a question. Very annoying
  • AlphaRhoGamma
    Value Add
    As the name implies, they tend to cover stories that you may not hear in most other podcasts or in manager market commentaries. Back when they only did one episode per week, it was almost guaranteed that every episode was great. They’re a little more stretched now, but it’s still one of the best and most interesting market podcasts available.
  • ;)&'vxxd
    Really enjoy the unbiased content!
    As an insurance agent, I’d love to hear an episode on roof replacements. So much to digest on the consumer side and the insurance company side.
  • Mo26546788787
    Great guests, horrible hosts
    This podcast has some amazing guests but two of the worst hosts in podcast history. If this wasn’t the only podcast with fed presidents on as guests, I would of rated as 1 star for how annoying the dudes voice is.
  • SteversK
    My favorite podcast
    Odd Lots is, by far, my favorite podcast. Joe and Tracy are excellent hosts and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Also, please do an episode on roof insurance fraud in Florida. I very much look forward to hearing about Florida Man and his insurance scam. Thanks!
  • Manngc
    Really good podcast
    Please do the episode on the Florida roof insurance scandal.
  • mshl726
    Great relevant content, easy to digest, highly relevant industry guests
    Great podcast. Easy to digest. Knowledgeable hosts. Topical and relevant issues for the current macro and business environment.
  • David_Dawson
    Great dynamics and in depth expertise
    I love the format. I appreciate the intro section; the long winded (in the best ways) q&a format between great reporters and people with amazing experience in their fields; and the brief reflection during the wind down. There have been some episodes with audio challenges but with more in-studio interviews, and maybe remote guests improving their gear, thankfully there are fewer episodes with difficult sounds. Thank you, Tracy and Joe and everyone else involved in making this show.
  • Sbix66
    Hit or miss
    I loved the episodes on Logistics, Trucking, and some of the finance shows. They were educational, the Q
  • Nesta4595
    My favorite podcast
    I don’t work in finance or anything like that, but this is my favorite podcast. I love the hosts and great guests they get.
  • Oma Lovell
    My favorite podcast
    Smart, insightful, and intelligent
  • mt57
    Consistently interesting
    I have really enjoyed numerous episodes of this podcast. The topics are wide-ranging and the variety is a welcome contrast to the general repetitiveness of most financial market punditry. Also, the episodes generally end within an hour, which shows further good judgment. Definitely one of my favorites!
  • UB Boy
    Excellent and Informative Tractor Supply Interview
    I listen to every show, and mostly enjoy them quite thoroughly, but I thought the tractor supply interview was exceptional. As usual, the hosts asked the questions that I would hope I would have asked, and the interviewee was top-notch. He answered the questions thoroughly and succinctly, and could really speak in whole paragraphs, much less in whole sentences.
  • New Hampshire Guy
    Smart and informative
    It’s hard to find well-informed, wide-ranging exploration of current economic and business trends. These guys do it effortlessly. I learn something every time I listen.
  • yadmeister
    Bad hosts, good guests
    This show would be five stars with better hosts
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