Secrets of Middle Earth


Discover the secrets of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth, through the books, movies, streaming shows, and games that explore his world.

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Recent Reviews
  • Tjay F
    I like the knowledge of all the commentary
    I believe this is a wonderful podcast I like the knowledge of all the podcast commentary companions and think you all did well , I’m about 1/3 thru the entire recordings, I think this is very relaxing to listen too, except maybe the battles haha , those are brutal hahahhh. Good work everyone God bless you I’m so glad you all finally did a episode on Rohan and helms deep , I was looking for and episode on helms deep
  • WickedScamp
    Awesome source of LOTR Lore
    Father Roderick built an amazing show that gave great insight into the lord of the LOTR while pulling out some very meaningful insights!
  • extrametal
  • grimmest400
    I haven’t listened to it yet
    The home Page looks interesting so in excited to listen to it 😁
  • Mordacil
    Love this podcast
    Fr. Roderick gets a good panel together who are very knowledgable of the material.
  • Michael 52
    This is a Great Show i enjoy the episodes so much thanks to Father Roderick and crew. Please make lots more!!!!!
  • Sparky1977
    I live for this for the Secrets of Middle Earth
    I found this podcast about 2 months ago, and I've been a faithful listener ever since. I get so much insight and fun speculation into what the upcoming Hobbit movies will be like - LOVE IT!
  • QueenFreddie83
    Great Podcast
    I really enjoy this podcast. I have learned so much more about Lord of the Rings. I Hope You Put More Episodes on this one.
  • Atticus Steven
    More Episodes Please
    As a long time Tolkien fan and LotRO player I was fascinated when I first stumbled across Secrets of Middle-earth. The very concept of an in-game tour that incorporated serious knowledge of the literary beginnings of this world was something I was unprepared for. What a joy these few episodes have been and how much more material there is to explore! OK Father, time to get back in game and go back to work. There is much left to explore and many stories yet to tell.
  • Cutecrafter
    Lots Of Fun
    I love listening to this pod cast. I don't know a lot about middle earth. I love learning more with this cast.
  • P Doan
    Iv never read the books and this podcast has convinced me to pick them up! Thank you! Keep up the excellent work.
  • briancrawmer
    At first I kind of enjoyed this series. It was fun to listen to Fr. Rodrick explore Middle-earth through the game, but as each episode goes by, Fr. R. just shows his ignorance of the series over and over. Has he EVER even read the books, much less opened one? You'd think the host of a LOTR podcast would know the subject one episode he references how Bilbo 'slays' Smaug, which is absolutely false... And I really can't get by his 'Tolkien expert' co-hosts, who can't even pronounce half the characters really irks me. And stop spoiling the details of wonderful books that many people haven't even read! At least give people a warning! I've read them all, but I know that by giving away major plot points (of say Beren and Luthien) you ruin it for other people who have yet to! Fr. Roderick, I still enjoy your podcast but there are issues like this that I can't get past. Will you just STOP getting all your info from a Wiki page, and go read the books?
  • DarthAckbar
    I've listened to a few episodes, and so far I'm loving it. There is a nice blend between philosophical/thematic discussions about Lord of the Rings, and description of the beautiful world of Middle Earth that Fr. Roderick explores through the LOTRO game.
  • Davey Bee
    Groundbreaking technique!
    Has anyone done this before? Podcast from WITHIN a video game? A clever innovation! Taking his "soundseeing" tours into the virtual world, Fr. Rod cranks up the gain on his inputs, and makes you feel like you're standing in the streets of Bree. The discussion is on target as well; I've learned so much about Middle Earth's backstory from listening.
  • kenobi1985
    Review for the "Secrets of Middle-earth" Podcast
    This is a great series, whether you're a newbee to Middle-earth or an experienced "traveler" through Tolkien's mythical world. It's a little too game/movie-centric at times for my tastes, but Father Roderick has some great insights into the books as well. I can't wait to listen to the rest of my downloaded episodes as well as any that might be coming in the future.
  • Lambowolf
    Very Informative and Entertaining
    As a podcaster myself, fan of the books, and of the game; Father Roderick and his team always entertain and inform the listener. I just wish the good Father would level up his character quicker so he can take care of monsters in the game more efficiency. :-P
  • theonegoof
    This is an AWESOME podcast!!!!!!!!!!! :) I like all the info y'all give on the lifestiyle of all the different peoples of Middle-earth!!!!! :) KEEP IT UP Y'ALL ARE GREAT!!! :)
  • Froon 4
    It let's me learn about the world of middle earth
  • Reading14
    I love this podcast. Fr. Roderick is an excellent host, he's funny, down to earth, easy to listen to, clearly spoken, and obviously loves LOTR! All the guest host are sweet, too. I'm 18, and have been a Tolkien fangirl since I was 10 or 11. There is something for every age group. I have just started getting into the histories of Middle Earth (aka the Silmarillion) and this podcast is really opening my eyes to what to pay attention in the book. If you love the world that Tolkien has created, you will love this podcast. I also recommend checking out The Secrets of the Hobbit!!!
  • deejayar2016
    This show is BACK!!
    Hey people, there are new episodes of this show now, and they are working on more. This is a super fun show, Fr. Roderick and team do a great job of going through Tolkien's world. I love it!
  • Kack456
    Very Fun
    This podcast makes you feel like you are actualy traveling through Middle Earth. Very creative!
    Excellent Podcast. So glad to see you back. Definitely one of my favorite podcasts on LOTRO. A nice change from the information based podcasts.
  • Adar'sgirl
    I love these though i have read the hobbit, the lord the rings series, the silmarillion, the children of hurion and done sone research online i have learned a lot from these podcast. I only have one question though... where are the first three podcasts? :-)
  • Blindvisionaire
    A great podcast filled with knowledgeable guests and discussions regarding geography of middle earth, character origins, race origins, and story parallels to ancient mythologies all the while, LOTRO is being traversed, creating new topics of interest around every corner!
  • Dulest Dagger
    IT'S Back!!!
    After almost a three year long vacation, Secrets of Middle Earth hasa returned. Not much has changed, but Father Roderick has added a panel of "Tolkeinologists". As a whole, this series is as entertaining as it is informative. I am very well read on Tolkein, yet I learn something new with each episode. It is also very interestin to listen to Father Roderick and c.o to discuss where they are in Middle Earth as they play LOTRO. If you love Lord of the Rings, then you'll love this podcast.
  • Turin83
    I am so happy that you started posting podcasts again!
  • Gandalf1050
    Great! Great! Great!
    Great! Great! Great!
  • JustAnAverageUser
    Welcome Back
    This podcast went on hiatus for way too long but it is great that it has returned. One can only hope that it will stick around. The podcaster, Father Roderick, has expanded the podcast by including a very knowledgable panel that seeks to explain the significance of Tolkien's background and how it influenced his writing. The idea of using an online game to explore the World of Middle Earth is a great one. This podcast is highly recommended.
  • Dololpolos
    Thank u
  • sietsema02
    I love this podcast
  • doug111973
    Cant get enough of this podcast!
    I started listening to Secrets of Middle Earth back at episode two... and couldnt get enough!, Just OUTSTANDING! the quality of work Fr. Roderick has put into this show. This show gives you the ability to step into Middle Earth when ever/where ever you want...I look forward to each and every episode! Welcome back Fr. Roderick!!
  • Emily Strand
    Escape to Middle Earth
    Congrats to the Star Quest Production Network for reviving this fantastic podcast on LOTR and all things Tolkien. The format really works: host Fr. Roderick (a sort of new media Fulton Sheen, sans cassock) walks you through a sound-seeing tour of Middle Earth via LOTR Online, the video game based on the books/films. The audio atmosphere pairs well with the host's captivating comments and descriptions; fans can dip their feet into Tolkien's strange and stunning world, without the time commitment of cracking the books for the umpteenth time. In the latest episodes of the podcast, Fr. Roderick meets friends (co-hosts) along the way who helpfully fill in canon gaps, provide background mythology from the Silmarillion, and make clever connections to myths and stories that inform Tolkien's writing. This podcast is like having relatives in Rivendell. Keep it up! I enjoy escaping to Middle Earth with the SQPN crew!
  • peaceoveranger
    These podcasts are awesome! Hey people, after years of no shows, Fr. Roderick has started it up again. There are other people doing it with him, and it is still the same style. Give it a try and listen to the new episodes. They are better than the old.
  • christinus pastor
    Very well thought out.
    These are very informative and interesting. It seems to have had a lot of time put into it. However, I was not able to open the first four podcasts.
  • davekale
    Starting up again!
    Just wanted to let you all know that SOLR will be restarting soon, under the new guise "Secrets of Middle Earth" (though I believe this iTunes feed will still work for it).
  • nicoledestiny
    Please please add more!!!! These are awesome!
  • frodo4pope
    Fr, your great!! Thanks for watering our interest for lotr from on high.
  • Trossiam
    Great! More please
    Please continue
  • Shut up, deed
    More please!
  • MelnikJM
    long time
    its been teo years sence hes put up some thing hopefully its soon
  • atman
    Overall not a bad Tolkien podcast, but he laughs at every inappropriate momenets
    I like the sound effects and I like the concept of him giving a tour of Tolkien's world, but when his horse stumbles and you hear a crunching sound, he laughs and goes "hahaha, my horse must have broken his leg. ha ha ha ha, oh my!" Which I thought was really weird. He laughs in several similar situations.
  • dwrflord
    The secret is "where did the podcast go?"
    What happened to this podcast? It is excellent but it just quit after the fifth episode.
  • (Elite)Maj.WitchKing
    I am a TOTAL LOTR geek and the good friar is responsible for a large percentage of my knowledge. I would stongly suggest this podcast to any LOtR fan who thinks they know everything about it.
  • Gunner_17AR
    Dude, when are you gonna make more?!
  • DieterWeber
    More, Please...
    Fr. Roderick has done a good job with his Secrets podcasts and as I immensely enjoyed Tolkien's writing, this program was a delight to listen to. Carry on Fr. Roderick and I await future episodes.
  • Rewq455
    Whens a new one coming?
    These podcasts are exelent, but they don't come out with new ones fast enough. The most recent one came out months ago.
  • Orion 13
    This is one of the best podcasts I've heard. It really goes into detail about how the books connect to all of the different things you don't notice the first time you read the book. Plus, he gives you these "walk around" and these are, what I personally think, one of my favorite things on the show. I just can't wait for the next one to come out.
  • shyven
    Has Potential But Misses The Target
    I get the Good Vs. Evil message but I could care less about Christianity. Also, too much time spent muttering about this and that when I came looking for content. Don't get me wrong, the host is very articulate and even fun to listen to, it just seems he get's too caught up in too many things other than what the podcast is supposed to be about. I'd like to see more LOTR content about history and characters and less about Religion.
  • reagansmonster
    An unbelievable podcast made for anyone between 10 and 100. All LOTR fans will love this even those who have just watched the movie. It's amazing how Fr. combines two aspects of the LOTR vidoe games and lore
  • vreenak
    Pleasant and informative.
    What a great podcast! This really takes you to middle earth, whether you play LOTRO or not. I can't wait for more.
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