The Control Group


In season two of THE CONTROL GROUP (Civil Defense), the airwaves are filled with announcements of a nuclear attack on the United States. As panic threatens the community of New Canaan, a housewife (Tess Malis Kincaid) tries to protect her daughter (Allie Ficken) from both the atomic and the human dangers that surround them. Woven throughout the story are fragments of “Quasar-1,” an animated children’s television program about a space pilot (Hannah Fierman) assigned to protect a distant planet from self-destruction.

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  • ck do ufk
    I am so glad I stumbled on this podcast. I just finished season one and I am looking forward to season two excellent podcast thank you.
  • Grnukdndjudn
    Story’s great, sounds are sometimes too loud or too soft but it’s not too bad overall honestly. One thing annoying is that there’s quite literally like 12 minutes of ads each episode, it’s nuts! And to the guy who can’t imagine how they actually make the sounds for the woman struggling through the mental asylum, you’re totally missing the point of the show. Every episode starts with a little piece about how bad the institutions and their practices were back then, this show serves as a reminder of how horrible they were and what methods we should avoid in psychiatric treatment. Yeah, they’re gonna record some uncomfortable sounds, if you can’t deal with that, don’t listen to the show. The description and trigger warnings are there, if you choose to proceed or just straight up ignore them, that’s 100% on you, not the sound editor, not the advertisers, not the writers, not the producers. You. This show tells you a million times in a million different ways that it can be difficult for some listeners, if you still choose to proceed, there’s no one to blame except for you when it gets to be too much for your ears. The show isn’t bad or poorly written or poorly designed or poorly produced or poorly mixed because you couldn’t handle some of the sounds they put in to the show. Don’t blame the show because you’re too mentally feeble or ignore trigger warnings. The warnings are there, if you ignore them that’s on you, not the show. Shows shouldn’t be designed and catered to comply with your sheltered and weak preferences.
  • Katsith
    Good storytelling
    Edge of your seat storytelling. Very well scripted and acted. Biggest complaint is that nearly half of the show is commercials and music
  • mattsmith0622
    Really cool show. Season 1 was phenomenal.
    Season 1 was a really well produced show. The story is really interesting, and the actors are great. 5 stars for season 1. Season 2 is tough, though. Amazing story, that part is a 5 all the way. But the sound editing (or mixing, whatever you call it) was really difficult. The sound effects and background noise was often too loud to understand what the characters were saying. A few times I had to listen to a particular scene multiple times to understand what was happening. But, again, the story is amazing, so it was worth it. Looking forward to season 3.
  • hi gfjjygg
    Horrible sound and story delivery
    I don’t even write reviews but this was bad. I couldn’t really hear the story. Whoever thought “more load noises and space noises and less context” I hope you are doing well in your pursuit of a different career.
  • ~ Violet ~
    So there really still are people with money who think that we need to deliver the sound of torturing women in mental institutions straight to people’s ears. As entertainment. In 2018. This is vile and so is iHeartRadio for publishing it. And so are all the advertisers.
  • Halicon5
    5 star story, 1 star sound design
    First season was amazing, both in story and sound design, but they sort of lost their way on 2nd season. The story and dialogue of the 2nd season are fantastic, when you can clearly hear it. The universe of the Control Group is wonderful on a conceptual level. Dialogue is usually quite good and the voice actors are very skilled. Unfortunately this is one of the most poorly mixed pods I’ve listened to. Large portions of the podcast have three or four simultaneous lines of dialogue stacked on top of each other. Repeatedly throughout the podcast the sound director attempted to create tension or distance by having a character speak so quietly and so muffled that dialogue is completely lost (no, it’s not artistic, that’s bad sound design). Finally, sound effects and alarm sounds are often played at such loud volumes relative to character voices that you can’t hear the relevant dialogue. Parts of the podcast were so chaotic they were practically unbearable. I hope the third season continues with the great ideas and story lines, but please clean up the sound design for the next season.
  • T-cat 0324
    Story Decent, Production not so Much
    The dialogue was alway “covered” by background noise like radio, tv, sirens, secondary conversation. Trying to hear the dialogue was an effort at times. The story was interesting and had a nice twist at the end.
  • jay749262829
    Good except the anount of ads is a dealbreaker
    Stop putting ads in every 10m. And they arent just 30 seconds ads, they are about 2-3mins long. And screw Jenny and her icecream
  • Narcissus3
    Another amazing season!
    One of the best “radio show” styled podcasts I’ve listened to. Everything The Control Group does is first rate. Amazing storytelling and so much attention to detail in the soundscapes. They really do transport you into the world of the story. Love the interwoven story lines. I listened to the entire season twice and the ending 4x! Great work guys! Thanks for creating another amazing show!
  • Aria_Starr
    Enjoying Season 2
    I love how immersive this season is. The storytelling is compelling and the characters are so unique so far. I’m waiting anxiously for the next episode to drop.
  • DC Vocabulary
    Love it
    Season 2 is very unique. The way that the audio shifts from scene to scene is unique. Will listen to it!
  • Wootsy1
    Immensely Tragic...
    This was a very disturbing podcast. As horrendous as these patients were treated, this is an ultra-sanitized depiction of the mismanagement, experimentation, barbaric and inhumane treatment that was going on in those hospitals in the early to mid 20th century. Very sad. Thankfully the standard of care is much better now. On a technical note, this podcast was extremely well done. The voice actors are top notch and really sold their parts. There’s masterful use of sound design and background music that is so vital to the story telling in building suspense and supporting the actors, it should be listed as part of the acting cast. Overall, a nice piece of work.
  • Ahdawnis
    Excellent pod!
    Loved it and I hope they make more.
  • KEN_JR?
    Favorite new radio drama.
    Scary & sexy
  • Elle.24Chl
    Wow! Binged in one day! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    This podcast is incredible. I have been trying to find a great podcast after listening to all the highly rated pods. I found this by accident and it was amazing, I could not stop listening. Truly incredible actors, writing, everything. If you are not hooked right away, keep listening. This podcast is worth whatever time you invest in listening!!!
  • LexiBeena
    Love love love ❤️:)
    Amazing podcast!! Give it a chance! You will not regret it :)
  • From Detroit with Love
    Boring and predictable
    So much so, I couldn’t care enough to finish it.
  • Fan of farts
    Felt like watching a car crash...
    Couldn’t stop listening but I was deeply uncomfortable with the way that this show deals with so many complex subjects, and the trigger warnings were beyond insufficient. From their perspectives on mental health, the very real torture that ‘patients’ in facilities like these have undergone, sexual assault, state sanctioned violence and manipulation, honestly I could go on but I don’t have much faith that the stories handled by IHR / How Stuff Works would ever be done with complexity and compassion in mind. Also, shame on you all for taking money from Michael Bloomberg and broadcasting his deceptive messaging.
  • isThisOneTaken23
    High quality stuff!!
    Every bit of production on this is superb. From episode 1 till the end.
  • Mikeyg083
    Amazing I want more episodes!!!
  • kimberlyjacobson
    Thoroughly enjoyed.
    I thoroughly enjoyed this podcast. I binged it in two sittings. I was on the edge of my proverbial seat.
  • michelledrake
    Second series
    I agree with the previous comment I loved this podcast I listened to it all it once! Loved it and was sad when it came to an end.
  • Cheap college kid
    Entertaining but draining
    Think mad scientist + the creepy guy from hunchback of notredame + good ‘ole boys club and you’ve got a couple of the main characters figured out. This is NOT just a cool brain experiment with weird testing sort of story, rather it relies heavily on how sex is used for power, greed, lust, and “science”. There are a couple of well developed female characters that I greatly enjoyed, but there were also countless eye rolls over some of the overt misogynistic lines. I’m sure part of that has to do with the time period they’re trying to reflect, but regardless it got to be a bit much near the end. Great performances and a fast past moving plot make this a solid listen, but not one I’m quick to recommend.
  • GJWill68
    So, if you combine...
    “Mad Men” with a mad scientist storyline you get...meh.
  • helk24
    Second season or nah???
    Loved this podcast. Was so great, but is a second one coming out or what?? Hope it comes back for a second season
  • Recycler4570
    I absolutey loved this! Also the writer seems to have a level of regard for state shrinks similar to mine!
  • i like pie and i am cool!!!!!
    Really engaging story
    Definitely recommend listening!
  • Ash8787421780
    Poorly written, poorly acted, use of rape is ridiculous. Waste of time for normal people.
  • Steve Sather
    Gripping story
    I just finished the Control Group and it had me in chills. It is a story of junk science and mysogyny with some strong female characters. Once I got through the first few episodes I couldn't stop listening. Dr. Hays bad.
  • Nclay76
    It was okay, nothing to write home about.
  • Daisy3303
    Bringing radio drama back
    So much fun, thank you! I really hope you create another story!
  • sixela1792
    The Control Group
    Very creepy and well done.
  • Agememnon5174
    It’s like a string club
    Most of the season was interesting and good but the ending was like a strip club it’s all tease. It magically made the “good guys” win is crap and everyone has a happy ending? Smh I will say the lady that plays Karen has a sexy voice
  • Hannabis21
    Just keep listening!
    I struggled to get through the first two episodes but it’s a really interesting story and heartbreaking to think this was almost a lightened version of our past mental health system. Worth the listen for sure!
  • dhsauers
    This pod was disturbing at times (not for the faint of heart) but was one of the best audio dramas I’ve listened to in a long time.
  • Kirbymartini
    Men are jerks are women are great. 99% of all the podcasts, just a different story and characters.
  • Game Theorem
    Enthralling Ride
    The Control Group is an enthralling ride, narrative, and audio drama. The audio mixing is brilliant, and the voice actors are superb. The writing is phenomenal as well. The story's about covert experiments on unwitting patients in a 20th Century unregulated psychological ward setting. They're not afraid to show the misogyny of the era either. The main protagonist is a powerful female lead, and the main antagonist is your typical powerful man, i.e. evil but thinks he's good.
  • matt_2_fatty
    Great are you making a Season 2 ?
  • Qpajdndialabdidpalab
    Definitely kept me on my toes, but it fell flat
    I really liked this podcast, but overall it wasn’t something I would strongly recommend. The conflict completely shifts halfway through and they have the dreaded “here’s all the exposition in the form of a character explaining the story to another” episode.
  • Mairs1976
    I stumbled onto this podcast by accident, and as a listener of How Stuff Works podcasts for years I don’t know how I missed learning this show exists. I’m binging the entire season right now!!! Genuine five stars!!!!!!
  • blueExcess
    Was surprisingly good until the end when it completely went off the rails.
  • Glad I didn't subscribe!
    ECT is a humane form of treatment
    For treatment resistant depression. I’ve witnessed many people’s lives be healed. I wish that the media wouldn’t demonize the modality. It is not like it used to be. It is not a punishment as was shown on Cuckoo’s Nest. For some people, meds don’t work. Also, for some, the side effects of meds are intolerable. I have seen older adults who were so depressed they were catatonic, not eating or drinking... After several treatments, they came back to life, so to speak. They connected with others, had a will to live, a desire to engage in treatment so that they could go back to their lives, families, work, etc. Being a mental health professional, I wish that some forms of media would expose the positive side of ECT! It’s not the first line of treatment, but it is an important option. Also- it is funny that you would include LSD in this story as it, as well as many other psychedelic plants and drugs are being used to help people with PTSD, depression and other psychiatric disorders. The research is out there- check out the MAPS Study.
  • Therabitier
    Hope this green lights for further podcasts like this from How Stuff Works. Truly a great entertaining and suspenseful story. Drama filled, action, with creepy vibes. Feels like a mix of Bioshock and wolfenstein.
  • Cryllica
    I hope they make more shows along these lines.
  • bornandbreestoripandshred
    Great show.
    Super interesting. Acting was good. Story was good. Binged it over a couple days, got sick of the commercials between the shows, but it’s quality and free, so I have no right to complain!
  • DebbeeLondee
    Love this podcast
    Very similar to aftershocks both have a crazy psych Dr Hayes at a mental facility both are really good. I hope there is another season this is one of my favs
  • elsevier
    Great story, stoner friendly!
    I no longer listen to podcast on Apple but I love this one so much I came back here to write this review! It is that great!
  • Driftingisawesome0331
    Absolutely superb!!!
    I loved every bit of it and will probably listen to it again!! Just perfect👍🏻 Please make more like it!!!!
  • Lindsayisawesome3
    Trigger warning!!!
    I suffer from mental problems. And I’ve been sexually assaulted. It was very hard to listen to this, for the sheer empathy with the main character. Just know, this story can easily trigger fear and bad memories. Especially for those of us who have suffered. That being said, my personal history does not take away from this very well produced, entrancing story. It was written extremely well, and I highly recommend it.
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