Starving for Attention with Richard and Jazmin Blais


Get an entertaining, behind-the-scenes look at the world of food with this chef, television personality and author. Hear from anyone and everyone in the culinary industry, including restaurateurs, television hosts, famous chefs, producers of your favorite cooking and competition shows and more. They'll join the Blaises for spontaneous, back-of-house conversation about what it takes to make it in different parts of the food business, global trends and where the industry overlaps with entertainment. Plus, play along with their games, trivia and other wacky moments.

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Recent Reviews
  • pickles queen of the ocean
    Make Starving a TV show!
  • Cestmoiok
    code switching, interruptions and an unnecessary sidekick
    I was always a *light* fan of Richard since his TC season. I respect his culinary work, but something about him irks me and there’s always been something off-putting that I could never quite put my finger on. Unfortunately, this podcast has helped illuminate what it is about Richard that just doesn’t sit right with me. First off, Richard’s code switching is insufferable. His attempt to sound street, swaggy (read: not white) or whatever, (especially when he talks to dudes like Dale Talde or Michael Voltaggio, or talks about sports) is very cringe-y. His wife does the same. Speaking of Jazmin, she contributes so little to the conversation (literally and figuratively), and it’s obvious the two of them thought it would be “cute” to do this together. In podcasting, unfortunately there is very little room for such blandness. oh... and Richard’s interrupting is awful.
  • CayenneLWT
    I typically enjoy this podcast mainly because of the foodie aspect and I’m a true fan of Top Chef. I was disappointed that you were lucky enough to be able to share a live recap of the Top Chef All Star Finale and you hadn’t even watched the show through the season. You couldn’t really share each of the chefs journey. Also it came off as a bit arrogant, since both of you owe much of your fame and reputation at such a young age, to TC Too busy during the quarantine? Maybe include Stephanie in an airing too.
  • Kiki-Mike
    Great Find
    My niece introduced me to this podcast and I am binging as I run. Great mix of humor and insights. Love that you go beyond cooking, but also dive into the world of the kitchen or running restaurants. Thanks for wonderful entertainment!
  • ChefSaucin
    A pleasure for all.
    Everyone can enjoy this podcast, home cooks/ professional chefs/ and lovers of celebrity chef tv. Richard and Jasmine are terrific (Lucy is my favorite) never stop being you. Lots of love chef!
  • kimikojo
    Love You Two!!
    You guys are so much fun to listen too. Keep the podcasts coming! I’m really enjoying your openings with both of you filling us all in your day to day and especially like the guests you’ve interviewed.
  • Berber63559
    Loving Season 2
    I love this season. I genuinely feel like I know you family. Which makes it real! Richard and Jasmine are so cute and honest, I love it. Also the music is like a hip hop Mario Brothers theme! I can’t say enough good things. Keep up the good work!
  • Tap Shoes and Small Talk
    Insight and Fun
    Love the new format. Feels more authentic to who they are as a couple. Great insight and conversations with your favorite food people.
  • Pamcap
    Thank you
    This is the best podcast. So fun and enjoyable. Can’t wait for this season.
  • nanabananna3
    My favorite podcast is back.
    Looking forward to Friday’s
  • #queenofpigs
    Yas! So great!
    I love this podcast so much! I listen to it everyday. I have nothing but good to say about this great podcast. On fire!🔥🔥
  • mdjm29
    Love this podcast, but I have to max out my headphone volume to hear the conversation (I listen to my music at about 50% headphone volume. If you can turn up the mic volume that would be great. Also where’s Stephanie Izard, Spike, and Tom
  • overheadairplane
    Listen to it for the guests...
    Often I’m excited about the guests, so I’ll listen despite the fact that the title of this show is exactly what Richard has become. He’s all broed out and it’s painful how hard he tries [to be cool, smart, etc] sometimes. I’ve noticed this transformation on Top Chef too... the cuts to the ads are also jarring and seem timed to trick people into thinking that they’re part of the conversation, which is irritating and very off-putting.
  • Chef Ted
    Great open.
    The open to the Nina Compton pod was terrific. I would listen to a whole show of Richard & Jazmin just talking about life and family.
  • SherrySugarbaker
    Great content, great guests.
    But the transitions to sponsors and the constant interruptions are off-putting. I love Richard, and have followed his career but I’d love more focus on the special guest.
  • Tigerstar46543
    This Podcast may be better than Crack(Shack)
    Ever since watchin Blais sling hot dishes on Top Chef and going on a “food-cation”, from the East Coast, to eat at J&I and Crack Shack, I’ve become a big fan of Richard. J&I was hands down the best meal experience my wife and I ever had (we even bought the kitchen drinks) I am not industry, but love to follow the food/restaurant world, and Blais (of course Jazmin too!!) does a fantastic job of keeping the interest of the listener by balancing industry and fandom. Every week i look forward to my long commute to listen to this podcast! Richard and Jazmin are super entertaining and great interviewers that tackle such a multitude of topics not limited to just food/cooking without getting too topical (leaving out the things like politics, religion, etc). It is a great escape into the mind of Blais and other chefs/industry people that makes you hungry for more! Brian H
  • mdsatx
    Filled the Void
    This podcast has been good to me for a long time now so this review is long overdue. This podcast quickly filled the void that Go Fork Yourself and The Alton Browncast left when they rode off into the sunset. I love how curious Richard and Jazmin are about not only the new, innovative creators, but equally their colleagues in their space. The conversations are typically fun and lighthearted, but the hosts are not afraid to tackle a serious issue from time to time. Jazmin is always on point with social responsibility which I greatly appreciate her insight, and bringing awareness to these causes. I’m here for Richard’s awkward moments as well. Cheers!
  • chamu217
    Being lucky enough to be stationed in San Diego and visit your restaurants, I just want to say I’m a huge fan. I really love that you all sprinkle in the importance of healthy living as well. I’m a pro body builder with a vegan husband- so you can imagine what it’s like in our household! Thanks for the info- the behind the scenes tidbits- the laughs-the cardio distraction- and the fond memories of San Diego! Your husband/wife team is awesome!
  • @Being_Tara_D
    One of the good guys
    I’ve said it before, RB is one of the good guys. His love of food, family and what he does so well-cooking- is contagious and admirable. Keep that good stuff coming. The world needs so much more of what you’ve got cooking.
  • VJ W.
    Walking In: Order Fire “Starving For Attention”
    With his podcast, Chef Blais continues to deliver his signature dose of the expectedly unexpected. From the first episode I listened to featuring Chef Maneet Chauhan, it became clear that this wasn’t just another interview podcast featuring a celebrity in the subject. Chef Blais seamlessly avoids a common pitfall in this form of content: interviews that feel forced, over scripted, and disingenuous. The episodes flow like a natural conversation you yourself would like to have with the guests featured. Blending in his own personality and honesty as a certified heavyweight in his field, Blais clearly displays the same care and flavor with his guests as in his dishes: playful, intriguing, honest, and leaving you wanting more. The only thing better is to secure yourself a seat at his San Diego standout, Juniper & Ivy, to taste it yourself.
  • queenie911reno
    Listen to your guests!
    Richard has great guests but constantly interrupts them while interviewing. Always interjecting his own personal stories. Learn. To. Listen. To. Your. Guests.
  • Lillsis
    Make Dronuts Happen
    I’ve been in a long distance relationship for 10 years. I drive an 1 hour and 15 minutes (2 1/2 hours round trip) 3 days a week to my partner’s house. It is usually after work or early in the morning so my podcasts keep me entertained and more importantly alert. Lol I absolutely love this one. I’m obsessed with food TV and the behind the scenes stories that are told on this podcast are epic. I always learn something and a lot of times get introduced to chefs I’m unfamiliar with. If you are a good fan I highly recommend Starving for Attention. PS never stop making smoked biscuits at Juniper and Ivy and so happy Crack Shack is in’m there more then SD ❤️
  • TKO40
    Blaising the way!!!!
    The best podcast out there!!!! Informative, funny, and innovative. Blais and Jazmin have amazing chemistry together!!!! If you are looking for a place to learn about food, chefs, the industry and family this is the podcast for you. Don't miss out!!!!
  • skinnypete14
    Best food podcast
    Fun take on life in the "celebrity chef" world! Interesting guests and always something to learn about cooking and business!
  • cat claws
    Blaising is Amazing
    I'm not a big podcast fan, as the technology hasn't tipped into my everyday for me, but I love this couples energy and vibe. Plus, food is life!!! Big fan!
  • Funny fella
    First time
    I listened to your broadcast for the first time today you and Jasmine are fantastic I really enjoyed it I can’t wait to listen to more of your broadcasts thank you so much.
  • kaj2600
    Great Fun! Good mix of info and gossip
    I always look forward to the next episode. It's a nice conversation to listen to. You get some industry gossip, along with professional tips. It's informative and entertaining. Richard's neurosis is endearing!
  • SiggysDigs
    Starving for More
    Sure, the title of this review is kinda lame, BUT, I can honestly say you’ll be entertained, informed, and be presented with some truly thought provoking subject matter. All through the lens of chefs, cooking, entertainment, or the hospitality industry as a whole. Though, the true hero of the show...JB. Jazmin Blais. Just outstanding chemistry between her and Richard. Don’t pass this pod up.
  • 3rdjudgeygirlinthemaking
    Can I add a 6th star?
    Wow, this girl who can barely boil water feels so inspired after each Starving episode!!! I love the mix of various people - so great!
  • VR1234567!!
    Loved Richard on Top Chef and so fun to hear his conversations with chefs and restaurateurs. I like that he doesn’t take himself too seriously and the conversations seem genuine!
  • Abh22
    Great podcast
    I love this podcast!!! Great conversations. I love the humor and the depth that comes out.
  • shoegal5525
    Yesss Food
    I so enjoy this podcast. It has a diverse guest. I love Angelo Sosa so glad to hear what he’s up to. Keep it up. Your chemistry is fantastic.
  • cslade3
    One of my go to podcasts!
    Richard and Jasmine are a great team with tons of banter and chemistry on the podcast. The both have deep food industry experience and are not afraid to share their opinions while pulling out golden nuggets from their guests. Enjoy hearing about the celebrity, events and family side of the food business. Highly recommend picking up this podcast! Also joined the whole life challenge which i am loving after hearing on the podcast and seeing Richards transformation. #trailblaisers
  • gracenumberonefan
    Can you interview more juicy guests ?
    Can you guys maybe interview @dan.giusti or @katsujitanabe for a podcast ? I’m sure you have it all lined up and you guys are amazing!!! just some ideas from a fan !! I know it’s dorky but top chef participants are my fave guests ( although dan giusti isn’t top chef I think he would be a great guest)
  • rapsux
    Best podcasts ever
    Jazmin and Richard Blake are the best! They keep it so real. Love all the episodes and guests with the variety of topics
  • Larsunderz
    Love it
    I love Richards voice. (Love his wife, not crazy about her voice. Please, Don’t hate. Just honest ) Great interviews, tho it can take longer to get to them sometimes. It’s all good. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • cindy cpc
    Yessss food
    I adore Jazmin and Richard. Such an entertaining podcast, that I listen to on my drive home from work... Check it out!!!!
  • NysLou
    If you love chefs and food then...
    You should listen to this podcast. I love the intelligence, no frills and no BS filler conversation. Meaningful chat with diverse guests. Some silliness, and some interesting insight. Glad Blais is here and i love both he and his wife’s recipes/food. Love how they work together. You guys keep me going when I struggle. Thanks for keeping it real
  • MikeBarry
    Love this show!
    Absolutely love this podcast. Great guests, great chemistry between Richard and Jazmin, entertaining and educational. If I have one criticism it is that Carl Ruiz has not been guest. Keep up the great work.
  • kee1008
    Richard Blais
    Like you guys a lot but QUIT USING THE WORD “LIKE” so often. Makes the podcast unbearable and I often have to turn you off!
    YES, CHEF!
    Richard Blais is a Top Chef legend. Thank you for the shoutout to San Antonio in an episode this past year! Come back soon. Finally, a podcast for chefs, cooks and everyone else in this industry. The guests always drop some knowledge and it’s interesting to hear about their backgrounds and experience. I love the 86 feature at the end of each episode. Please make a Top Chef Champions League happen! Best of luck to Arsenal this coming season. Much love from Texas!
  • kathym83
    Forks up!
    I love when chefs talk in very honest & relatable ways. Love the ep with CJ Jacobson who has such a great life story and clearly loves food and feeding people. Great synergy with Richard! Thanks!
  • Crm57
    Love these episodes
    I’ve been following Chef Blais since his first Top chef appearance. Love these episodes. I’m also a trailblaiser on WLC. Started in July.
  • erikjako
    Witty and Insightful
    Great Interviews, comical banter with the guests is hilarious, the games at the end of the pod are always my favorite part... keep up the good work
  • Korean apps
    Please shorten the intro
    Love the show, great guests and insights. Please please shorten the intro, you are both lovely but it goes WAY too long!
  • OlyBladesmith
    Smiles and laughter abound!
    Updated 7/18/19 Still completely smitten with the show. Love the great conversations keep up the awesome work! I literally laugh out loud multiple times throughout the many conversations Richard and Jazmin have with their guests. Richard has a way of connecting with his guests that’s on the verge of straight magic. He gets them to open up with charisma that’s a perfect balance of seasoned professional and student that helps his guests feel at ease. You can totally hear it in their voices too. I think it’s because of this rapport, respect and appreciation for his approach, that makes them want to give him everything, as mentors and as friends. A lot of special insight is shared in this podcast that you can’t find anywhere else. I’m on my second time through their archives, and they’re just as good as the first time around! Thank you Blais’ for straight slamming this one out of the park!
  • Mikel Anthony
    The Dopeness
    Great quality content that motivates, inspires, and intrigued me as a chef and content creator. Man, sometimes it’s refreshing to here discussions about other things around or outside the kitchen. Thumbs up, 5 star everythang.
  • ppp79
    Little substance and drawn out ads.
    I love the hosts and the subjects they cover are super interesting but the podcast is difficult to listen to. I really tried to like it and gave it several chances but it’s these long setup and drawn out ads and the main content is mainly banter. It seems like they don’t have a plan or recording notes for the show so they just repeat themselves and address the main content so inefficiently that I lose interest. I hope they get some mentorship because this could and should be a great show but it’s not.
  • Rosiepor
    I so like the guests and topics on this podcast but it is recently swamped with ads. And the intro with jasmine is way too long. I want Richard to get to the meat and potatoes.
  • Jaz7779
    Slow down, Blais!
    In your interview process, you ask a question to your guest and answer it before they do. You also speak over your guests. That’s no bueno. Great guests, great topics but just slow down. Audio sometimes sounds like a tunnel.
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