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TheLogicTrebuchetI Mean, Yeah, Obviously This Is GreatYep, it’s a bunch of really interesting people talking about a really interesting podcast. I probably love this podcast about as much as WTNV, honestly - though maybe a bit less than Within The Wires. I also love Start With This. Equally, again. Really need to write a review for Start With This. I’ll get to that in a bit. BUT - I almost personally know all of the main cast of WTNV, especially Joseph and Jeffrey, Dylan Marron (from his podcast Conversations With People Who Hate Me, which is, yes, roughly as interesting as it sounds, though in a different way), and soon, you guys! Also, it’s nice to finally know about the alternative spa therapy, wink wink. Thanks to all of you. Love you… too? I guess? Oh, and yeah, there are tangents. It’s ALL ABOUT the tangents. I’M all about the tangents, honestly. If you don’t like tangents, reconsider your life choices, mate. Tangents are the best. The literal best. No, actually. Tangents are, objectively, The Best Thing. Which makes this podcast… pretty up there, yeah? ALSO also, my stance on vampirism is that, sure, I’d be a vampire if I didn’t have to be super pale (and maybe glittery?), die in the sun, and bite people. Biting people is weird. I’ll just, like, steal people’s blood with a syringe while they’re sleeping and squirt it right down my throat. I’ll also take the ability to influence dreams or cause hallucinations over teleporting. And I’m not turning into a bat. I’m turning into freaking liquid nitrogen. Or I SEND IT BACK. So yeah, I’m gonna be the WEIRD vampire. With the eyeliner and the sideburns and the ponytail.
☁️All_Hail💜I truly love thisI 100% live this podcast and I enjoy the tangents that Hal, Symphony, and Meg go off on and I love falling asleep to them talking about Night Vale and all of its weirdness. 2nd Best Podcast to WTNV.💜
HorrorLover26Best talking podcast ever!I have been listening to this podcast ever since my overnight school trip! Still love it! 10/10
TherealstephanzoNo recapping. Just talk.devolves into tangents and randomness. Very little actual discussion of show. Which would be fine and is kinda entertaining sometimes but this is ostensibly about wtnv episodes and is advertised as such.
Sentent EyeballHi buddiesDiscuss fallout new Vegas
CantBelieveYourNameIsSoGoodGood stuff👍
LuinmirelGreatAfter listening to Welcome to Night Vale for a number of years I'm happy to hear the cast is doing a deep dive into each episode! I want to hear more detail about each episode though. What I heard in the first episode was not quite that. Edit: I had to give up on the podcast. I couldn’t stand Symphony and the random tangents were too much and too long, and not relevant to WTNV. The cast cannot stay on track.
polzangel99Not Quite Enough "Recap", A Bit Heavy on SpoilersI very recently started listening to Night Vale, and I'm around 20 episodes in. I was immediately sucked into this really cool world that the show has created, and thought that a podcast diving deeper and recapping each episode sounded amazing! I'm only 4 episodes into Good Morning Night Vale, but unfortunately I have to agree with some of the more critical reviews so far that there isn't as much of talk about the actual episodes as I was hoping for. Don't get me wrong, there are some really cool perspectives and behind the scenes stuff in there too, but I found the amount of unrelated tangents a little too high for me (which says something, because I love a good tangent here and there). Also, I was slightly put off by the way they talk a LOT about things I haven't gotten to yet, such as characters and storylines that haven't been introduced as of the episode they're recapping. It makes sense and is to be expected that they talk about the journey and how the show has grown since those early episodes, especially since Night Vale has been going on for years now, but as a new listener, I didn't love having THAT much spoiled for me. It's a lot like, "Oh, this is the first time we see (character) and wow, it hasn't even been established that (big important plot line) happens later! So crazy!" "Oh, this is the first time they do that thing where a character dies but then in episode 100-something, you find out they didn't really die!" Again, I'm in the very early episodes of both podcasts, but I will probably give Good Morning Night Vale a break for now. Maybe I'll come back when I'm further into Night Vale and past more of the potential spoiler points, as I genuinely do enjoy the hosts' chemistry and personality. I just hope to see more of the "recap" aspect that the description claims in later episodes. :)
Chuckietee076Fan fookin tastic!Love this beautiful little gem of a show. The hosts are wonderful people. The show is laugh-out-loud funny and it's always a treat to get the behind-the-scenes info and food tangents. Keep up the good work. ChuckieTee.
gmwilliams357LoveAbsolutely love these three and their commentary. Learning behind the scenes is so much fun
letstradeEarly on, awkward“That’s literally the most anyone’s ever prepared for this show” -Symphony Sanders, in “Good Mornjng Feral Dogs This is a telling quote that sums up my feelings so far early into this podcast - there are great spontaneous moments where Meg, Hal, and Symphony feel engaged, but I feel like these moments focus around things *outside* of the night vale podcast, and pretty much the rest of the episode feels awkward and not prepared at all. Hoping the chemistry and preparedness comes together a bit better
y vv.Good Morning Night Vale reviewVery yummy scrumptious juicy episodes.🕹
dr awaThank you for helpingHey this review is long in the works. I started listening to welcome to nightvale and good morning nightvale right around when I graduated medical school. Only to be dropped into the first pandemic in ages. Listening to both of these podcasts helped make me feel so much less alone when I was working in the intensive care unit with all my patients intubated or on the verge of needing to be intubated. Nightvale was my escape after calling families with only bad news and having to learn how to file New York State death certificates within a few hours of my first day of work. Thank you for being here through the thick and thin :)
brent the baristaSpecularVery entertaining, a real highlight of my day. Fun quirky stories about how the cast/crew know each other, great background stories and silly wild tangents that make me laugh. Bless
LokiIsMortalfour starsVery good... though if you don’t care about their lives outside of nightvale this isn’t for you. They get off track a lot but nightvale kinda does that to you lol
LibraryknightDelightfulThis is a really sweet and funny podcast with great friendship chemistry between the hosts. The quarantine content has been especially soothing and comforting to me. Love you all!
Jandro GamboaFanzone Calzone Por VidaI can’t get enough of Hal Lublin or Night Vale. This show is my best way to get both! I also love the behind the scenes notes and wild tangents. This is a very entertaining show, even if you’re not freshened up on the main podcast. Now get yourself a calzone and listen!
kaleyboo7DisappointingI was excited to find this podcast because I love WTNV and I thought that they would be doing a deep dive into each episode, talking about important plot points and analyzing them, discussing characters, etc. Much to my disappointment, they spend very little talking about the show and instead go off on tangents about their personal life, try to make funny jokes, bring up political views, etc. They just don’t deliver what they promote. And Symphony Sanders’ voice is grating, she sounds like she has vocal fry.
flynnpuppyAwesomeI started listening because I need more Night Vale and now I want to relisten to every episode forever.
emicrowdAmazing!This podcast is such a delight, and I can see myself falling more and more in love with Ms. Sanders every time she laughs. Great show!
Jo Ann RuthMakes Me Laugh!Good commentary on a good show! Symphony's laugh is killing me XD
Dra NgiponCoffee klatchMeg - do something with that mic. The echoes are distracting and often unintelligible. Otherwise, it’s fun in the way that having coffee with buddies is fun.
RetrostalgiaGood stuffIf you love Welcome to Nightvale, then of course you'll love Good morning Night Vale. I strongly suggest listening to the original prior to listening to the corresponding Good Morning episode. Keep it up guys! Meg, you are my everything.
CalciocoolnessLove this showI binged Welcome to Nightvale and as soon as I caught up I binged this show. I was hesitant at first but now I wonder why. I love listening to these friends talk and since I’ve listened to the actual episodes, I really enjoy the fact that they go off on their tangents. It brings me new Nightvale content in a refreshing way and I adore it. I also just love how much they talk about being in the business and how much they had to work to get to where they are now. It gives me hope that my hard work is worth it. Love these people, love this podcast, love WTNV.
Anya TheirinLET’S TALK ABOUT ITI wish half stars were a thing, so I could rate this 4.5 stars. I look forward to this recap show every other week: I wouldn’t have guessed that throwing Hal Lublin, Symphony Sanders, and Meg Bashwiner into a Google chat to talk about Welcome to Night Vale would be so interesting. I didn’t judge it until they’d done a handful of episodes (so they could find their footing), and I like the meandering they sometimes... *often*... do: sometimes it’s even relevant to the episode. Ha! I like hearing their theories and opinions, and I appreciate that they can respectfully disagree with one another and with fan opinions (though they don’t do it much). The one criticism I have is that I wish they’d have more show-related guests on. Yes, I know they’re cast members themselves, but I’d love to hear more about writing process from Joseph and Jeffrey—I love hearing Meg recall what was going on at the time each episode was being written—and listening to Weather guests recount their experiences is fascinating to me. I also like hearing from other cast members, because everyone has such different perspectives, both from their character’s point of view and from their personal point of view. Not that the Fanzone isn’t interesting, but having it every other show is a good pace: two or three episodes in a row is a bit much for me. TL;DR Listen and judge for yourself, but I like it and I enjoy responding to them as I listen, as if they can hear me. :3 Peace!
FurplesnortFood!You trio make me so hungry! Please write a cookbook so I can buy 2. Oh, and I love your show.
ludowiththetudowe love you!not sure what it says about me that I binged wtnv and then immediately started listening to a recap podcast, but there you go. Listening to you guys is so fun! My only regret is that you’re putting up episodes every two weeks now (but I understand)
BaconPlusLike a Night Vale commentary track DVD feature.Symphony, Meg, & Hal are great in this podcast. Hearing fan theories/head-canons from people other than the couple of friends that also listen to the show is also interesting. I was honestly surprised by the handful of reviews regarding the show as being one they don't like, I guess some people want rigidly adhered to structure when it's a commentary on an episode? I also more often than not get legit giggle fits after something our most joyful hosts will say at least once an episode.
annataryxLook forward to every episode!I love the rapport the hosts have with each other, their tangents and analysis of a show I've loved for so long really make this show wonderful!
Badkitty80Can’t stay in trackI’m a new fan of Night Vale and love it. I was also excited to see there was also a podcast to discuss the episodes but was quickly disappointed. I understand getting off in a tangent but the episodes are hardly discussed it’s too much of them getting sidetracked and talking about things I’m not interested in. And the voice of Tamika Flynn is like nails on a chalk board, top reason I can’t get thru these episodes.
Sarah TalianiIt’s cool if you want to hear about politics all the time.Many people come to podcasts because they want to hear something that will lift them up. I love nightvale & even respect the writing for including somewhat political stances. But this podcast, they literally will go off on 10 minute tangents about their political views & talk about war? I like these people’s personalities & even agree with their stances..... but this isn’t the time or place for it. That’s what political podcasts are for.
KrissytonicHonestly didn’t think I’d like thisI’m not much into podcasts and regular chatter. My podcasts are filled with story type genres from Night Vale to Dream Boy to It Makes a Sound. I gave it a shot since the shows where on a hiatus for the month. I’m glad I did. I love hearing each voice actors opinion and thoughts of the show. Yes they may go off topic and talk about life that still has some aspect about the show, but that what makes it feel natural.
ProfessorBuffyThe best food podcast in nightvaleI absolutely love this podcast. I normally hate podcasts of people just chatting but I can’t get enough of these three! They are absolutely delightful, funny, and perfectly weird. I’ve been listening to episodes again and again when I’m having a bad day for a pick me up. Can’t recommend enough!
defyinggraviteeThe most fun you’ll ever have listening to literary analysisA podcast about a podcast, you say? How absurd, you say! Ah, I say. But consider: most of English academia is just books about books. This is like that, only much, much more fun. This has interviews with the people who make Night Vale, headcanons and theories ranging from reasonable to totally wild, hilarious stories from the actors’ lives, delicious tidbits about the show’s creation, and passionate discussions about food that will have you googling your nearest hot wing delivery service. If Night Vale brings you joy, and you’re looking for it to bring you even more joy, embrace that joy, friend, and let Symphony, Hal, and Meg take you on a romp through the behind-the-scenes world of Night Vale. This is fandom like you’ve never experienced it before, friend. Enjoy.
Farmer646895322EntertainingA very entertaining chat about the show. Great for when you’ve already listened to all the episodes and are intrested in a more in-depth look at the show.
Southgate Media GroupWonderful!I LOVE this show! I went in cautiously and it was a pleasant surprise what I found! They are witty and incredibly relatable! I am a HUGE fan of Welcome to Nightvale and this gives me my Nightvale fix! ☺️
TyrilessEasy and fun listeningThree very funny and talented artists discussing my all time favorite podcast. Meg’s dry wit is my absolute favorite.
Owl someLove itI just love you guys.. your tangents keep me going
AnimalgirlmepSo funnySo I see how it may be annoying to some people that they go off on random tangents. But I find it HILARIOUS. This is one of my favorite podcasts ever, aside from Night Vale itself.
ShinxieMore fun from the WTN crew!It's a blast listening to you guys get derailed and have fun and it's fun for me to relisten to old episodes while I follow along
pavlov999206DisappointedAs a huge fan of Nightvale, I was excited by this concept. However, I feel the execution is rambling and lacking any sort of critical objectivity. While I love the original show, there are moments that I don’t necessarily love. But this is not a review, it is just fawning over how great every single aspect of each episode is without any criticism whatsoever. Even adding one character that opened up a critical dialogue would be beneficial. This is too long and actually takes away from my experience with the episodes. The guests and Meg, whose character I don’t care for in Nightvale, but like her narrating style at the end and here, are what saves this from a one. Symphony is unbearable.
Just me (no nickname)A lot of fun!This show is so much for to listen to, especially since I haven’t listened to the beginning of Welcome to Night Vale in so long. It’s great to get a peek behind the curtain and the three hosts are a lot of fun to listen to.
Ashrex08Mornings are for Coffee and Conspiracies!This podcast is a fun weekly breakdown of our favorite podcast, Welcome to Night Vale! Some of the beloved voices of Nightvale (Deb/Proverb Lady, Tamika Flyn, and Steve Carlsburg) dive into the episode, the weather, and what the fans think! I love listening to the interviews of those who are part of the show, its a great way to learn more about how Night Vale was created. They tangent off into some fun (sometimes gross) conversations but that realy makes it hilarious. So If your ever bored or need something while waiting for regular Night Vale episodes, I recomend this! Sincerely Yours, A Loyal Listener.
Lightning bugsNot my thingThis show doesn’t do it for me. The hosts can’t seem to keep track of plot points and don’t add much more than fun, unrelated conversations, which I already get from other podcasts. Half the time they have interesting hosts, but that’s not frequent enough to keep me subscribed. I come back for episodes like Poetry Week, then unsubscribe again.
Natcat_meowI love it!This show is absolutely wonderful! I love listening to the story behind the talented actors of the nightvale cast and laughing to all their silly side tangents. It’s a great listen to for all the fans of welcome to nightvale!
AhdfednIt’s not the Nightvale podcast we deserved but the one we neededReally, its a great podcast
Jarine Marich:D♥️ Love it so much!!!
friskyfriendwhat an absolute delight!so enjoyable and a great companion as i re-listen to old episodes
sydneyg813A Great Show!What a fun show! I’ve been listening to Night Vale since 2014 and have never went back and listened to old episodes. This show inspired me to listen along with each episode so not only have I rediscovered my love for old episodes, I’ve heard great stories about the writing of the episodes, the weather, and just fun tangents (the three hosts have great chemistry and listening to them talk together is always a highlight of my week).
jdhphxWhy?I enjoy Welcome to Night Vale. But this podcast is really obnoxious. Every other word is “like.” Just mindless ramblings. Hardly any info about the series. Just 3 people hammering on about their lives instead of really discussing the series. Let me know when this becomes what it is should to be, instead of the useless blabbering.
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